It's been a long time since i did this. Ok, only about 2 months but here is the next chapter to my MCU!
It was hard to find someone to play Wolverine, considering Hugh Jackman's done such a good job and one of the obvious choices (Tom Hardy) is already cast in a different role in my MCU.
Also, i tried to make this as different as i could from "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" without getting to far from the comics.
Ok, so here it goes:

“Wolverine” introduces Logan, a Canadian war veteran who is also a mutant. He is recruited by Team X, a black ops unit where he is given false memory implants. The team is kidnapped by the Weapon X program, where Logan is forcibly given retractable claws made of adamantium. He is discovered by James and Heather Hudson, who help him regain his memory. However, he doesn’t remember any of his Team X teammates. He joins another team, Department H, whose leader is James Hudson, where his first mission is to stop the murderer, nicknamed Sabretooth by most people, who has powers similar to Logan, who now goes by the name “Wolverine”. It is only when he meets with Sabretooth that Logan remembers that they are brothers. His memories come back of seeing his brother being a victim of the same Weapon X program he was. Sabretooth doesn’t listen to his plea to stop murdering, and Logan is forced to fight with his brother. It comes to a no contest, and Wolverine makes an agreement to his brother. He will stop hunting him if he stops hunting them. (His victims). Sabretooth agrees, and we last see Logan with the leader of Department H, who sent him to find Sabretooth. Logan tells him that Sabretooth is “taken care of”. James Hudson tells him that he has been pressured by people of higher ranks than him to find an agent to take care of some people. Wolverine asks where and who, and Hudson tells him that he’s going to New York City. He hands him a file and Wolverine opens it to see black and white photos of Daredevil, Moon Knight and Ghost Rider. THE END.
Here's the fancast...
Jon Bernthal as Wolverine
I originally saw this on someone else's fancasts, and i'm sorry i can't remember whos cast it was. But anyways, it seems like an obvious choice because Bernthal has proven himself a good actor (The Walking Dead) and for all those nit pickers about his height, Bernthal is pretty short so that shouldn't be a problem.
Colin Ferguson as James Hudson
In my MCU, i don't plan on having Hudson turn into the Captain Canada guy (or whatever the name is) he turns into in the comics. Here he is the leader of Department H, an agency that ends up pretty shady. Who better to play him than Colin Ferguson?
Melinda Clarke as Heather Hudson
This may seem like an odd choice to most people, but i believe Melinda could be great in this role, the wife of James Hudson.
Terry O'Quinn as Proffesor Thornton
O'Quinn, mostly known from Lost, i believe would be great as the villanous Proffesor Thornton, leader of the Weapon X program.
Alexander Skarsgard as Victor Creed aka Sabretooth
Skarsgard is the obvious choice and fan favourite, and for good reason. I haven't any reason to believe that he wouldn't be a great Sabretooth.
Oleg Taktarov as Omega Red
Taktarov is already Russian like the actual character, and has a mean edge that would be perfect to play Omega Red.
Blair Underwood as Kestrel
I'll admit i haven't seen Underwood in anything, and he's more of an unknown actor, but he has the look for the character, and that's pretty much why i chose him.
Damien Lewis as Maverick
Damien Lewis was the only choice i really ever had for the part.
That's It! Hope you enjoyed it! I'll admit, it's not my best fancast, but no hate comments please!
Also, feel free to check out my other fancasts, including other parts to my MCU and non-MCU fancasts and stories!
MCU: Black Panther
MCU: Moon Knight
MCU: Daredevil
MCU: Black Panther 2
MCU: Punisher
MCU: The Warriors
MCU: Daredevil II: The Man Without Fear
MCU: Moon Knight II: Vengeance of the Moon Knight
MCU: Ghost Rider
Not in my MCU
Iron Fist Fancast
Deadpool Fancast
Spider-Man: The 1st Trilogy Fancast
Spider-Man: The 2nd Trilogy Fancast