Ok, so in my last article, witch you can go see here: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fan_fic/news/?a=65477
I give my opinion on what I would like to see in The Batman reboot. I think some of you didn't relay get what I meant.So here a more elaborate thought:
The tone:
On the realism, I don't want it to stick to Nolan one, just to still be somehow a bit realistic so we can rely to it. Like I said in the previous article pretty much ont he tone of the Arkham Asylum and City games or like megabatfan commented, like TASM.
The Fighting:
I want to see a top martial art fighter. Fast, agile and powerful, so for that reason the suit must not be to heavy, but still need to be bullet proof. I also would like to see a more Ninja-like Batman.
More detail and new thought for the first Movie:
Some don't get that its been 3 years since Batman is in Gotham and that main Bad guy is a mobster, but i think Batman is alone so it take time to bring down a big empire and in this movie, The Roman crime empire would bee very down to there knee. That why I would hired Deadshot to take down The Bat. And since he is so desperate and want to show the people how scary he still his, he would sand Tony Zucco to Kill the Flying Grayson right in front of The Gotham populist. And I had a flash for the second henchman, well henchwoman: Lady Shiva

Lady Shiva as the second assassin to hunt Batman for The Roman would be a good way to see some of Bruce paste without it being a origin story. We could learn tha Both Shiva and Batman have been trained by Richard Dragon and have some flashback of Bruce training with Dragon.
When Bruce train Dick, flashback could parallel Bruce being trained. It also open-up to the DCU (The Question, is not popular but it would make a good movie). And maybe have a League of Shadow reference too.
Another thing that could be nice is a cameo of The Joker already lock-up in Arkham, cause since this take place in year 3, Batman and the Joker already have there first fight.
So, that was just some other ideas first the movie and the general tone of the new Reboot.