Here's how I want the Spider-Man Reboot to turn out.
During the opening credits we see the whole origin, from the spider to Uncle Ben dying to him putting on the costume. When the credits close Peter has been Spider-Man for 5 months and is in his senior year. He and Gwen Stacy are dating but his web-slinging often gets in the way. Harry and Peter are good friends though Harry is jealous of Peter due to his grades, his relationship with Gwen, and his fathers interest in Peter. Throughout the movie Norman Osborn is working with his collegue Adrian Toomes on secret underground projects for a mysterious benefactor only known as Kingpin includng a flight suit and a performance enhancing drug. Toomes is working on the drug one night when he decided to teat it on himself to see if it was ready to sell to the Kingpin. Toomes took the drug though it was not finished and it caused him to go suffer a mental breakdown. When Norman finds out he fires Toomes who then steals the flght suit and goes after revenge in the guise of the Vulture.Peter battles the vulture multiple times putting more stress on Gwen and his realationship. Aunt may is trying to intoduce Peter to their new neighbor throughout the movie. At the end Peter defeats the Vulture, Norman "perfects" the drug, and due to his life as Spider-man, Gwen leaves Peter for Harry. Just Before the closing credits aunt may tells Peter that the neighbor is coming over for dinner. He claims he is to busy and heads for the door once he opens it he sees Mary Jane Watson utter her famous line, "Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot".
After Credits Scene- Norman tests the drug himself we here maniacal laugh and end.
The Cast
Peter Parker-Andrew Garfield

I saw him in The Social Network this weekend and was very impressed.I am very happy he is already cast.
Gwen Stacy-Dominique McElligott
she is already being considered fingers crossed.
Harry Osborn-Alden Ehrenreich
He was def considered for the wrong role he is Harry.
Norman Osborn-Bryan Cranston
Popular with fans and great on Breaking Bad
Adrian Toomes-Jim Carrey
I know I am gonna get alot of heat for this but he is a great actor and has a funny side that could greatly compliment the character.
Kingpin-Not revealed in film
Aunt May-Helen Mirren
what can i say she's hot for an old lady.
Mary Jane Watson- Emma Stone
She is really hot, great actress,not Kirsten Dunst, and she is really hot.
So there ya go comment and tellme what ya think.