Part 1:
Villians:Ra's Al Ghul, Hush
Story: Very similar to Batman Begins. Bruce will go to Ra's for training in fighting. Bruce will buy into everything they say. However, when he hears their true intentions, he revolts. Knowing Bruce knows to much, he sends someone close to Bruce, Hush, to give him a deal. He can rejoin the cause or die. Bruce revolts again and fights off Hush.
Ra's plans a series of bombings around Gotham, and has Hush try and kill Batman. Batman manages to save many spots, but some blew. Ra's ended up dieing in an explosion, and Hush was gone without a trace.
Part 2:
Villians:Black Mask, Scarecrow
Story: A new crime lord has risen in Gotham, Black Mask. Black Mask begins to take apart Gotham by targeting legal offices and officials. In the end Scarecrow poisons the water supply, and Black Mask wants money from the city for the cure.After he receives the money and the cure isn't given, the city goes crazy and people go crazy. Batman brings a stop to Scarecrow, but not Black Mask.
Batman-Matt Bomer

Alfred-Michael Cane
Lucius Fox-Morgan Freeman
Commisoner Gordon-Gary Oldman
Scarecrow-cillian murphy
Hush-Tom Hardy
Black Mask-leonardo di caprio
Ra's Al Ghul-Liam Neeson