So this is the second part of thought and ideas I would like to see in the Batman reboot. For the First part and the tone of the overall series go here:
And for some clarification and other ideas:
Again sorry for the bad grammar, English is not my first language.
Story for the second movie:
The sequel could be set 2 or 3 month after the first one. The Roman is in jail and is empire is burn to the ground. Since the first movie deal more with mob and hit-men, this should deal with... yes SUPERVILLAINS. And who should Batman and Robin face? Since this new series is not has grounded like the Nolan one, it would be nice to see some more Sc-fi and fantasies based villains. I think one sc-fi villain that is loved and that need a redemption is: Mr.Freeze

Story arc wise,it could loosely fallow Batman Subzero story. But with the origin of the Freeze. We could see a very sick Nora Fries and a desperate Victor Fries working on a cure. Times stars ruing out so Fries with is special interest and expertise in cryogenic science decide to do the only thing left, Put her in cryogenic sleep. In order to keep her alive in that state and prevent that she get killed form cold, Fries work with Dr. Kirk Langstrom on a cellular adaptable serum.

Langstrom would have work on that serum since a couple of years to help deaf people like him. with Fries help, they would be able to complete the serum. Langstrom would be sacred to use test subject to see if it work and that when Fries snap. He become violent, test it on Langstrom and Freeze for a couple of hours. With the positive result Fries would do it to is wife. Langstrom try to escape, knock Fries over. Fries fall on a lab, cut open is arm on broken glass, some of the serum and the cryogenic liquid mix with is blood, turning in Mr.Freeze that need the cold keeping costume.
Langstorm would become the secondary villain when he continue the recherche with bat for there sonar ability. With the serum in is blood and some other experiment would turn him in: Man-bat
From there it could fallow the Batman Subzero story with Mr.Freeze kidnapping Barbara Gordon to save is wife. When Robin save Barbara she would learn his identity.
So that for the second film, if you still like I will do the other 4, thanks for reading.