Illuminati Fan Fic

Illuminati Fan Fic

The "Illuminati" was a secret organization comprised of several of the world's most powerful heroes: Sorceror Supreme Doctor Strange; Black Bolt, King of the Inhumans; Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men and mutant rights activist; Reed Richards, founding member of the Fantastic Four; Namor the Sub-Mariner, King of Atlantis; and Iron Man (Anthony Stark), founding member of the Avengers. These six men worked together to mold and shape the status of the superhuman world and the world around it. Here's what I'm thinking.

By Joslezio85 - Mar 31, 2009 11:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

The way I look at it. The Illuminati, kind of represent everything great about the Marvel Universe. I mean it's all in this one group, and so many different amazing things could be done with it. The way I look at it. These six characters could hold a trilogy. Now, before you smash it. Just read what my thoughts are. These six characters, link to almost every other character in the marvel universe. They have all been in every major story in some way or another over the past fifty years. The first movie, obviously would start out with the Kree Skrull war, and having Tony Stark set them up afterwards. The second movie could be the fight with the hulk and him ending up in space and end with the discovering of the Skrulls. The third movie could be the Skrull Invasion.

Or, something like that. The ways you could use these characters are beyond counting. There's a million different stories, and disasters that the Illuminati could take place in. If you just had them meeting like twice or three times in a movie for short, sometimes heated discussions. It would set the point, and than everything they decided on could take place in between. I don't know it sounds like a good idea to me. Let me know what you think. Anyways, these are my cast picks for "Illuminati."

First off. Although he is not a member of Illuminati. He was offered a spot when they first formed. Therefore, I feel it would make perfect sense to have him be a major role in the first movie. Declining his membership at the end.

Djimon Hounsou as The Black Panther.


Next up, We have Charles Xavier. I've discussed my thoughts on him in other threads. So i'm not going to elaborate.

Ralph Fiennes as Professor X.


Third on the list we have Black Bolt. Leader of the Inhumans. For this role I felt someone, who would have a very strong presence when wanted, was necessary. But, also someone who had no problem with being quiet for an entire movie. So, I went with Mark Valley.

Mark Valley as Black Bolt.


Ok. Now, Doctor Strange. Sorcerer Supreme. For this I had some trouble. I couldn't see casting a nobody for this role. Looking at him, if you don't know who he is, is probably going to entice nothing more than a "meh." I feel this character would need a well known star to fill the role. Which made casting it even harder. He's not the most normal looking guy, considering how actors and actresses look these days, and I thought changing it around too much would make him look cheesy. So I cast Benicio Del Toro.

Benicio Del Toro as Doctor Strange.


Now, its relatively obvious who I'm going to cast as Iron Man. I don't think there's anyone better.

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.


Alright, now for the science man. Mister Fantastic. Now, I personally thought the Fantastic Four movies were...decent. Could've been better. But not the worst i've ever seen...I feel it was partly because they made it a pop hit. I liked Chris Evans and I liked the thing. Alba, and the other guy, not so much. Therefore, I present a slightly older more matured, Mister Fantastic. C. Thomas Howell.

C. Thomas Howell as Mister Fantastic.


and last but not least we have Namor the Submariner. King of Atlantis. Quite a difficult pick if I do say so...but I think I found the right guy for the job. How about Hugo Weaving.

Hugo Weaving as Namor the Submariner.

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Shaman - 4/1/2009, 6:56 AM
Not a bad idea at all. I like your cast but for some reason, i don't feel your Mr. Fantastic pic. It's probably just because i'm not familiar with him but i don't have a better one since i [frick]ING HATE that character :)

The only one i would change is Dr. Strange. Since CRUSH mentionned him the other day, i really can't see anybody better than Pierce Brosnan as Strange.
Joslezio85 - 4/1/2009, 11:12 AM
Pierce Brosnan, that'd be even better. I never thought of him. Damn. Did you ever see the outsiders movie? C. Thomas Howell was the main star. He acted terribly in that movie. But he has progressed some since than
Shaman - 4/1/2009, 11:42 AM
Never heard of it... :)
Joslezio85 - 4/1/2009, 1:04 PM
really? its like a critically acclaimed book...and not quite as popular of a movie. But it was still pretty big. you should check it out. its quite a good book...
realfirstavenger - 4/2/2009, 5:25 AM
very nice pics
although I have to agree with shaman in saying that the pic for Reed Richards is off. he looks more like a villain than Reed. and I LOVE THE FF! :)

great Black Bolt, Black Panther and Sub-Mariner pic
wow, I was blown away (although the Black Panther one has been rumored for months.)

curious, who would you cast as storm to go opposite Hounsou?
Shaman - 4/2/2009, 8:40 AM
RealFirst- As KeepItReal mentionned before, Aisha Tyler ALL THE WAY!!!

Jos- If time and buget allow it, i'll check it out :))
MarkCassidy - 4/2/2009, 1:32 PM
Del Toro for Strange is interesting..he could certainly pull it off. The only one im not sure of is Mark valley..because i have never heard of him..and to be honest, he looks like a child molester
Joslezio85 - 4/2/2009, 2:01 PM
I don't like Aisha Tyler. I don't think she fits the part at all. just my opinion. I still like your pick for Rosario Dawson, and I also like Persia White.

@ror. Thats funny. he actually does. But, he is a pretty good actor, and I think he could pull it off well. Watch Boston Legal.
Shaman - 4/3/2009, 10:00 AM
Could he be a child molester who was molested as a child... :P

Well Persia White is just a tad too...white(even though she's not LOL) :)
Joslezio85 - 4/3/2009, 10:01 PM
See, I think the lighter skin looks better for storm. I don't know why. Don't be offended. Just the way I feel
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