Superman: The Last Kryptonian

Superman: The Last Kryptonian

Superman races against time as he deals with alien menaces, old enemies and new love.

This is probably my best story yet, please check it out.

EDIT: I fixed the video now.

By THEHAWK - Mar 09, 2010 12:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hey there, this is the sequel to my Superman reboot Superman: The Man of Steel

This story could also work as a standalone story as well. I hope you like this, it has taken me several months to write and was quite challenging.

Here it is.
Superman: The Last Kryptonian

Space. A large dying world is seen from above.

The world is a dark shade of orange, stretches of light from gigantic industrial cities light its marred surface. The capital city spewed smoke and pollution into the air and inside of the largest tower fearsome creature sat on a throne. It had orange skin and dark, evil eyes. He smiled at a holographic form below him. This form was humanoid, but had three metal diodes on its baldhead “Mongul this creature would be ideal for your Warworld. It has tremendous skills and abilities.” The creature in the throne named Mongul sat back and smiled “And what is so special about this creature my android friend?” the android in the hologram stared at Mongul with an expressionless face as he said; “He is the last Kryptonian.”
Mongul smiled an evil smile as he said, “He’s perfect.” As the hologram revealed the form of Superman, “I’ll take him.” The androids voice could be heard as the hologram of Superman played “You will find him on a small backwater world known as Earth.”

Clark Kent adjusted his glasses as he and Lois Lane stood in a crowd at a Lex Luthor charity dinner. Lois looked at him with a smile “Thanks for being my date Smallville; somehow I doubt I could have gotten Superman to escort me.” Clark smiled and grabbed him and Lois 2 glasses of champagne “Don’t mention it Lois.” He said as he eyed her tight low cut blue dress. Lois accepted the glass “I’m just wondering when we will get to meet Lex’s new vice-president. He has been keeping her a secret for a while.” Clark shrugged “I’m just glad to get out and do something fun for once.” Lois laughed and shoved Clark’s arm “Yeah I guess the girls haven’t really been lining up for you have they Smallville?” she said jokingly as they heard a female voice say “Clark!” they turned to see a red-headed woman in a sexy red dress rush towards them. She grabbed Clark and kissed him deeply as Lois looked on in surprise and possible jealousy. The girl pulled away from Clark with a smile, Lois looked back and forth from the pair with an inquisitive and slightly peeved look “And you are?”
Clark blushed slightly “Oh I’m sorry. Lois, this is Lana Lang, Lana meet Lois Lane.”

Lana smiled and shook Lois’s hand, as Lois replied “Charmed.” Clark turned toward Lana “So what are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in years.” Lana smiled secretively “That’s a surprise, but I can see the evening was worth it already, at least I got to see my favorite farm boy.” Lois looked at them “And how do you two know each other?” Lana replied “Oh. Clark and I grew up together in Smallville. Then we dated for a while.” Lois looked the attractive Lana over and then looked at Clark “I see…” Lois trailed off as Clark and Lana began talking about some story from their youth, something about a tractor, but Lois wasn’t listening, in fact she was trying hard not to. Finally, Lana told them she had to leave, but she and Clark made sure to exchange numbers so they could catch up. Clark then walked Lois over to their table as Lex took the stage.

Lex smiled down at the crowd of guests and reporters as he took the stage “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today to the annual Lexcorp Charity Benefit. This year we have raised a record amount of money that will go to helping those less fortunate than us in the slums. But before I continue, let me introduce the new Vice-President of Lexcorp, the wonderful Miss Lana Lang.” he said as people in the room clapped and Lana joined Lex on stage. Through it all Clark sat there in disbelief as Lana approached the podium.

Superman flew through the skies of Metropolis later that night. He had a lot on his mind as soared through the skies. He sat atop the globe of the Daily Planet, deep in thought as he used his super hearing to listen to the city; it was an unusually quiet evening in Metropolis. He looked at the clock tower and saw that it was only a few hours until dawn; he sighed and leapt into the sky. He flew across the city and quietly landed on the balcony of an apartment, he slid open the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him when the lights came on catching him by surprise as a familiar feminine voice spoke from behind him “Interesting costume Clark, not too sure about the cape though.”

Superman turned to see Lana leaning against the wall by the light switch “How did you know?” He asked after a few seconds of silence.
Lana smiled and walked over to him and rubbed her hand over the raised S shield on his chest. “It wasn’t hard to figure out Clark, I mean we were pretty close, and you did tell me about the powers when we were kids, so it wasn’t hard to figure out.” She said as she felt the costume “I remember this, is this made from the blankets from your ship when you were a baby? So did Martha do the stitching?”
Superman looked at her surprised before he responded, “Uh… yeah she did.” He motioned for Lana to sit down on the couch as he sat down. He then faced her awkwardly “Lana, I know you have loyalties to Lex Luthor it seems, but I want to make sure that…”
She looked at him with amusement “Do you honestly think I will tell Lex about you? Don’t worry Clark, I promised you years ago that I would never tell anyone, and I haven’t.”
Superman looked relieved before he asked “Why are you working for Luthor, he’s… bad.” Superman said at a loss for words.
Lana looked at him with a raised brow and sighed, as she answered, “He’s not a bad guy. He means well… he does a lot for the world. Some of his business deals are a little crooked. But that isn’t his fault. He hardly ever makes direct deals with people. He spends most of his time in the R&D department. That’s why he hired me, I’m to make sure all of his deals are kept above board.”
Superman shook his head “Lana, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I mean a year ago, look what happened to John Corbin, his supposed best friend. Then Lex points him out as being the one that was selling weapons to terrorists.”
Lana shook her head in frustration “Clark, what happened to John was more yours and his faults than Lex’s. John was making illegal deals, and you stopped him.”
“Lana, Lex turned him into Metallo. He set Corbin up so he could turn him into a weapon to use against me.” Superman said. He looked at the surprised look on Lana’s face. She was silent for a moment before saying “Well if you are that worried about Lex, I will keep an eye on him for you. Let’s get off of this subject; this isn’t how I wanted our little reunion to go.”
Superman looked at her with mild amusement “What did you have in mind?” Lana laughed before moving closer to him on the couch “Same old Clark, a million different kinds of vision, but still blind. Get dressed; I want a seasoned Metropolite to take me out on the town.” She said standing up and walking towards his room. She opened the door and turned towards him “You do wear more than the same flannel shirt now don’t you?”

Lex Luthor sat alone in his private lab going over some calculations on his computer when the screen flickered. He looked at it in suspicion and typed on the keys, his data was still there, but the computer started flickering again, before the numbers on the screen dissolved away into a pattern of three connected diodes.

“Greetings Alexander Luthor. I am Brainiac.” A voice said from the computer speakers, Lex looked around in suspicion before calling out “What kind of a joke is this? MERCY! Find who did this!” he yelled to the woman standing behind him and she rushed from the room Brainiac answered him with a flat mechanical tone “Alexander Luthor, we both know that your firewalls and software are some of the most advanced on your planet, it took me well over an Earth hour to bypass your security.” Lex sat back down at the chair and looked at the computer in suspicion “Well then, how did you get through this, and why?”
Brainiac replied, “I am Brainiac, an explorer and traveler from the planet Kolu. I will soon arrive at Earth and I wish to make contact with your people.”
Lex snorted cynically “Well, aren’t we lucky. Two alien visitors now. Why are you contacting me? Why don’t you go through the politicians?” Lex asked sarcastically. Brainiac responded, ignoring the sarcasm “You were the most logical choice for two main reasons. Reason one: Your intelligence is the only one on your planet that comes remotely close to my own twelfth level intellect. Second: you are one of the few reasonable beings on your planet that is not enamored with the Kryptonian.”
This last bit piqued Lex’s interest “I take it you have something against Superman?”
Brainiac responded “Yes. The Kryptonian’s were a warlike race. They destroyed my home world and made me serve them as a slave for many centuries. I was freed from bondage when they brought about their own annihilation. I fear that the son of Jor-El has similar plans for your world.”
Luthor’s eyes narrowed “I knew he had an ulterior motive for coming here. I knew he wanted to rule us. What are you going to do about him?” Luthor asked. Brainiac replied, “I have set forth a plan to remove him from Earth before my arrival. I will arrive a week after his disappearance. I wish to make a deal with you Luthor, one which would be mutually beneficial for both of us in the long run.”
Lex smiled and replied, “I’m listening.”

Superman stood out in front of the Metropolis Courthouse next to the Mayor and detective Dan Turpin facing a crowd of onlookers and photographers. The mayor was holding a plaque with a key on it and delivering a speech “And in recognition of his services to Metropolis we give Superman the Key to the City.” Superman thanked the mayor and accepted the plaque as the mayor continued his speech, “Superman has done so much for our fair city, since he arrived in Metropolis crime rates have dropped seventy five percent, this is largely due to the fact that there is no one who has defeated the man of steel!” the mayor said as the crowd applauded. A loud and boisterous voice shouted over the loud crowd “Well! That’s just b’cause he hasn’t tangled with the Main Man yet!” a voice said as a strange rocket shot through the air towards the stage. Superman flew Turpin and the mayor to a safe place before he turned and looked through the fleeing crowd.

Superman saw a large fearsome humanoid creature, with glowing red eyes, pale white/ almost blue skin. The creature was garbed in what appeared to be biker gear, including a leather jacket, and he sat astride what appeared to be a large chopper with rockets on the side. He laughed and threw a large futuristic rocket launcher to the side as he revved up his chopper and rose into the air; he shot through the sky towards Superman. Superman easily dodged his attacker and hung in the air as his assailant spun back around for another pass. The chopper shot towards Superman at an incredible speed, Superman hovered in the air as the chopper sped towards him. Just as it was about to hit him, Superman slammed down on the front of the chopper, causing it to flip in the air and throw its rider. Superman spun to face his attacker, who landed in a roll on the streets below “Who are you?” Superman demanded. His attacker looked at Superman with a smile “Don’t pretend Supes, you know who I am.” He said as he pulled out a double barrel gun and fired at Superman. Superman dodged the rounds, swooped down, and punched the alien in the jaw, sending him flying.

Superman stared down at him “No, I have no idea who, or what you are.” His attacker looked at him incredulously “You serious? Damn! I really gotta work on my rep if some low level bastich on a backwater world like this don’t know me.” He said dusting himself off as he continued, “I’m the Main Man. The Main Man, the 'Bo, Master Frag, Mister Machete, Scourge o' the Cosmos, the Ultimate Bastich…” He said motioning for Superman to jump in; all he did was raise an eyebrow at the Main Man, who yelled, “I’m fraggin Lobo! Geesh! Where the hell you been? Grow up on a farm or something? Well anyway, I’m gonna give you the ultimate honor. You’ve never been beaten, so I’m gonna be the one to show ya how it feels.” He said as he jumped into the air catching Superman by surprise. He hit Superman on the jaw with both fists, sending Superman flying into a nearby building. Lobo landed on the ground as Superman shot from the crater in the side of the building. He shot towards Lobo at incredible speeds, as he was about to slam into Lobo, Lobo threw a quick right hook catching Superman in the face and sending him crashing into the ground. Lobo whistled sharply and his chopper flew through the air towards him as it did Superman grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. Lobo slipped a hand into a pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a pair of Kryptonite brass knuckles. He slipped them on and slammed Superman in the gut, then in the jaw, and again upside the head. He rolled Superman off of him and jumped onto the back of his chopper as it flew towards him. He grabbed a chain from the back of it and wrapped it around Superman and tightened it with a hook, to which he hooked the Kryptonite knuckles “That outta hold ya, I gotta remember to thank baldy for these.” He said with a laugh as he soared off into the air, with Superman trailing through the air behind him. The people of Metropolis looked on in horror as their hero was taken away from them, defeated. Luthor and Mercy stood looking out Lex’s window as Lobo and Superman shot through the sky, Luthor raised a glass of champagne to toast his victory.

Lobo shot through space to the edges of our solar system, dragging Superman behind him. Eventually Lobo was met by a colossal ship; Lobo flew into a landing bay aboard the ship. Sometime later Lobo stood in a dark room before Mongul “Congratulations Lobo. You outdid yourself this time. The last Kryptonian. He will be sure to pacify the masses, until he dies of course.” Lobo nodded impatiently “Great great, now hand over my fraggin money.” Lobo said making a gesture with his hand indicating his impatience. Mongul laughed lightly and a said “You may approach bounty hunter.” Lobo walked forward towards Mongul’s throne until he stood a few inches from Mongul, Mongul then leaned down and surprised Lobo by delivering a ferocious right hook, knocking Lobo back several feet. “What the frag you think ya’ doin?” Lobo said pulling out a gun, as he did Mongul hit a switch on his throne and the floor dropped out from beneath Lobo. Lobo disappeared down a shoot, swearing as he fell. Mongul then closed the trap door and said to himself “I think The Last Czarnian will do nicely on Warworld.” He said turning to an underling “Send him and the Kryptonian through some preliminary matches, to see how the people respond to them. If they get good response we will put them in a match with Draaga.”

Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen looked down upon the city from Perry White’s office in the Daily Planet as looters smashed and burned the city below them. Lois looked at Jimmy, who had a large bandage covering the right side of his head, his camera still hung around his neck, except now the lens was cracked and it had blood on it. “Thanks Jimmy, sorry about the head, and your camera. At least I still have a hero.” Lois said sadly, Jimmy blushed slightly and said “Well, I had to do something, that guy came at you with a knife. Things are getting bad aren’t they?” Lois nodded “And they are only going to get worse. Hard to believe Superman has been gone less than a week and the city is tearing itself apart. I bet old Turpin is reconsidering his views on Superman now.” She said with a hint of irony. She turned as the door opened behind them and Perry walked in behind with a worn look on his face. Lois rushed to him “Well, is there any word on Clark?” she asked hurriedly. Perry shook his head and slumped into his chair at his desk “No. I still can’t reach Kent’s family, and the cops haven’t found anything. I was told, in so many words, that the cops are too busy with the looters to look for a reporter,” he shook his head in disgust “I remember a time when reporters were the lifeblood of this town. Damn it. Now look at things.” Lois walked to the window, put her palm against the glass, and looked out the window sorrowfully “Where ever Clark is, I hope he alright.”

Superman, with a blinking collar on his neck, stood with his legs set in a large open-air stadium on Mongul’s hellish world as a large reptilian monster rushed towards him. It was a horrific creature; it had a head with a large maw that opened sideways, it had six legs spines covering its body and a long spiked club tail that was at least fifteen feet long, putting the whole creature at about thirty feet. It rushed towards him with its jaws agape, he reached up and grabbed the jaws as the creature prepared to close them. He planted his feet and leaned back, throwing the creature behind him, where it slammed violently into a large column; which fell on top of the creature, breaking one of its legs. It whipped its tail into Superman sending him flying across the arena. Superman skid to a stop and then shot towards the creature as the crowd cheered in bloodlust. He flew over it and grabbed the tail and through it into the air. The creature flew through the air until it seemed as though it was about to pass the perimeter of the stadium, just as it did it hit an energy field shocking it. The creature fell to the ground in a cloud of dust where it laid spasming. Superman looked at it without emotion, his gaze hardened when the image of Mongul, the apparent ruler of this section of space. His image was projected over the large, almost city sized stadium as he addressed his people “Are you not entertained! The Kryptonian has bested the Dragon of Kylos and will thus move on to compete with the real fighters, including a match with the Draaga!” Superman turned as armed guards came towards him and escorted him from the arena in chains.

Superman was led into a dark underground warren filled with a motley collection of alien warriors in various conditions “What is this place?” he asked, a guard laughed as a translator on his belt translated his speech so Superman could understand “Hell. This is the pit, where all of the fighters are bunked between bouts. Depending on your performance on Warworld, your living conditions will change. You do well, you get better weapons, rooming, food, and women.” The scaled guard said with a smile “That is the reward you slaves get, eventually you may even get to fight for your freedom, or death. All but Draaga may do that.” Superman had heard of Draaga before, but he was unsure who or what he was “Who is Draaga?” Superman asked as he was unchained and rubbed his wrists, the guard shrugged and walked off, as he did he said “He is the best fighter alive, he is the one you gotta fight for your freedom.” Superman eyed the guard “Has he ever been beaten?” the guard laughed a hissing laugh “Yeah right! You fight Draaga to the death, so he has never lost. The only person to ever beat him in combat was lord Mongul.”
Superman was surprised by this “Mongul was a fighter?” the guard shook his head “No, about fifty cycles ago, he was a warlord that was locked in a war with the ruler of this system, who happened to be Draaga. Anyway, Draaga offered to fight Mongul one on one to end the war. Mongul won and made Draaga a slave while he continued his conquest of the neighboring systems.” The guard finished as he left the dungeon.

Superman looked around the area, seeing various creatures eyeing him warily, suddenly he heard a voice call above the rest “Supes! How ya been doing ya little bastich!” He turned to see Lobo grabbing him in a bear hug as he laughed crazily, Superman broke free and punched Lobo in the jaw, sending him flying across the room into a wall.
Lobo stood and dusted himself off “Hey! What was that for?”

Superman looked at him incredulously “What was that for! How about you attacking me for no reason and bringing me here.”
Lobo laughed and shook his head “I had a very good reason for doing this, money. The orange freak running this show promised me a hefty bounty for draggin you here. Cept he cheated me and stuck me in all those fraggin fights, which were pretty fun, I loved watching the little grunts heads exploding as they hit the wall! HA! That never gets old. But ya see we are in the same boat now, so I figure we can work together to get outta here.”
Superman looked at him through narrow eyes “And how do you figure on that?”
Lobo patted him on the back and was about to pull him closer, but as he did Superman’s eyes glowed red, so he backed away a bit, “Way I hear it, we can fight some bad ass bastich name Draaga for our freedom, all we gotta do is frag him and then Mongul has to grant us any wish we want. You ask for freedom and I’ll ask to get paid, then we leave.”
Superman shook his head, “I’m not killing anyone.”
Lobo looked at him with a raised brow “Seriously? Well I’ll do it then, nice and quick.”
“No” Superman said.
“Long and slow?”
“NO!” Superman said in exasperation, “We aren’t killing anyone.”
“Why not? It’ll be fun! But I get to pull the trigger… or the safety pin.”
Superman shook his head and walked away from Lobo, as he did a large gate opened and several guards rushed in and selected several fighters, including Superman and Lobo, and led them outside through a long tunnel.

Lana Lang walked to Lex’s office; she nodded to Mercy as she entered. Lex was behind his desk looking at what appeared to be design specs; he looked up at her “Ah! Lana is everything ready?” he asked with a knowing smile. “Of Course Lex, I have set everything up as you requested, the press conference will be covered by everyone in town, and is set to begin in two hours. I have hired extra security to make sure that no one will try anything to disrupt it.” Lex nodded in approval as he turned to his computer and typed something with a smile before remembering Lana “Oh, well done, you may go now.” Lana walked out of the room, as she closed the door, she could have sworn she heard Lex talking to someone.

Lois and Jimmy stood at the front of a large group of journalists; Lois looked at Jimmy “Did Perry say why Lex went to these lengths to get all of the press in town here?” Jimmy shrugged and adjusted his new camera on Lex as he took the podium. Lex smiled down on them “People of Metropolis, today we stand on the brink of destiny. In a few moments the most important event in human history will occur!” Lois nudged Jimmy “What, will he be finally getting a wig?” Jimmy looked at her with a half smile, to which Lois sighed “I miss Clark, I wonder what happened to him.” She said as Lex continued, “I have made contact with the last survivor of an alien race.”
“Superman?” a reporter asked, to which Lex replied “No. I’m afraid that we may have lost Superman for good, which may be for the best. No my friends, this alien has told me that he is the last survivor of a world that was destroyed by Superman’s race of Kryptonians.” The crowd muttered amongst themselves at this comment, Lois shook her head in disgust and was about to defend Superman when a loud blast was heard through the air. Everyone in Metropolis looked up in surprise as an unbelievably large ship seemed to appear from nowhere, it moved across the city as people ran screaming and shouting. Lex shouted over the speakers “Calm down everyone! This is who I was talking about! He is here to help us.”

The ship slowed to a stop over the city and a beam of light shown from it, an object appeared in the light and began to descend to the city. As the object neared the city, it was made apparent that this was the humanoid android Brainiac, seated in what appeared to be a hovering chair. He floated down towards the stage and came to a stop besides Lex. It addressed the citizens of Metropolis in perfect English, with what seemed to be a mechanized version of a British accent “Greetings citizens of metropolis and people of the planet Earth. I am the being known as Brainiac. I have come from afar to share my knowledge of the known universe with the people of your planet, in exchange for knowledge of your world. That is my purpose; I am a preserver of knowledge…what you would call a historian. I am here to learn and remember, for eternity that is my purpose.”

Superman, Lobo, and the rest of the fighters selected stood in a line on a hovering platform in chains. There was another platform with a large intimidating humanoid creature on it across from them, this was Draaga. They all hovered before a podium in the stadium and at this podium stood Mongul. Mongul addressed the crowd “Look upon these specimens my people! They are here to live and die for your amusement!”He said as the people cheered, he continued “We are here today to choose five fighters to fight for a favor. They may ask anything of me, but first, they must fight to the death with Draaga! Who among you think you can stand the might of Draaga?” Superman looked at the others, four fighters reluctantly stepped forward with downturned gazes, Superman was next to step forward confidently. Lobo looked in surprise “Hey!”He said as he rushed forward and shoved one of the other fighters over the rail, sending them plummeting hundreds of feet to the stadium floor far below. Mongul laughed “It appears we have our champions! The Romulian, the Grognak, the cyborg, the Kryptonian, and of course the Czarnian.” He finished with a smile “Soon these warriors will engage in glorious combat on Warworld! You know the rules, all can enter, but only two can leave!” he said as the crowd cheered loudly.

Lois and Jimmy were standing in a dark alley in the dark of night; Lois had on a business suit with a Lexcorp nametag, and was donning a brown wig. “Here try these on; they’ll help hide who you are.” Jimmy said handing Lois a pair of glasses she put them on and looked at her with a raised brow “Jimmy; only an idiot would be fooled by a pair of glasses.” She said handing them back to him “Remember Jimmy, if you don’t hear from me in two hours, go straight to Perry, and while you’re there, find out if there has been any news on Clark.” Jimmy smiled and nodded “I never realized how much you cared for him Lois.” She looked at him for a second “Yeah, neither did I… well wish me luck.” She said as she walked out of the alley and into the street facing the main Lexcorp building.

Superman was sitting in the pit eating the gruel that the slaves were fed when suddenly a large grey hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to his feet, he looked to see Draaga standing over him

“Why are you still here? I have met your people in the past and I know that under a yellow sun you are invincible. If you really wanted to leave Mongul’s men could not stop you.” He said in a gravelly voice.
Superman looked at him in surprise “You have met other Kryptonians?” Draaga growled in acknowledgement “Yes, for many centuries I knew of your people, they were great warriors and at one point greater allies, I was saddened to learn from another fighter that they had fallen to their own destruction.”
Superman looked at him “How long have you been here?”
Draaga looked up and was silent for a moment “Many decades. Since I failed to defeat Mongul.”
Superman looked about quickly before whispering “I’m staying here because I want to stop this barbarism and remove Mongul from your throne. I would welcome your help.”
Draaga looked at him silently for a moment before pushing Superman away “No. When we meet on Warworld, I may be forced to kill you. I have no choice.” Draaga said as he stomped away.

Superman dusted himself off and heard a laugh behind him; he turned to see Lobo leaning against a support beam drinking something from a glass “I could’ve told ya that wouldn’t work. Mongul has leverage over him. I figure it’s something dear to him. Probably a wife and kids. Frag em, family only leads to weakness, that’s why I fragged my whole planet! Ha ha ha!” He said laughing as Superman glared at him.
“Do you care for anything?” Superman asked with what seemed like pity in his voice.
Lobo looked thoughtful for a moment ”…I had a dog once, but I kicked his fraggin head in when he pissed on my bike!” Lobo finished with a laugh “Ah, good ole Dawg!” Lobo stood up and walked over to Superman “Well Supes old buddy, I have our escape all planned out! We take out this Draaga freak and then we force Mongul to pay me, we kill him and then I get to go and hunt down that android that hired me. What the Frag was his name…”

Lex Luthor rushed into his lab deep beneath the Lexcorp building to see Brainiac in there in front of Lex’s prized project, a mysterious twenty foot alien capsule he had found decades earlier “What are you doing in here Brainiac? This was not part of our deal!” Luthor demanded.

Brainiac, rather than turn to face Luthor, swiveled his head around one hundred and eighty degrees and looked at Luthor before facing the capsule “This is quite an interesting find Luthor. I recognize much of these markings. They are ancient Kryptonian symbols.” Brainiac pointed at one particularly large symbol which was over what most of the scientist had reluctantly decided was the hatch “This is a warning, it is Kryptonian for doomsday. I would advise against opening this Luthor, it predates even my time among the Kryptonians. This contains some of Krypton’s most powerful and rare metals, it is nearly indestructible. Much work went into this capsule.” Lex noticed Mercy speaking on a phone out of the corner of his eye she snapped the phone shut and rushed from the room and left the lab level as Brainiac continued. “They were trying to get rid of whatever this device contained and left a warning for others, the front panel reads ‘Beware whoever opens this prison, for it contains an unstoppable for that will bring destruction for all, only one thing shall come from opening this container. Doomsday’ I am curious to see what it contains, but that will not serve my purpose here.” Brainiac finished as it turned and walked past Luthor to the exit.
Luthor looked back at him “Could you open it?”
Brainiac answered as the elevator opened before him “Of course, it would be simple. But as I stated it would not serve my goal here on this world.” Brainiac said as the door closed behind him.

A disguised Lois Lane snuck quietly into Lex Luthor’s office and made her way to Lex’s computer she sat at it and was glad to see that Luthor had not shut it off, he must have left in a hurry. She looked on his computer before she found an audio file she clicked play, it was Lex and his assistant Mercy speaking together:
Lex: “Brainiac did well, that alien he brought in took care of Superman perfectly. Now there is no one in our way.”
Mercy: “Agreed Lex, all we do is give Brainiac what knowledge our planet posses, and in return he will help you achieve your greatest goal. He will use the connection you will give him to have America’s enemies launch simultaneous attacks on several of Americas bases and manufacturing plants throughout the world. This will include many of you competitors as well.”
Lex: “Exactly, then the government will be forced to buy my munitions at whatever price I like. Oh Mercy my dear, we are at the beginning of a brave new world, my kind of world.”

Lois switched it off and looked up to see Mercy standing over her “See anything you like, Miss Lane?” Mercy said pulling of Lois’s wig.
Lois cursed under her breath that she had been caught “I’ve seen enough, enough to put you and baldy behind bars for the rest of your lives!”
Mercy shook her head and launched a kick towards Lois’s head. Lois pushed the chair back and landed on the floor, Mercy’s kick swept the computer off the desk and sent it crashing to the floor. Mercy then launched another kick in Lois’s direction. Lois barely rolled out of the way and rushed towards the door. As she did, Mercy grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her away. Lois grabbed a light chair and swung to at Mercy, it hit her in her side and knocked her to the ground. Lois opened the door, only to run into the form of Brainiac. Brainiac raised a hand, a white beam shot from it, and Lois hit the ground, unconscious. Lex rushed into the room, looked down at Lois, and then helped Mercy to her feet. Lex looked down at Lois as Mercy told him what happened “Our people caught her when she snuck in, she knows everything. She had a photographer waiting for her, I sent someone to take care of him, a mugging, and he will be dead or at least in the hospital for weeks.”
Lex looked to Brainiac “And what about her? What do we do with her?”
Brainiac extended a hand and Lois began to hover in the air “The beam merely rendered her unconscious. I will take her back to my ship and hold her there. My observations have shown that Kal- El may have an emotional attachment to her. It is always wise to have a contingency plan.” He said as he led them back to Luthor’s hidden elevator. After they left a door to an adjoining office opened up and a shocked Lana Lang stepped out quietly “Clark, where are you?” she said quietly.

Superman was being led though and opulent palace hallway and into an ornate room filled with food of various types, including some from his home world. The guards unshackled him, save from the collar around his neck, and left him alone in the room. He looked at the food on the table and saw that several things from Earth were on the table including: Ham, fruit, and vegetables, all mixed amid several other exotic alien foods.
“You must be famished, I know what they feed you in the Pitt is hardly edible.” Superman turned to see Mongul walking down a staircase towards him with a sinister smile “Sit and eat Kal-El, I can call you that can’t I?” Mongul sat down at the table, piled some food on a plate for himself, and motioned for Superman to do likewise, Superman reluctantly sat down across from Mongul, who motioned “Eat. It is all real, my chefs went through much trouble to synthesize food from both your home and adopted world.” Superman looked at some of the dishes of food on the table “This food is Kryptonian?” he asked skeptically.
Mongul sliced some Kryptonian meat, put it on a plate, and slid it to Superman “Of course it is, I had genetic data on it recorded from back when Krypton used to trade openly with other worlds, before it shut itself off from the rest of the universe. And as for the Earth food… well to be honest, nearly every major race has been there at some point and they took samples, I believe this is called pork.” He said biting a slice of ham “delicious.”
Superman reluctantly ate the piece of Kryptonian meant he had been given before asking “What do you want from me?”
Mongul chuckled as he drank what Superman assumed was some sort of intoxicating beverage “My armies have grown fat and weak. It has been centuries since I first acquired Warworld and used it to carve out my own little empire. Now all I use one of the galaxies most dangerous weapons for is a gladiatorial arena for Draaga to fight in.”
“What is Warworld?” Superman asked.
Mongul slammed his empty glass down and refilled it “It was once a settled world, the remains of a massive civilization cover the majority of its surface. But in reality, Warworld is a device made millennia ago by a long gone alien race. It is quite large, the size of a large moon, and bristling with armaments. I found it hidden in a remote corner of the universe. I used it to conquer several solar systems, until I came here. Draaga’s system was surrounded by asteroids and debris that would have damaged Warworld, so I could not continue. I knew of Draaga’s reputation as a proud warrior, so I made my General challenge him, if Draaga won, we would not attack, if my man won, Draaga would give up control of his system, Draaga killed him. I then challenged Draaga and as you see, I won. I decided to let Draaga live, hoping to make him my new general, but he refused. I made his world the capital of my new empire. And when the masses I control started to grow uneasy, I decided to hold these gladiatorial matched to entertain them, and the highlight is Draaga fighting for the honor of serving me. At least that is what I make him say, he knows if he doesn’t obey me, I will destroy this planet.”
Superman looked at Mongul coldly “What does this have to do with me?”
Mongul smiled “I have grown bored Kal-El. I wish to continue my conquest of the universe, but I need someone to lead my troops, and I want that someone to be you. Join with me and I will grant you your freedom. All you have to do is kill Draaga in your match with him. The rules are that there are two victors, which is usually Draaga and someone else, I do that to give the people hope, hope is such a good tool that a capable leader can use to their advantage. You kill Draaga, and I will make you my second.”
Superman looked at him skeptically “If you want him dead, why don’t you kill him yourself?”
Mongul shrugged as he took another bite of food “I have my reasons, they don’t concern you. All you need to know is that if you kill him, I will give you whatever you wish.”
Superman stood up and glared at Mongul “I will not be a pawn Mongul, I won’t kill Draaga.”
Mongul snorted,

“Fine, I was only trying to make things easier, but there are others I could use, however they may be less rational than you.” Mongul stood up and hit a switch on the table and the guards reentered the room “Take him back to the pit.” Mongul said. As the guards chained Superman Mongul said, “I offered you worlds Superman, you could have been a king.”
Superman looked at Mongul coolly, “Not all creatures lust after power.” Mongul waived for the guards to take Superman out. Mongul then hit another button and said, “Bring me Lobo.”

Superman, Lobo, Draaga and the other three combatants stood on a hovering platform in a massive arena twice the size of Metropolis, it was littered with the ruins of ancient and destroyed cities. Mongul sat in a large throne in the center of the stands, which were filled with billions of Mongul’s subjects from various worlds. Mongul stood and massive holographic projectors projected his image above the derelict cityscape “My people, we are gathered here today to witness glorious combat. Six warriors may enter, but only two will survive to be granted one request. Let the battle begin!” Superman and the others were enveloped by light and were teleported t random places in the city to fight to the death.

Lana Lang stood in a large room with a massive radio dish in it. She was speaking to a man with glasses “Thank you for this Dr. Hamilton. If we succeed, you may be saving the world.”
Dr. Hamilton looked at computer readout and then looked back at Lana “I am still not sure about this, I mean why would the Vice President of the largest corporation in the world come to a rival lab for help. But if what you say is true, then only Superman can stop Brainiac.” He led her to a glass booth with a microphone in it “You can record your message here; we will transmit it to the general direction where we think that alien took Superman.”

Lana walked to the soundproof booth and waited for Hamilton to give her a thumbs up before speaking “Superman, wherever are, I hope that you can hear this… Earth is under the thrall of a creature named Brainiac. This Brainiac is working with Lex to start a global war, one from which only Lex will emerge victorious. Please find a way back to us, you’re our only hope.”

Superman flew over the rubble of the city below him, he had already defeated an opponent, and he didn’t kill his foe, but only incapacitated him. Superman saw an explosion ahead of him he veered down to see Draaga standing over the slain body of the cyborg. Draaga raised his energy ax over his head and shouted “Face me Kryptonian! Die with honor!”
Superman looked at Draaga with disbelief “I don’t want to fight you Draaga, I wish to help you.”
Draaga looked at him with narrow eyes “Who says I want your help?” He said as he leaped through the air towards Superman. Superman dodged quickly as Draaga’s ax sliced through the air crackling with energy as it did. Superman slammed a quick right into Draaga’s head, he then grabbed Draaga by the shoulders, flew at full speed towards the ground below, he then slammed Draaga into the ground. Draaga slammed into the ground creating a huge cloud of dust. Superman hovered over the dust cloud when suddenly a Draaga shot from the cloud and wrapped his arms around Superman’s throat, he then caused Superman to crash into the ground. He then proceeded to pound Superman ferociously until Superman head butted him.

Draaga staggered backwards to his feet shaking his head until a blast struck him from behind. Draaga turned to see Lobo laughing as he held a double-barreled smoking gun. “Hey! You can’t have a rumble without the main man! Let’s get this started!” He said laughing maniacally as he charged towards Superman and Draaga. Draaga hoisted his ax and cried out angrily “Fool! Don’t you ever cease talking?” He said as he swung his ax at Lobo. “Aw frag it.” Lobo said as the ax cleaved his head from his shoulders. Superman gasped as Lobo’s body slumped to the ground. He jumped up to continue his fight, but before he could, he and Draaga were enveloped in light and teleported back to the hovering platform, where Mongul awaited them.

The alien crowd cheered as Mongul waved to his subjects “My people! We have our champions! Draaga and the Kryptonian, Kal- El! Tell me noble warriors, what is your wish?”

Draaga sighed and his shoulders dropped slightly as he said, “I only wish to once again serve the lord Mongul in glorious combat.”
Mongul smiled evilly as he nodded “Of course Draaga.” He turned to Superman “And you Kal-El, what do you desire?” Mongul said with an edge in his voice.
Superman knew that Mongul wanted him to kill Draaga in another battle, but what Superman said surprised Mongul, “I wish to fight.” He was interrupted by the roar of the unbelievably large crowd, before he continued, “I wish to fight you Mongul for the right to rule your empire.” Mongul looked at Superman in anger as Superman smiled softly and said, “You told me, you have to honor my wish.”
Mongul gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in rage “Very well, as you wish Kal-El.” He turned to face the crowd “I accept the Kryptonian’s challenge! He and I will engage in combat on Warworld!”

The crowd was on its feet, or whatever some of them had for feet as Mongul and Superman faced each other on a large football stadium size hovering platform. It was concave like a bowl, so it had sides on it, as well as an energy grid over the opening, this prevented Superman from flying too high.
Mongul rushed towards Superman and wrapped his arms around the Kryptonian, catching him by surprise. He drove Superman hard into the side of the arena. He then proceeded to assault Superman with a devastating series of punches to the face.

As he pulled his arm back to deliver another punch, Superman caught it with his own hand. Mongul’s eyes widened in surprise as Superman smiled. Superman squeezed Mongul’s hand, which emitted a crackling sound. Superman then swung Mongul as hard as he could into the energy grid. The energy stunned Mongul as he landed with a thud. Superman rushed over, preparing to kick his downed foe, only for Mongul to grab his leg. He slammed Superman into the ground and then elbowed him in the stomach. Superman stumbled back clutching his stomach as Mongul slammed his fist into Superman’s chin. Superman was knocked back into the wall as Mongul rushed towards him. Superman waited until the last second and jumped into the air just as Mongul slammed into the wall, Superman then kicked his foe in the back with enough force that the wall cracked. Mongul swung his arm out, catching the Kryptonian and knocking him across the arena. Superman slowed himself and hovered a foot above the floor. He then charged through the air at full speed towards Mongul. He struck the tyrant with enough force that both of them tore through the wall and flew into the air beyond. Superman slammed his elbow into Mongul’s face, breaking a tooth loose as he knocked his foe to the derelict city hundreds of feet below.

Superman flew up to the platform for the victors. The crowd was deathly silent for a long moment before erupting into thunderous applause. One of Mongul’s men came forward and removed the collar from Superman’s neck as he said “You defeated Mongul, you are the new ruler of his empire.”
Superman turned to the crowd as his voice was amplified “I am not your ruler, I never wanted to be. I just want to go home. That is why as my first and only decree as your ruler, I am here by granting Draaga the right to rule on the condition that he returns me to Earth.”

As Superman said this Mongul was brought to the platform bloodied and angry “I swear to you Kal-El, I will kill you for this. I will take everything you know from you and when you are at you weakest I will crush you.”
Draaga walked up and looked at the guards surrounding Mongul “Take him away.” He said gruffly before turning to Superman “Thank you Kryptonian. I owe you everything. I will honor your request, you will be taken home.”
As Draaga said this, an alien creature rushed towards them “Lord Draaga, we have a message for lord Kal-El, it is from Earth.”

Superman soared through the atmosphere of Earth as fast as he could towards Metropolis.

His eyes widened as he saw Brainiac’s massive ship hovering over the city. He flew through the air, landed on the balcony of an apartment, and tapped on the glass door leading inside. The door opened revealing Lana who let him in and slid the door closed behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and held her close to him, “Thank God! Clark where have you been? Brainiac and Lex are preparing to start World War three!”
Superman looked down at her “I was halfway across the universe Lana, what is going on.”
Lana sat down and filled Superman in on what happened while he was gone, including the part about Lois being kidnapped. Superman stood and looked out the glass door at the spaceship thinking aloud “From what I know of Brainiac from my father’s records, I seriously doubt he would help Lex. He is using him for something. But no matter what his end game is, I have to stop them, both of them.”

Brainiac stood facing the window of Lex’s office as he stormed in angrily “Damn you Brainiac! What have you done?”
Brainiac turned to face Luthor and responded in a flat mechanical tone “To what do you refer Luthor?”
Luthor clenched his fist “You know damn well what I mean. You have been downloading data of everything on the planet.”
Brainiac replied “Of course, that was part of our arrangement.”
Lex shook his head “Yes, but while you were downloading everything we have I have been monitoring what you were doing. You have taken direct control of only one country's nuclear devices, the US!”
Brainiac nodded “It is the most prudent way for me to ensure the completion of my goal. Your country has more than enough destructive power for me to cast the entire world into nuclear winter. It is the best way to advance my goal.”
Luthor shook with rage as he pounded a fist on his desk “But what about my goals? Did you just forget about our deal we made?”
Brainiac turned away from Luthor and faced the window before replying, “Your goals are only motivated by personal gain and interfere with my primary objective.”
Luthor reached a hand into his pants pocket “And what would that goal be?”
Brainiac continued to gaze out the window as it replied “I plan to gather data on every living being, every cultural accomplishment on this planet, and then exterminate the originals, save for a few key pockets of life that I will allow to repopulate your world.”
Luthor sighed “that’s what I thought.” He said as he pulled a small gun out of his pocket and fired at Brainiac. The bullet bounced off a barrier centimeters from Brainiac’s head.
Brainiac turned to face Luthor and stretched out his hand and the gun flew from Luthor’s hand and into Brainiac’s palm, where he crushed it. “Luthor,” he said flatly, “I understand that you allowed your emotions to overwhelm your logical thinking. That is the only reason that you are left living. If you refrain from further actions, I will make sure you are left alive and allowed to rule over the beings I leave on this world. If you are with me, then you had best attend to your affairs, the Kryptonian is here. I have the data I need, and I am going to activate the final stage of my plan tonight.”
Luthor looked at him nearly at a loss for words “Why are you telling me this? What could keep me from stopping you?”
Brainiac moved towards the door, “Simple, at this stage neither you nor the Kryptonian can stop my plans.” With that statement, Brainiac left the room, leaving a stunned Luthor, standing there.

Luthor sat in his office late that night pouring over diagrams. He was in a state of dishevel his tie was loosened and his sleeves rolled up as Mercy walked into his office “Lex?” she said questioningly, “It is ready when you are. Are you alright?”
Luthor looked up from his plans and looked at Mercy with red eyes “Good job Mercy. You have done well. I appreciate all that you have done for me, all of it.” He took a deep breath and walked to her “The lab with the capsule, it is impregnable. There are enough food stores to last two dozen people for years. Go there.”
Mercy looked at him with eyes that began to tear at the sign of concern from her boss “Lex…” she said.
He cut her off by putting a hand to her lips “Go Mercy. And whatever you hear, don’t come back here. That is an order. I’ll join you in the shelter if I can.”

He pressed Mercy towards the door and closed it after her. He took a deep breath, threw his tie across the room, and went back to his desk in front of the window. Suddenly the window shattered and Luthor found himself pressed to the wall by Superman. Luthor looked at him in anger as his eyes glowed red with heat vision “Luthor.” He growled in anger.
Lex looked at Superman unimpressed “Superman?”
Superman through him across the room and into his desk “What have you done? Where are Brainiac and Lois?”
Luthor laughed lightly and wiped a bloody lip “Brainiac’s about to destroy the entire planet and all you care about is your girlfriend? Brainiac has her on his ship. He’s there now, preparing to wipe out most of the life on the planet.”
Superman looked at him with a narrow gaze, his eyes still glowing red “What is he doing?”
Luthor laughed, “I honestly don’t know. He has taken control of every nuclear device on the planet, and has a giant spaceship hovering over Metropolis.”
Superman walked to the broken window, his cape billowing dramatically in the wind “Luthor, I will stop Brainiac. And when I am done with him, I will come after you.” Superman said as he flew outside the window.

“Lois, you’re in trouble this time.” Lois said to herself as she surveyed her surroundings. She was the prisoner of a robotic alien in a giant space ship. She was held captive in a metal and glass cylinder that looks like a through back from an old Sci Fi film. Her cylinder was hung high on a wall looking over a large circular room that had a single pedestal that held a long control platform. The room was massive, at least twice the size of Metropolis stadium. The walls where covered in metallic ovals that looked almost like metal versions of the cylinder she was in. Brainiac stood on the control platform and was activating a machine as holographic images of various places on earth were displayed on the walls. Brainiac keyed in a code.

Ferris Aeronautics. Nevada Research Division:
A technician was sitting at a terminal when suddenly a series of alarms went off. Another tech ran into the room “What the hell’s going on?” the man looked at his companion “I don’t know, all the missiles on the base are activating! We better call Miss Ferris.”

The missiles left their silos and rocketed into the air. They soared through the sky towards Las Vegas when suddenly two of them were engulfed in a Green light. The light ripped the rockets apart and shot the warheads into space at incredible speed where they exploded brilliantly. The green light was revealed to be coming from the ring of the Green Lantern.

Superman rocketed through the skies of Metropolis towards Brainiac’s massive ship, as he did several points of light across the ship as it began to fire hundreds of energy blasts towards him. Superman deftly dodged the blasts as they shot past him, causing destruction in the city where they hit. Superman saw this and sped towards the ship as more energy blasts shot towards him. As he neared the ship, his eyes glowed red as he fired his heat vision, striking the energy cannons on the ship. As his heat vision drug over the cannons, they exploded. Superman cleared the cannons out of an area and barreled towards the ship at full speed. Superman crashed through the hull, and into the interior of the ship. Superman found himself in a long corridor and looked about. He then listened with his super hearing, he heard past the clanging machinery and energy coursing through the ship until he heard a familiar voice “Hey! You overgrown toaster, I’m talking to you!” Superman turned to that direction and shot through the interior of the ship until he came to the large room and saw Brainiac, who was connected at several points to machinery, until only his head was visable.

Lois saw Superman from behind Brainiac, “Clark!” She exclaimed catching Superman by surprise as Brainiac turned and fired an energy blast from his fist. Superman was driven into the wall, causing several of the metal pods to fall to the cavernous floor below.

Brainiac hovered in the air before him “Hello Kal-El. You have arrived as expected. I offer you one chance, join me, the last Kryptonian and the last Koluan together.”
Superman pulled himself from the wreckage as Brainiac hovered through the air towards him “I know who you are Brainiac, I know how you betrayed Krypton. I will never join you.” He said bulleting towards the air towards Brainiac.
“As you wish.” Brainiac said as Superman punched him in the jaw as he grabbed the Kryptonian’s fist, and slung him to the ground below.
Superman halted his fall and shot through the air towards Brainiac, eyes glowing. Just as he was fixing to fire a heat blast at Brainiac, an energy blast and a concussive shell tore through the air and blew Brainiac’s head off. Superman looked in surprise towards the hole he came through to see Luthor in a set of power armor, and a large shadowed figure behind him “You didn’t think I was going to let you take all of the credit did you Superman?”
Luthor said as the shadowed figure stepped forward “Heya Supes! Miss me?”
“Lobo?” Superman said in confusion “How are you?”
“Hey, you insult me, it takes more than a little decapitation to take out the main man, and I got one bad ass fraggin healing factor going here! That’s just one of the things that makes me the baddest bastich around!” Lobo said with pride as Luthor rolled his eyes and flew using rockets in the boots of his suit towards the control panel.
Superman smashed the glass on Lois’s cylinder and pulled her out, she hugged him tightly and kissed him “I was so worried…”
“Enough talking. I have to decipher these symbols so I can stop the rest of the warheads from being launched.” Luthor said as he plugged a cable from his suit into the console. As he did, the booming computerized voice of Brainiac spoke from around them “I am afraid I cannot allow you to do that Luthor. You, the Czarnian, and the Kryptonian will not hinder my plans.” Brainiac said as the hundreds of metallic pods lining the walls began to hiss and open, revealing replicas of the Brainiac they just destroyed.

Superman, Luthor, and Lois looked on in shock and surprise as the Brainiacs came on line. Lobo smiled and cracked his knuckles “Hell yeah. Let’s dance.” He said as he jumped from the hole in the wall towards a row of Brainiacs below, as he fell through the air he fired several rounds from his double-barreled weapon, destroying Brainiacs as they tried to leave the pods. He landed on the floor far below and looked up as a wave of Brainiacs fell towards him, hands glowing with energy. Lobo laughed as the Brainiacs swept over him. He punched one through the face, kicked another and began working his way through the robots.

Meanwhile Superman flew Lois at full speed out of the ship and into the city, they saw that it was in flames from the destruction wrought by Brainiac’s cannons. He sat her down on a rooftop as dozens of Brainiacs flew through the opening in the ship. “GO!” Superman shouted as he turned and fired his heat vision into the cloud of robots. He flew towards them, punching and firing his heat blasts, the deadly heat beams actually sliced some of the robots in half, and caused others to explode. He slammed his fist through the face of one robot and slammed it into another robot. He battled his way back to the ship, noticing that the Brainiacs were only interested in him and not the city. Superman shot into the ship, and charged into another chamber ahead of his pursuers, he looked up at the ceiling and heated it with his heat vision until it weakened. The Brainiacs filled the chamber as they pursued him. Superman took a deep breath and blew it at the weakened ceiling, the force caused the ceiling to collapse on top of the Brainiacs, crushing them.

Luthor meanwhile had hooked his suit up remotely and was trying to override the missiles and defeat hordes of Brainiac robots that pursued him as they flew through the gigantic room. He turned and flew backwards so he could see the robots behind him, as he did the shoulder pads of his armor rose revealing deadly compact missiles. Luthor fired the missiles, obliterating a dozen Brainiac robots and the ones approaching him from behind him were obliterated by a heat blast. He looked in surprise at Superman “Didn’t know you cared.” He said.
Superman narrowed his gaze “We’ll work together this time. But when we’re done, I’m coming after you.”
Luthor smiled and replied “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He said firing a blast at a robot over Superman’s shoulder “Listen. According to my suit computer, Brainiac is diverting a large amount of energy to a main weapon of sorts. If he activates it, it could destroy the city. If you destroy the power core, the resulting feedback can fry the circuits on this ship controlling the missiles, allowing us to stop them.”
Superman glanced down to see Lobo battling Brainiacs as he stood on a large pile of robotic corpses “What do you need me to do Luthor?” he said as he dodged an energy blast from a robot flying towards him, Superman ripped its head off as it flew past.
Luthor shot a blast from the chest of his suit, the blast ripped through several Brainiacs as he replied, activating a holographic cross section of the ship “I was able to download a cross section of the ship when I hacked into it. You need to go to the power core which is located a flew floors below us and destroy it. Then we need to divert this ship from crashing in the city, do you think you can maneuver it towards the bay, we can lessen the damage by submerging it in water.”
Superman shot down through the decks of the ship until he came to a large circular sphere that was pulsing with energy. He looked at it in awe as Brainiac’s voice tempted him one final time “Kal-El. If you destroy me, you will lose all of the history of Krypton.” As it said this images of Krypton floated in the air before Superman. Images of mountain ranges, great cities like Argo, Kandor, it showed images of people, including Superman’s father and mother.
Superman clenched his fists in anger “You will pay for destroying them.” He said as he charged full speed into the glowing white sphere. He disappeared into the light for a moment before bursting through the other side as flames shot from it and it collapsed on itself. It shrunk down to a smaller size before exploding, sending shockwaves and energy ripping through the decks of the ship.

Lobo smiled as he looked at the carnage around him, he looked at a sparking Brainiac head in his hands “Ya know, this day has been pretty goo-” he was cut off as an explosion shot through the deck and he was propelled through the air, Superman grabbed him as the ship exploded around them.
Superman turned towards Luthor and shouted “Let’s go!” they flew towards the opening in the ship and out into the city as flames shot from the hole. Superman dropped Lobo and he and Luthor shot towards the underside of the ship, which was beginning to fall towards the terrified city below as its power died. Luthor and Superman pressed against the ship with all of their might, Luthor’s suit was pushing itself to its limits as was Superman. They slowly began lifting the ship through the air and angling it towards the coast. Eventually they were able to through it with all of their combined might about a mile off shore where it exploded on impact, creating a massive wave that barreled towards the city.

Superman flew towards the wall of quickly moving water and fired his heat vision at it. He concentrated his beams until the wall of water lessened and the majority of it evaporated.

Superman and Luthor landed on the roof of the building where Lois and Lobo stood. Lois rushed towards Superman and they kissed passionately. Superman held Lois tightly and looked at Luthor “It’s over Luthor, all your plans have backfired.”
Luthor smiled “Really Superman? How do you know that this wasn’t my plan the entire time?”
Superman walked away from Lois towards Luthor “What do you mean?”
Luthor smiled and waved an arm at the city as the sun was beginning to rise, “I helped stop an alien apocalypse by fighting side by side with Superman, and destroying the alien spaceship, and I stopped the nuclear missiles from starting World War III. I’ll be more popular with the public than ever. You won’t say anything because you have no proof, so there are no loose ends. Even my closest employees had no idea about my plan.”
Superman clenched his fists “So you planned everything? Lobo, Warworld, this?” he said pointing at the destruction in the city.
Lobo laughed his usual insane laugh “Well, I was told to contact baldy here by the robot so I could find out how to beat you. That’s where I got the K-rock from. Luthor here offered me anything I could find from Brainiac’s ship if I came over to his side. So I choose…her.” He said pointing to Lois, he looked from him to Superman in wide-eyed horror and surprise “Don’t even think about it.” She said to them.
Lobo laughed “Naw, I’m just fraggin with ya, I saw this sweet bilateral matrix coupling that will give me some seriously sweet fire power on my bike.” Lobo turned towards his bike, which was hovering at the edge of the building “See ya later Supes, take care, I won’t always be there to pull your ass outta the fire!” he said as he jumped on the bike and shot off towards the sky.
Superman watched as he shot off and said “You know, I’m not going to miss him.”
Luthor smiled “Ah, now it’s time to go play hero Superman. The people want to see their champions.” Luthor said as he flew off the rooftop and over a cheering crowd of people.
Superman shook his head “Amazing. Even when I beat him, he still wins.”
Lois looked up at him “Well Superman, I guess you’ll just have to keep on trying. The only way Lex will really win is if you give up. And I think Luthor underestimates the free press.”
Superman smiled down at her “Uh Lois, in the ship you called me Clark…”
Lois looked at him and smiled cryptically “Oh, yeah that. Well, from a distance, you kind of look like him. I was worried about both of since you both disappeared. I guess I got confused.’ She said walking to the edge of the building “Well, I guess we’d better get to the Planet.” She said looking at him with a playful smile, “I have a story to write.”

Luthor stood in front of dozens of reporters answering questions, one of which was “Mr. Luthor, you went from billionaire industrialist to superhero in one day, will you continue your super activities?”
Luthor smiled and laughed “Well, I must admit as thrilling as this was, I’m not the violent type. I doubt I will make a habit of this, but if the people of my city need me, who knows.”
Another reporter spoke up “Well Mr. Luthor, you have done it all, what is next for you?”
Lex crossed the arms of his suit and smiled “I don’t know what the future holds, if I did, I would be even richer.” This got a laughed from the crowd as he continued “Today I am a hero, tomorrow and industrial accident could make me a pariah. But as for my immediate plans… I’ve always been interested in…politics.”

Clark Kent walked through the offices of the Daily Planet late that night. He smiled when he saw Lois furiously typing. “Here’s your coffee Lois.” He said sitting a cup down by her. She spun around in her chair and pointed to the screen, which read “Superman Saves City from Luthor’s Scheming”. Clark looked at her “A little long isn’t it?”
She shrugged and sipped the coffee “So Smallville. That is where you have been all this time. Why didn’t you call?”
Clark rubbed his shoulder “Well, Ma was not feeling well and I couldn’t leave her.”
“Uh huh.” Lois said nodding as she turned back to the computer screen “Well Clark, it’s good to have you back. I actually missed you believe it or not.”
Clark looked her from behind and smiled as he took off his glasses, he opened his mouth to speak as she said “Hey Clark, I’m about finished, would you want to go get a bite or something?” Clark smiled and put his glasses back on as she turned around.
“Sure Lois, that’d be great.”
She smiled at him with the same playful smile she had earlier “Then it’s a date.” She said as she grabbed her jacket and they walked out of the office.

On the beach of Metropolis, now strewn with wreckage, a particular piece of wreckage crawled out from among the rest. It was a half-demolished Brainiac robot. “This… has… only… just… begun…Kal-El.”

Well, there you have it. Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think of it in the comments below.

HAWK out.

Here is a complete list of my Fan Fictions that I have done here on

Here is my list of Stories I have written on CBM

Justice League of America Vs the Legion of Doom parts 1-3 (Never finished)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


Batman3: End of Days
Batman 4 Darkside of the Mind
Batman 5: Shadow of the Bat
Shadow of the Bat: Part 1
Shadow of the Bat Part 2
Batman 6: Knightfall
Batman Knightfall Part 1
Batman Knightfall Part 2
Superman: The Man of Steel

Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD
X Men 4
X-Men 5


I have done numerous casting on this site as well, they are very enjoyable and I put a lot of thought into them.

My Pride and Joys
330 X-Men Characters!
THEHAWK Casts the ENTIRE 108 Members of the Justice League
Casting the New Gods of Apokolips
Flash's Rouges
Batman's Rouges Gallery
Killer Instict
Wonder Woman's friends and foes
The Endless
The Marauders
Secret Six
X-Men 4 Cast
DC & Marvel Team Up In Awesome Fan-Created Infinite Crisis Video

DC & Marvel Team Up In Awesome Fan-Created "Infinite Crisis" Video

THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Talks Season 2 Plans, [SPOILER]'s Sith Master, And Whether It's Been Greenlit Yet
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THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Talks Season 2 Plans, [SPOILER]'s Sith Master, And Whether It's Been Greenlit Yet

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LuckyKyd - 3/8/2010, 5:13 AM
Wow looks great Hawk :) , I'm gonna check it out when I get home from work. Maybe I'll read your Man of Steel first and then this...

Now get some rest bud and then get on with your much awaited sequel to your astonishing X-men franchise! ;D
LuckyKyd - 3/8/2010, 7:43 AM
Damn cannot see your casting vid, because of some WMG Copyright issue... Too bad...
lc - 3/8/2010, 8:29 AM
dont know much about this but i did give it the tumbs up tho :)
LEEE777 - 3/8/2010, 11:22 AM
Lc @ Awwww ya a cutie! xx

HAWKSTER @ Dude OMG, i'm gonna have to come back to this man, give me a couple of hours, thats gonna be one hell of a read!!

Looks sweet.... hey anything that has LOBO in has my vote already!

Right off now (to save the day : D)

Be bk a lil l8r to read this sucker!
THEHAWK - 3/8/2010, 11:22 AM
@Teabag. Thanks man, It was fraggin fun to write!

@LuckyKid. Thanks man. can't wait to hear what you think of it!

I think I fixed the hates me lol.

X-Men is taking a while because I want it to be perfect, I have sooo much stuff I am cramming in there! It will be epic.

@LC. Thanks, glad you liked it.

glad you guys liked it!

HAWK out
THEHAWK - 3/8/2010, 11:23 AM
@LEEE. All right!! Let me know what you think of it.

HAWK out
juggy4711 - 3/8/2010, 1:49 PM
That was damn good Hawk.
AshleyWilliams - 3/8/2010, 1:51 PM
AWESOME story Man!
Can't see the video though :(
THEHAWK - 3/8/2010, 4:32 PM
Crap. This thing is already buried in fan fic

@Juggy. thanks man, appreciate it!

@Night. thanks man, not sure why no one can see the vid, I can see it fine...
THEHAWK - 3/8/2010, 9:17 PM
Thanks Ozy, let me know what you think of it!
TANKGIRL - 3/9/2010, 6:33 AM
good story but vid didb't work
Ryden - 3/9/2010, 9:12 AM
I'm gonna read this tonight...I loved the last one, so this should be good :)
GreenLantern2010 - 3/9/2010, 11:06 AM
Hawk, you outdid yourself this is (frick)ing awesome!!!

even better than The Avengers :D!

11 thumbs up ;D
THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 12:14 PM
@TankGirl. Thanks. I don't know what is with the video, I spent a while on it...

@Ryden. can't wait to hear what you think.

@Davis. Thanks a lot man! I think this came out better than Avengers as well!
LEEE777 - 3/9/2010, 12:29 PM
Hey @ HAWK @ I left you a comment on this once i read it yesterday????

Its gone dude, and it wasn't bad at all?

Well basically i said loved all the DC cameos and my absolute favorite scene is with LOBO fights ol' SUPES, really enjoyed it dude, oh yeah...

Thumbs up from me man!! ; )

P.S. I would re-watch this sucker everyday till they stop showing it at my local, you have out done yourself man, great stuff!

THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 1:56 PM
@LEE> I didn't delete it man. I thought you had forgotten about this. Maybe a moderator did someting to it.

Well it was fun to write and I thought I'd give a shout out to GL.

Lobo was fun as hell to write! All of his scenes were amazing. If it were made into a film, he would definately steal every scene he is in.

Thanks man.

Hey do you think i should ahve coem out and said that Lois knows that Supers is Clark? Or left it as I did?

HAWK out
Spock - 3/9/2010, 2:38 PM
Hey Hawk did u get my email yet?
TANKGIRL - 3/9/2010, 2:53 PM
i am for lois lane tankgirl as lois lane thtas me:

THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 3:03 PM
@Spock. No man, did you use my new e-mail or the old one?

Oh, what did you think of the story?

@TankGirl. Very nice!
LuckyKyd - 3/9/2010, 3:21 PM
Wooow... Just finished both your Superman stories and they are truely epic. I think youre right that this one is up there with your best! :)

The introduction of Lobo, Brainiac was excellent. And I hoped from the sec. Lobo made his introduction that he would return for the final showdown, so nice! :D

Now I'm gonna look even more forward to your X-man 6, because you seem to get better and better everytime.
Spock - 3/9/2010, 3:37 PM
@ Hawk, What ever is link to your acct here thru the link under your avatar.
THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 3:43 PM
@Lucky. Thanks man! This is leading up to my Suicide Squad and Justice League stories!

This story and X-Men 5 are my favorites!

Lobo happened completely by accident! I wanted a good villain for Supes to fight, someone that could match him blow fo blow, so I decided on doing Mongul and Draaga. But I still faced the problem of getting Supes to Warwold, so I was stuck until I saw the article about Guy Pearce not doing Lobo, and a light clicked!

The Main Man ended up stealing the show.

X-Men 6 will take a bit because it is is so long and I have two Batman stories to do, one of which is a request by a fan.

X-6 will be epic though, I am pulling out all of the stops and may even write a solo story or two as tie ins.

I am actually havign to reread my Batman stories because I wrote them so long ago, I need to refresh my memory.

I started ranting again, my bad lol

thanks for reading.

HAWK out
THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 3:44 PM
@Spock. alright, send me another one. Jen and me are fighting adn she may have deleted it.
Batmanknight - 3/9/2010, 3:51 PM
Sweet shit man

I haven't finished it yet, but what i've read is sweet. I was originally think Warworld for my story, but i couldnt think of the right way to do it. Our stories are a lot different now at least. Mine's more about braniac and Zod. it also has a cameo from another character.

Lobo is really cool so far. He's the perfect person to be with Superman in Warworld.

Am i the person that requested the Batman story? Cause if i am i feel kind of gay now lol. But i cant wait to read it. Is it your next story?

Swet shit so far man. I'll write a ful review later
Batmanknight - 3/9/2010, 3:52 PM
By the way the video isnt working. Why dont you upload it to dailymotion. It usually works.
THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 4:12 PM
@Everyone. YOUTUBE is being retarded, so I am going to reupload the vid to


Thanks man!

Warworld is interesting, and I think I may do more with it than I have. Brainiac and Zod? Sweet! I plan on using Zod later in my series. He is a very interesting villain, simply because he isn't really evil, or power mad, he jsut wants what is right for his world, but done his way.

Lobo is bad ass! I loved writing him, I needed something to keep the tone from getting too dark, so I decided to make him the comic relief.\

You were not the prson who requested this story I don't think, this person was anonymous, he wanted a story featuring the Mad Hatter, and he didn't think I could make him a serious villain, or at least one to be taken seriously.

I am finishing my Batman 7 story and it is pretty cool, not my best work, but I kinda jumped the shark on my last one. I pulled a Brett Ratner I think.

Let me know what you think of the rest of this story man, see ya!

HAWK out
Spock - 3/9/2010, 8:52 PM
All right Hawk. I enjoyed the story. It must of took a while to put that video together. The story was good & I like how u incorpated some the Superman adventures in this. I think u got Lobo attitude & personality down pretty good. Send me an email [email protected] so i can mail this magazine to u already!
THEHAWK - 3/9/2010, 9:38 PM
@Spock. Thanks for reading man, I'm glad you liked it. That vid was a bitch to put together. lol

Yeah, I brought Lobo's entrance in from the Animated series. i thought it would be cool to do.

Lobo was fun to write.

I sent you my e-mail and address, let me know if you get it, my e-mail is acting up again.

HAWK out
LuckyKyd - 3/10/2010, 12:36 PM
No wonder why, this one is truely up there with X5. I suppose I can wait for X6, but your tease about the Age of Apocalypse just made a mess of my pants, so it will be hardly anticipated.

But I look forward to your Batman, think I need to do some re-reading there as well. Really left that hanging on a cliff as I recall it?

And Tie-Ins for X6 would also be heartly welcomed!!

Oh and the more I think about it the more I hope that this is the way Lobo will be introduced in an actual Supes film. Pure brilliance... and I really mean that! With the right actor, he would steal the show as you said...
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 1:01 PM
X-6 will take a while, I want to do that one right. I will give you a spoiler though, someone VERY important to the series will die pretty early in the story.

Apocalypse is actually hard to write, I would not have thoguht it but he is a pain in the ass to write without seeming campy or too much like a bad cartoon villain.

Batman is coming along good, I am enojying working on it.

The X6 tie in is my next project it will be about 2 or 4 of the team and build on their relationships, as wella s reintroduce a few villains that will appear in X-6.

I totally agree about Lobo, he could be amazing on screen. Give him the right voice and some good lines and he will steal the show!

One reason that I am working on my Batman story is that after I finish my Justice League story, me and another user are talking about doing a collaberation story. A crossover between our DC Universes.

HAWK out
Batmanknight - 3/10/2010, 3:08 PM
Awesome story man

I just finished it and it's incredible. I really like it. I dont know if I'd say is your best, but it's really good.

Not sure about Brad garret as Lobo. For the voice he's perfect, but the look i don't know.

My story has some similarities but overall it's different.

Is Batman your next released story? Mine will probably be Superman, unless i decide to change up the order of my stories.
LuckyKyd - 3/10/2010, 5:19 PM
Argh stop the teasing!!! haha

Take all the time you want, at least i know you won't dissapoint.

And I can see why he is hard to write. Apocalypse is a God amond insects and he sees himself that way. The first mutant and the last - Alpha and Omega... But I'm sure if the right voice is utilized for the role then even the seemingly campy lines are going to sound epic. I never thought he was campy in the animated show and there was some campy statements there if my memory doesn't deceive me...

A crossover sounds intriguing, with whom might I ask are you making such an endeavor with?
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 6:11 PM
@BatmanKnight. Thanks man, glad you liked it.

I still think that X-Men 5 was my best, but this one is pretty good though.

I don't know, Bad has the size to stand in the scenes, he is like 6'7". If not him, my second choice would be Clancy Brown.

I can't wait to see your story man, look forward to it.

I think one of my Batman stories will be next. Followed by Either teh Suicide Squad, or X-Men 6

@Lucky Kid.

I could give more teasers, maybe later though...

I will be basing Apocalypse off of Michael Ironside and Michael Clark Duncan.

I hope he comes out good though.

I am actually been working on a crossover since August with several other users.

But me and BatmanKnight where talking about a Dc crossover a while back.

HAWK out
Spock - 3/10/2010, 7:11 PM
@ Hawk nothing came thru.
Use this link to email me & i will respond back.
TheMyth - 3/10/2010, 8:32 PM
Hawk, Alright man, you know how I feel about Supes. It's a miracle I even got through it ;) and with that said, you must be a saint to have performed it. Since I don't read Supes comics I really don't have too intimate a knowledge for which any of this would be based upon, so I'll spare you a long winded analysis. Call me silly, but I've always liked Metallo(for what little I know of him, I really liked the previous story too btw speaking of ole Metallo) and was glad to see him in the story. Also, Caviezel as Jor-El is a nice nod to the fanboys who wanted him for Supes himself. Brainiac is one of the few DC villains that actually gives me goosebumps, and I'd watch anything with Anne Hathaway and her fine ass ;) Well done on your character choices and castings.

Lobo was fun, "Long and Slow?" crackin' me up. This Mongul character intrigues me, I'll have to read up on him. My favorite part was Lex and his arrogant ass soaking up the media in the climax, I just liked how it was written and the 'Lex for Prez' egg. Nice handling of sub-plots and parallel plots as always.
THEHAWK - 3/10/2010, 11:00 PM
@Spock. Sorry man, I'll try again.

@Myth. Glad to hear from you man!

I know how painful it must have been ot have had to sit through a Superman story lol. And a long winded analysis would have been fine, critism is how we better ourselves.

Metallo is one of my favorite Supes villains. There are so many ways that he can be used and interpretted on film, his potential is kinda wasted in the books. Brainiac is in my top three DC villains, right along wiht Darkseid and Deathsroke the Terminator. I think it is the fact that Brainiac is so pwerful and eh is guided by pure logic, devoid of emotion. He is creepy as hell.

Lobo was one of my favorite all time characters to write! I would love ot do a solo story about him. I would, but he is one of those characters that I think would grate on your nerves if he ahd a bigger role in the film/ story.

If you are interested in Mongul, I have to recommend Alan Moore's amazing story

"For the Man Who Has Everything"

It was in the Superman Anual #11 I believe. It is a gripping tale where Mongul traps Superman in his greatest fantasy. Mongul battles Wonder Woman, Batman and Robin as they try to protect and free Superman. It is extremely well written. It is probably the best Superman story printed.

Lex was fun as always to write. He is such an ass, it is... releiving to write him. He is every negative character trait I can think of in myself all wrapped in a deceptive shell. He represents the best and worst humanity has to offer, and he knows it, and uses it to his advantage.

Glad you liked the plots and subplots, Lana was fun to do.

Thanks for reading man. My next story should be easier on you. It should be Batman or X-Men 6.

BTW. X-Men 6 is going to have a tie in featuring Rogue and Gambit. It delves into both of their pasts.

HAWK out
Spock - 3/11/2010, 2:28 PM
Its all good Hawk.
Nimibro - 3/14/2010, 7:20 AM
TMWHE really is a great story... perhaps darkseid for the sequel?
THEHAWK - 3/19/2010, 3:31 PM
@Nimibro. Thanks man, glad you liked it. I actually have plans for Darkseid in a later story, but just not Superman.
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