Megan Fox can KISS MY @SS!!!!!

Megan Fox can KISS MY @SS!!!!!

Now that I have your attention - I'm sick and tired of all these baby-faced 'tweens' everyone seems to gravitate towards every time a comic book movie casting is discussed. Here are some of MY picks - starting with the DC universe's 'Holy Trinity'....

By loganoneil - May 23, 2010 06:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

When I started ‘The TARDIS Databank’, I was planning on focusing only on the ‘Doctor Who’ universe. But lately with all the talk about comic book movie casting, I feel the need to take a brief moment to divert into the world of comic book superheroes and throw my two-cents into the ring.

I’ve noticed that a lot of focus has been on actors that I would consider a little too ‘Calvin Klein underwear model-ish’ looking. You know the type, they’re the ‘in’ actors - the ones who seem to land ALL the choice roles (whether or not they truly fit the part or not). Now I’m not knocking their acting ability (well, maybe I am for some, but that’s beside the point), but EVERYONE (from Hollywood to many on this site) seem to gravitate towards these baby-faced overgrown tweens when it comes to our favorite comic book icons. But remember people, we’re talking about OUR FAVORITE COMIC BOOK ICONS here! Should they really be portrayed by someone who’s popular right now, or someone who really LOOKS and can ACT the part?

Now I’ve always pictured comic book superheroes as being …. older. No, scratch that – the words I’m looking for are ‘more mature’. There’s a certain wisdom that say the Superman of the comic books conveys that in my opinion, Brandon Routh totally missed. I say, let’s get away from the nursery and put the RIGHT people in the RIGHT roles!

With that said, here are some of MY selections of who I’d pick for the DC universe if I were head of Warner Brothers (note – some of these you’ve probably seen before)….

Let’s start with the DC Trinity for now:

John Barrowman – Superman / Clark Kent

Now before some of you homophobes start jumping my [excrement], yes I know he’s gay. To which I reply, “Big @#$!-ing deal!” He’s got the look… He’s got the frame... And MOST importantly, he’s got the TALENT! For those of you unfamiliar with his work here in the US, he plays (quite brilliantly) Captain Jack Harkness in a ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off series called ‘Torchwood’. If you have cable, check it out on BBC America. Be warned, it’s VERY addictive!

Adrian Pasdar – Batman / Bruce Wayne

Now before everyone starts lining up to beat the crap out of me – I AM NOT bashing Christopher Nolan’s ‘Batman Begins’ or ‘The Dark Knight’. I think they are BRILLIANT pieces and he should be applauded! With that said, I AM taking a swipe at Christian Bale. Let’s face it people, Batman is the DARK Knight. Can anyone truly say that Bale’s interpretation was the twisted and tormented figure we comic book fans have come to love over the years? C’mon people – his parents were MURDERED right in front of him as a little child! You don’t think he might grow up just a little... "tweaked"?! Bale’s Wayne is an pale, moody, emo farce in comparison to the ‘real McCoy’. That, and every time he speaks as Batman, I can only understand every third word coming out of his mouth! I feel the overwhelming urge to offer him a throat lozenge and a bowl of chicken soup (there, I said it – let the lynching commence)! I want someone who can confidently walk /dance the line between total control and sheer madness. Screw ‘Dark’, I want ‘Pitch Black’! I believe Pasdar’s got the goods to stand and deliver! (Tip-o-the-hat to Shaman for this suggestion – Thanks buddy!)

Rhona Mitra – Wonder Woman / Diana Prince

IF (oh fingers crossed!) the people at WB ever do decide to get off their lazy backsides and make a ‘Wonder Woman’ film, I hope / pray that they take note from ‘Superman Returns’ and try NOT to make just a continuation of something from the seventies! It failed (miserably) with the Big Blue Schoolboy, and it will fail horribly with everyone’s favorite Amazonian Princess! Don’t get me wrong, the seventies TV show was great, FOR ITS TIME! Lynda Carter was the ideal Wonder Woman for that era and I’d cast her in a heartbeat as Queen Hyppolita, but times have changed. The Wonder Woman needed in today’s world is a true Amazon warrior - one who is not afraid to wield the sword as well as offer an olive branch (Megan Fox lovers - LEAVE NOW!). Anyone who’s seen ‘Underworld – Rise of the Lycans’ KNOWS that Mitra not only has the looks, stature, and acting ability, but also the sheer ‘kick-@ssedness’ (YES I know that’s not a real word) to be a true Amazon Princess!

Well, that’s my two-cents for now. More as I think of them…
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DaenerysTargaryen - 5/23/2010, 7:08 PM
3....2...1.... cue Leee talking about how Henry Cavill should be superman. ;)
loganoneil - 5/23/2010, 7:10 PM
I'm only accepting people who are through with puberty, please... (LMAO!)
Ryden - 5/23/2010, 7:20 PM
Sorry John Barrowman can't act to save himself, he was the worst thing about Doctor Who. He really is a terrible, cheesey, over the top actor.

Adrian Pasdar is a very bland and boring actor, his voice is also ALL wrong for Batman. He doesn't come across as imposing or intelligent what so ever...he'd suck as Batman. However I'll agree that Bale also wasn't too great.

loganoneil - 5/23/2010, 7:22 PM
Ryden - opinions vary...
AshleyWilliams - 5/23/2010, 7:29 PM
No to Superman and Batman. Barrowman cant act. Pasdar would come off as weak and unintelligent.
loganoneil - 5/23/2010, 7:51 PM
Multi - Aside from Captain Jack (and possibly the part of the singing Nazi in the remake of 'The Producers'), what other roles have you seen John Barrowman in to draw your conclusion that he's flamboyant " EVERY role he's been in"?

What some might perceive as 'flamboyance' can also be understood as confidence - one of the IDEAL traits for the Man of Steel (after all, he IS for all intent and purposes an earth-bound god!). Are you sure that the knowledge of Barrowman's sexual orientation isn't somehow clouding your judgement? And if you've know his character Captain Jack Harkness, he's SUPPOSED to be a confident (almost cocky) person, but that's not ALL he is. As the 'Torchwood' series has progressed, the character has fleshed-out and really developed into a truly complex and three-dimensional character.
OriginalPhysco - 5/23/2010, 8:36 PM
Wow, I like your article kind of and you point out some good things. At first when I read, when you got my attention, I was thinking hatter but I read and understand where you coming from. I agree, I also want to see a pitch dark Batman that kind of takes it too far with justice and mostly revenge. I can see Robin saying, "What the [frick] Batman?" Have a lil bit physco in him but a hero. John Barrowman looks like he can play Superman but I just found out he was gay and I say Hell to the [frick]ing no
. I havent been satisfied with these choices for Diana but I was all over it when you suggested Rhona Mitra. I want her as Wonder Woman and love how she acted in Underworld. Im a Megan Fox lover but I dont suggest her as every sexy woman in movies. I only suggest her for Black Cat in Spiderman. She can do it and she acts just like her. She is not a terrible actor. Ya'll Megan Fox hatters can flame me but thats my [frick]ing opinion so run with it Jack. And the only reason I pick some younger actors because um... they are good. And when we do its mostly for a reboot. You see every picks Jake Gyllenhaal t o play an older Spiderman. I don't even think Jake should play The Prince of Persia in this movie but I think he should play him in the sequel Warrior Within. He suppose to be younger in Sands of Times but older in the sequel. He looks like the sequel version. But thumbs up meanie, lol, jk jk jk
loganoneil - 5/23/2010, 8:54 PM
WTF Promorus? You have no problem with Gyllenhaal as an older Spiderman or Heath Ledger as Joker (both of whom played gay cowboys rather explicitly in 'Brokeback Mountain', remember?), but you don't think a gay actor can convincingly play a straight role? Um, that's why they call it ACTING!!!!!! Face it, if he wasn't openly gay and I hadn't told you, you probably wouldn't have had a problem with Barrowman.

I have no problem with Gyllenhaal as an older Spiderman - he has the look AND he has TALENT (which is more than I can say for uber-dork Tobey McGuire!). Actually, he'd be one of my ideal choices for the reboot (IF they decided to re-tool the lore to allow for an older character)!
OriginalPhysco - 5/23/2010, 9:46 PM
You are right. I loved both their characters. I have been a hypocrite to my own liking. So I guess I dont care if he's gay now. Thanks for clearing it up to me. Really thanks loganoneil. So he is a good choice for Supes to me
THEHAWK - 5/23/2010, 9:47 PM
hey guys, back temporari;y from my exile, no computer. typing n phone so ignore typos.

I just gotta say tat Logan's right, a person's sexual orintatin hshould have no bearing on their performance. Neal Patrick harris is openly gay, and yet he is great on his tv show, and I would love ot see him as Alan Scott.

HAWK out
loganoneil - 5/23/2010, 9:52 PM
All I'm asking is for people to HONESTLY give him a chance. Watch a couple of episodes of 'Tourchwood' (if you've never seen it before) and make up your own mind. I must warn you, the character is from the future (the 51st century) and (by definition) omni-sexual (which means he hits on ANY sentient being that moves). Translation - there might some guy/guy kissing scenes for those of you who aren't comfortable with that - it's minor. This is not an apology - it's just part of the show, but thought you should know... 'Torchwood' is a solid piece of entertainment.
loganoneil - 5/23/2010, 9:57 PM
HAWK - Welcome back buddy! BRILLIANT choice!! He would dovetail nicely with my choice of Nathan Fillion for Hal Jordan (Screw Ryan Reynolds!)! Talk about a dynamic duo (to borrow the phrase)! It'd also be a nice little bonus that they worked together on 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog'.
starsofwar - 5/23/2010, 10:35 PM
great stuff, I love all the choices. And you are right Barrowman is awesome on Torchwood. My favorite Whoniverse character
ecksmanfan - 5/23/2010, 11:55 PM
Hey Hawk! Good to hear from you!

I can't comment on Borrowman, as I've seen see him act. Pasdar, however, was one of the worst parts of Heroes. The man is terrible and would be a bad choice for Batman. He could maybe pull of Bruce Wayne as he does have an air of confidence. Love the Mitra pick too!
Rock317 - 5/24/2010, 12:08 AM
Im sorry but uhhhhhhhhhhhh No, No, & No. For one you do not cast a foreigner as one of the greatest iconic AMERICAN made heroes of all time. Two, Adrain Pasdar couldn't carry Batman well enough as he is a one faced actor. Then three, Bridget Regan should be WW because she has the princess feel but is volatile on the inside, haha. BTW on the gay subject, yes Neil Patrick Harris is gay but he doesn't act like it and overall he (Barney) wrote the "Bro Code" which makes him not gay in my eyes, haha. And when you make the case of Heath Ledger playing The Joker and a gay cowboy, that has nothing to do with casting an actual gay actor cause Heath wasn't gay in the slight bit. My personal opinion is that if you were to cast a gay actor as such an iconic role as Superman, Captain America, or any other headlining superhero then the the common public would few the movie differently. It might even be considered as spitting in America's face. As an American I will not stand for that & if you really want to be gay we will stick a boot up your ass because that's the American way! hahaha - Toby Keith reference btw.
Rock317 - 5/24/2010, 12:17 AM
Oh, & stop hating on Megan the Fox. A persons a person no matter how big or how small especially when it comes to women cause I HATE seeing women being treated poorly whether verbally or physically!
LEEE777 - 5/24/2010, 2:49 AM
STAR @ Soz LOL! ; P

HAWK @ WB dude!!

LOGAN @ I've seen them all b4! ^^^^ : P

Baby faced tweens?

HENRY CAVILL's hardly that?!? Just watch [frick]ing TUDORS, hardly [frick]ing CW casting lol!

And i pick BOMER for BATS becoz..

Seeing into the future! BALES still BATMAN now, by the time he's finished BOMER would be older wiser and got plenty of time to pump up and stuff, if you know what i mean!

Its what actors do!

See him as more a perfect BRUCE WAYNE than BATS, every week i see BRUCE WAYNE on 'WHITE COLAR' watch the show, it could surprise you!

... I've always thought John Barrowman a perfect REEVES SUPERMAN, heck its like his younger clone!

Though since TORCHWOOD which he basically plays a superhero every week (when on) not so much now, though i do still see him, more a TV version now though, don't think the guy could beat ROUTHY! : D

Your BATS is my TV BATMAN pick, too CLOONEY to be on the big screen though! : P

WONDER WOMAN shouldn't look like a man! : D

Nah jk, but she ain't right for it!
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 4:59 AM
I like the article...Can't really see Pasdar as Batman...Harvey Dent maybe...
Ryden - 5/24/2010, 5:16 AM
@vRockAWEsome- Explain how is Superman the most iconic AMERICAN character when he is from another planet? Oh yeah..ILLEGAL ALIENS...I guess that DOES describe most Americans :P
LEEE777 - 5/24/2010, 5:39 AM
GambitAceOfSpades @ HARVEY DENT, good one!

RYDEN @ Lol! ; P
DDD - 5/24/2010, 7:48 AM
No to Barrowman as Supes, too short and too
un-Clark Kent-like!

Pasdar is only 5'10. way too short and mild-mannered
to be Bats!

Keaton was too short for Batman but at least he acted
BIG! He was downright scary as Batman AND Bruce Wayne!
Now that's how Batman should be portrayed!

Rhona Mitra has gotten too old to play WW and she
seems just a bit too much of a b---h to play the
wholesome WW.

But I love the idea of older people playing the trio
just not this old! I'm absolutely tired of the 90210
casting myself!
Sandman1 - 5/24/2010, 7:52 AM
After seeing Barrowman on Desperate Housewives (and ashamed to type those words), I'm entirely behind your choice. Not camp, seriously, he can act, and he'd contribute that charm and earnestness and subtle anger inherent in a Superman that I'd dig.

ETA:: And whoa, in general, to any references to orientation = character roles. Do not want to read that kind of crazy.

I think Barrowman has the chops for the role.
loganoneil - 5/24/2010, 8:34 AM
People, people, PEOPLE! I think you're missing my point here!! ALl I'm saying is that we should try and get away from the '90210' look (as DDD has so eloquently put it) when casting our favorite comic book icons here. They are (after all) ICONS! These are MY favorite choices for these roles, but there are others who would also fit just as well. I just want people to think outside the pre-packaged box that everyone seems to go to EVERY SINGLE TIME!

LEEE - I agree Henry Cavil has the Superman look, but in comparison to the comic book, his youthful appearance would be better suited to Superboy. Mind you, not the dork Superboy of TV show fame, but the bad-@ssed one of Infinite Crisis:

...wouldn't you agree?
loganoneil - 5/24/2010, 8:54 AM
...and before anyone says anything about Tom Welling, I already have plans for him - but they have nothing to do with a red cape. I believe he's better suited to play Nightwing.

Yes, he is a very talented actor. Watching him all these years on 'Smallville', I get a sense that there's a dark side to him that he's just itching to explore - a dark side that would be PERFECT for Nightwing. Now the Nightwing I'm talking about exists after Frank Miller's 'All-Star Batman & Robin'. Imagine a Dick Grayson brought up in a world of a TRUE 'Dark Knight'. None of this "Holy rusted metal, Batman!" crap! Imagine what having that type of mentor/tormentor/colleague/father-figure to look up to, fear and respect would do to a kid like that. What type of feelings and emotions would fester over time? Now picture the level of acting that an actor of Welling's caliber could bring to the character!
THEHAWK - 5/24/2010, 9:08 AM
I agree Welling could be a good Nightwing. I cast him as that in my Batman 6 story
loganoneil - 5/24/2010, 9:09 AM
I know (loved it), and I TOTALLY agree with the selection!
Rock317 - 5/24/2010, 9:11 AM
hahahahahahahaha, absolutely NOT. There is no way that he would even want to play as anyone but Supes. He has been him for way too long! Plus he doesn't even fit the role of Nightwing. He is our generation's Superman. But in all do respect to Mr. Reeves, I think that there shouldn't even be another Superman movie because he was Superman. If there is one though make it Tom! Mr. Reeves even said that he would want him to play as the Next Superman! :P
loganoneil - 5/24/2010, 9:16 AM
Rock - If anything, he'd WANT to play Nightwing BECAUSE it ISN'T Superman! He's an ACTOR (first and foremost) and while 'Smallville' has been good to him, as an actor he risks being type-cast the longer he associates himself with the role (translation - acting death for an actor). Christopher Reeve faced it after his stint in the blue tights and Welling risks it every year he stays with the WB. Trust me, he'd want to do something completely different 1. just to stretch his acting muscles and 2. just to show everybody that he CAN act and he's not just a 'one-trick-pony'!
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 9:27 AM
My 1st Superman choice is HENRY CAVILL followed by JASON BEHR...Id like Ian Somerhalder for Batman (31 or 32Yrs old)...WW-Lucy Griffiths...
DDD - 5/24/2010, 9:54 AM
PONI@,Daniel Cudmore, to me, is the ideal Superman!
Daniel said on another site I was reading that he's
actually really 6'6". That ain't too tall! Superman
is supposed to be a tall imposing figure! A big tall
impressive-looking beacon of light in a dark universe!

I've cast him as Superman myself before! He's quite
a good actor that I've seen of his other acting
besides the X-MEN! He didn't have a lot of lines in
X-MEN but he is just a swell actor! The problem for
him is he's too tall for most leading men parts because of
his freak-like size! So we don't get to
see much of his acting! I've seen him in other parts and he
acts quite well, IMHO.

SUPERMAN is listed on DC as 6'3"-6'4". He's tall
and impressive!
loganoneil - 5/24/2010, 9:59 AM
Multi - I AM aware of how many shows Mr. Barrowman has been in (I've actually seen a lot of them). I was just making sure you were too and not just basing your opinion on just one or two samplings (most people in the US aren't really aware of Barrowman). I still believe he's a BRILLIANT actor. Some people can subconsciously get bent out of shape over the gay thing. My apologies with the assumptions - my defenses were automatically up because I knew I was going to take major heat for my selection. No offense was intended. Are we still good?
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 10:38 AM
loganoneil - 5/24/2010, 10:40 AM
Gambit - Not exactly who I had in mind, but now you're thinking outside the box! Hmmmm.... now that you mention it, I could TOTALLY see Owen as the Bat!! Great job!

See people, now THAT'S what I'm talking about...!
Rock317 - 5/24/2010, 4:34 PM
logan - he is too nice of a guy and is too broad to be Nightwing. And by taking another superhero role wouldn't that be showing that he is a 'one trick pony' and that it is not really different. So no im not gonna trust you because your not best friends with him or anything :P haha. There is no chance in H E double hockey sticks that he will ever play Nightwing, D.C. wouldn't do that & Tom knows that it would be morally wrong. Nuff said.
Vafrous - 5/25/2010, 9:44 AM
Ian Somerhalder or Garrett Hedlund=Nightwing...
Shaman - 5/27/2010, 1:33 PM
THANK YOU!!! You officially have me sold on all three!!! Or should i say all 4 since i've always been for Welling as Nightwing :))
loganoneil - 5/28/2010, 8:59 AM
Thanks Shaman, though I imagine Pasdar wasn't a 'tough sell' considering I stole the idea from you (LMAO!)! I was also toying with the idea of Cillian Murphy as Jason Todd / The Red Hood (on the 'Cillian Murphy' thread on News). He's a brilliant actor and I felt his gifts was somewhat wasted as Scarecrow (too small a part). I say give him something meatier to sink his teeth into, if the WB ever decides to exploit the Red Hood storyline on the big-screen.
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