First imagine the voice of the Cap...
Do you hear a young man screaming through a face of prepubecent stubble after battling for hours with the dreaded Nazi's?
Then think of the stage...
Do you see youth in the eyes of Cap as he waves to a USO crowd despising his role in the endless publicity stint which won't allow him to fight, like he wants?
Now think of the chin...
The Cap HAS to have a big chin. It's like Superman's hair. It's a trademark. Only one of the actors still on the short list has everything needed to pull off all of the above...
John Krasinski.
I'm not a silly fanboy of the Office, but I am an obsessive fan of film. John has the aged eyes and the youthful face of a man who can pull off the shield.
He is capable of the acting job that is ahead for him... He HAS shown his ability to feed off other actors in the Office so theAVENGERS should be an easy adjustment. He has humor that is a must have in all of Marvel Universe (Wolverine, Iron Man, Hulk, Green Lantern..). And after looking at this list, it's obvious that, in an effort to bring in a quality character, the studio is leaning towards the dependable actors to bring out that memorable performance.
John has all of that.
Give him a crew cut and a trainer and we have a Captain America we can be proud of.
Give it to any of the other teen soap opera actors and we are headed for disapointment...
(All of this said, Jensen Ackles was still the best choice possible. Since he's gone, we'll keep with our beloved John.)