For the record, this is my first editorial, and English is my second language,so please don't be to harsh.
First of all let me start by saying that I love the Nolan Trilogy. I think it's the best comic book movie trilogy and even one of the best trilogy in movie history. If Nolan would do other Batman movie, that would be the best thing, but with the end of Rises and the comment Nolan made, it's pretty clear he won't come back... And Batman being the cow milk it is, WB will for sure Reboot it, so here one way I would like it to be done:
The tone:
Keep a dark tone for this. Continue to ground Batman in reality. Keep it in a real city, no shitty cardboard box City like Burton or Neon Greek statue with road on building like the crap form Schumacher. Make Gotham feel like Nolan made it, it was a good way. But still even if the city look real and Batman is grounded, don't be afraid to use sc-fi or fantastic element. Best way to describe the tone his the Arkham's games.
The costume:
The New 52 costume is the best one to use i think.

It mix the Nomex\Kevlar costume form the Nolan series but also have the gray and black colour from the comic that was never use in live action.
The story arc:
Instead of basing the story on a trilogy, it should be based on six movies. yes it's a lot but the Batman mythos will have the time to be fully explored.
Story of the first:
Set-it in the year three.No origin story or just some flashback, but not like The Incredible Hulk. Batman is still this mythical character that criminal fear, that cop don't relay work whit, except for Jim Gordon. The first one should be more crime based, like Carmine "The Roman" Falcone has the main antagonist.
The Roman crime industry could be downhill since The Batman arrival in Gotham. We could have a veary cool flash back from the Year One:"Ladies, gentlemen, you've eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. But your feast is nearly over. From this moment on, none of you are safe." So the Roman want Batman out, I could hired like Deadshot(leading to Suicide Squad Movie?).

Whit another hired assassin, maybe like Firefly or KGBeast. But the most important thing to focus on: Dick Grayson. Dick should be introduce in this movie with inspiration from Dark Victory and All-Star Batman and Robin. Dick should be like 16 years. His parents should die at the end of the first act. Batman would see himself in the young boy, and with a impulsive act, take him in the batcave when he foud Dick trying to kill Tony Zucco. With Batman thinking be like in Frank Miller All-Star Batman and Robin, were he want Dick to be a even better crime fighter than him, so if he can star train him now that would give him almost 10 year of training more than Batman. Only have Dick Robin a the end. No bright coloured costume.
If you like this, I will do the 5 other movies.