Hello Everyone ! There are some things i want to talk about. I made my account on ComicBookMovie less than a week ago. The reason I've made it is because, over the past few months i have been taking movie photo's and photoshopping them. Now that got me thinking, i want to share this with other people other than a few friends, and jsut posting the photos on my personal facebook was just not..a too fond of an idea for me. So i thought, hey ! ComicBookMovie.
Over the past week I've been posting images onto ComicBookMovie. These images contain a photoshopped version of the original image i got from a comic book movie. I have got real good feeback and awesome comments, and I'll tell you, i wasn't expecting it.
I have gotten a few suggestions that i make a facebook fan page where people can be updated whenever i post new things, and not always having to go to ComicBookMovie. It also allows people see my work, without the knowledge of ComicBookMovie. Now i wan' to thanks everyone for awsome feedback and support, and i wish continue my work, and i ask if you would be so kind and like my facebook page.
Now that i got that out of the way, I would like to explain what you can expect. You can expect many new alerations on the page, there will be photoshops that won't be super big and won't go on ComicbookMovie. There will be suggestions and requests that i will kindly take into consideration. If you are not familiar with my work, here a some examples:

I kindly appreciate what everyone has said, can't wait to bring more alterations to the table, and thank you.