Since my Iron Man fan-cast, I've been planning a series of fan-casts which basically create my own little Marvel Universe. I've got a few more lined up for the coming weeks too, so be sure to keep an eye out. Anyway, this is the Hulk..enjoy...
The Hulk/Robert “Bruce” Banner: Joshua Jackson
Bruce Banner was a government scientist working on ways to utilise gamma radiation for military application. During the experimental detonation of a gamma bomb, Banner rushes to save a teenager who has driven onto the testing field. Pushing the teen, Rick Jones, into a trench, Banner himself is caught in the blast, absorbing massive amounts of radiation in the process. During the explosion Banner’s body changes and transforms into that of a giant green monster. Thinking that Banner had been killed by this creature General Ross sends his men to attack the creature. However they fail, and is it bounds off into the distance the men dub the monster the Incredible Hulk.
Joshua Jackson is a talented young actor who I think would be ideal for Banner. I think he’d make Banner very relatable but at the same time would be able to deliver the intelligent persona needed to portray the troubled scientist.
The Hulk: Lou Ferrigno (Voice)
The Incredible Hulk is an amazingly powerful creature, who despite his monstrous appearance and unlimited rage actually is misunderstood and seeks peace and quiet, away from the noise of the modern world. The Hulk is one of the most powerful beings in existence and is the dark inner rage of Banner manifested in a primal physical way.
It had to be Lou, the voice of the Hulk is very important and there’s no-one else I could possibly imagine for this role. He’s the perfect voice for the Hulk and always will be.
Grey Hulk/Mr. Fixit: Michael Donovan (Voice)
The Grey Hulk is the second Hulk personality to manifest itself from Banner’s mind. Unlike the original Green Hulk, Grey is rather intelligent and capable of more than basic speech. He is in fact very cunning and arrogant, although technically still on the side of good he tends to dabble a bit on the wrong side of the tracks. Despite being less powerful than his green other, he is far more ruthless and vicious when fighting. He also created a persona for himself, a Vegas style tough guy known as Joe Fixit.
Although I’m not particularly bothered about the inclusion of the Grey Hulk or not, it’s fun just to have him as a possibility. He’s always been quite an interesting character given that he is of greater intelligence than the original green Hulk. Donovan voiced the Grey Hulk on the cartoon of the early 90’s. I figured if anyone should do the voice it should be him.
Elizabeth “Betty” Ross: Diane Kruger
The only daughter of the renowned General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross, Betty spent her formative years firmly under her father's strict supervision. Thunderbolt Ross had wanted a son, and his disappointment at having a daughter was reflected in the way he raised her. After her mother died during Betty's teenage years, she was sent away to boarding school. After graduating, the introverted young woman returned to her father's side. Thunderbolt Ross was then in charge of a top-secret project to create a new type of weapon involving gamma radiation. The head scientist on the project was Bruce Banner, whom her father detested. An attraction between Betty and Bruce soon developed. Their relationship was forever changed when, during the test of a gamma radiation bomb, Bruce was struck by the full force of the detonation and became the Hulk.
Diane Kruger is an accomplished actress who has delivered some fantastic performances in her career. I think she’d make a great Betty, because one thing that I think has been lacking from the previous Betty Ross performances was the intelligence. Kruger would be able to make Betty kind and compassionate but also fiercely intelligent and driven.
General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross: Ed Harris
Ross is a General in the Air Force who is in charge of Bruce Banner's gamma bomb project. His daughter, Betty, takes a liking to the young scientist, a fact which only enhances the dislike the rough Ross has for the "weakling" scientist Banner. After Banner's transformation into the Hulk, Ross spends years chasing the monster, becoming increasingly more obsessed with him, never resting until the Hulk is found.
Ed Harris is a phenomenal actor who I think would make an excellent Thunderbolt Ross. Just give him a thick moustache and a crew cut and he would look identical to the character. Ed would be able to make Ross scarily obsessed with Hulk/Banner to the point of a mental breakdown, but also make Ross seem somewhat sympathetic as he’s only got good intentions at heart.
Richard “Rick” Jones: Kevin Zegers
Rick Jones was born in Scarsdale, Arizona. He lost his parents at a young age and grew up at an orphanage. He gains notoriety when he accepts a dare to drive out to a bomb testing ground in New Mexico. As luck would have it, the gamma bomb designed by Dr. Bruce Banner is being tested. Dr. Banner pushes Rick into a protective trench, saving his life but absorbing the gamma rays that first transform him into the Hulk. Rick then becomes the sole confidant of the Hulk's true identity. Rick's guilt over causing the incident (and lack of any other place to go) leads him to stay close to Dr. Banner and his alter ego, they grow to become great friends early on. Through Banner’s involvement with the super-team the Avengers, Rick has befriended most of them, and acts as somewhat of a team mascot.
Kevin Zegers is a talented young actor who I think would make a great companion for Joshua Jackson’s Banner. He looks a lot like the character and is more than capable of portraying the rebellious yet likeable characteristics of the Rick Jones character.
Doc Samson/Leonard “Leo” Samson: Josh Holloway

Leonard Samson was born Leonard Skivorski, Jr. in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His father, Dr. Leonard "Leo" Skivorski, was a popular psychiatrist in his hometown that specialized in treating young women, often conducting extramarital affairs with them Mrs. Skivorski had nicknamed her husband "Samson" after his long hair. Leonard Jr. initially expressed disinterest in becoming a psychiatrist, perhaps because he resented his father's philandering. Despite this, he became a college professor and psychiatrist. Whilst in S.H.I.E.L.D custody, Bruce Banner received Samson as a psychiatrist. The two eventually formed a bond and a friendship.
By researching Banner’s work, Samson accidently exposed himself to some of the gamma radiation, granting him a superhumanly strong and muscular physique and causing his hair to turn green and to grow long, reminiscent of his biblical namesake. Samson has always had a romantic interest in Betty Ross, causing much resentment Banner’s part. Samson and Hulk have come to blows more than a few times, but usually Hulk will eventually recognise Samson as a friend.
Josh Holloway is a good actor who I think would be a great Samson. He was a tough one to cast but I finally found an actor with the looks and talent to portray the character. He has the long hair, the looks etc., I think he’s ideal.
Major Glenn Talbot: Michael Fassbender
Talbot was a military man who hunted The Incredible Hulk under General Thunderbolt Ross. He worked as a security chief for Ross' base and was also there to keep an eye on Bruce Banner for the Pentagon. Talbot tried to prove that Banner was a traitor and also to win the love of Betty Ross. Talbot, not unlike Ross, has grown an unhealthy obsession with finding the Hulk.
Michael Fassbender is steadily moving up and up in the Hollywood ladder. The Irish actor is an incredible talent and finally Hollywood is beginning to recognise that. He’d make an amazing Talbot, I’d love to see him play that petty and obnoxious character because I know if Michael is in the role he’d find a way for the audience to relate to him.
She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters: Anna Paquin
Jennifer Walters is the somewhat meek and shy cousin of Bruce Banner who was born and raised in the South. After Bruce stops by for a visit she soon learns of his condition and witnesses the power of the Hulk first hand. Walters is a lawyer and often steps in to defend her cousin when he is wrongly accused of a crime. She is also fighting a constant legal battle against the legal system to recognise Bruce and Hulk as two separate persons.
After she was shot by a criminal, her only chance of survival is through a blood transfusion. As Bruce is the only possibility she has to survive, he donates his blood. However, his gamma irritated blood infects Jennifer and transforms her into the green-skinned beauty that is She-Hulk.
I really dislike She-Hulk, so when casting her I was really casting the Jennifer Walters side of her personality. I’d honestly prefer it if it was just Walters, but a lot of people just love She-Hulk. Paquin is a very talented actress, being one of the youngest people ever to win an academy award. She is no stranger to the Marvel movie adaptions either and is overall a qualified and able actress for the role. In terms of looks, I wasn’t thinking about She-Hulk so much but upon further reflection she’d still look the part.
Nicholas “Nick” Fury: George Clooney
Nicholas Joseph Fury was a solider in WWII who led the legendary team of ‘Howling Commandos’. During the war a piece of shrapnel hit Fury’s left eye and so he began to wear his famous eye-patch. After his service in the war was finished Fury was approached by early S.H.I.E.L.D representatives to come and join the organisation. He accepted and became their top agent throughout the years. He then volunteered to take part in a special project where he would be injected with something known as the Infinity Formula. This caused Fury to age at an incredibly slow rate. Throughout the 70’s Fury worked alongside Howard Stark within S.H.I.E.L.D and in the early 90’s took over operations as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
This is the same choice as in my Iron Man cast. I’m trying to create my own little Marvel Cinematic Universe and continuity is key. Same reason as before really, George Clooney is a really talented actor and would own as Nick Fury. He looks the part and has that natural ‘bad-ass’ quality that Nick Fury needs. He wouldn’t be as big of a presence in Hulk as he would in Iron Man but play some smaller role in setting up the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Agent Gabriel “Gabe” Jones: Denzel Washington
Gabriel "Gabe" Jones was born in New York City. He is an original member of the elite Howling Commandos combat squad of World War II, and the first African-American to serve in an integrated unit. He is one of the close confidantes of Nick Fury, his sergeant and later the head of the international espionage organization S.H.I.E.L.D., which Jones joined at some unspecified point after the war. Jones is one of the top agents and is assigned by Fury to find and capture the Incredible Hulk. He leads S.H.I.E.L.D’s very own Hulkbuster unit. His presence irritates Thunderbolt Ross, who has always disliked S.H.I.E.L.D interfering in what he believes is military business.
The reason I chose such a big named actor for what is relatively a smaller role, is because in the popular 90’s animated Hulk series Gabe Jones was a constant presence and acted as the Nick Fury for the Hulk universe. I would like to see something similar to that. With Gabe Jones being assigned to capture the Hulk from Fury, meaning he would be constant in all Hulk films, badgering Ross in the process. And Washington is as good as they come. He’s a great actor, and would be a great addition to the Marvel Universe.
Clay Quartermain: Nathan Fillon
Clay Quartermain is a high-ranking agent of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. Clay works closely with the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury. Quartermain becomes a part of the U.S. military's "Hulkbusters" operation, which attempts to capture and contain the Hulk.
This may seem like a bit of an odd choice and yes I understand that Fillon doesn’t look like Quartermain but here’s why I casted him. The fact that he doesn’t have blonde hair shouldn’t really be an issue, I would love to see Clay on screen one day and I think that Fillon is perfect for bringing the personality and qualities of Clay to the big-screen. So he’s my choice.
Brian Banner: Keifer Sutherland

As a child, Brian Banner and his mother were physically and emotionally abused by Brian's father; regarding his father as a monster and believing that he had inherited a "monster gene" from him, Brian promised himself that he would never have any children, for fear of bringing another Banner into the world.
In college, Brian meets Rebecca, with whom he falls in love and marries. Brian earns his PhD in physics and finds a job in Los Alamos, New Mexico working for the United States government on a project developing a clean way to create nuclear energy. The stress of his job eventually leads Brian to become an alcoholic and begin to develop anger problems, lashing out at others. While drunk at work one day, Brian accidentally overloads some machinery, causing an explosion that costs him his job. Even though his doctors concluded that the explosion caused him no permanent harm, Brian becomes convinced it affected him on the genetic level.
Despite his vow never to have children, Brian impregnates Rebecca, who gives birth to Bruce Banner. Brian believes Bruce has inherited both the "monster gene" and genetic defects due to the accident in Los Alamos, so he ignores him completely and attempts to keep Rebecca away from him. He frequently leaves Bruce in the care of the neglectful Nurse Meacham. When Bruce wakes up one Christmas morning and opens a present from his mother, a complex model, he assembles it easily despite his young age. This convinces Brian that his assumptions about Bruce were correct.
He beats Bruce and, after she comes to her son's aid, Rebecca as well. After enduring several years of frequent abuse from Brian, Rebecca attempts to escape from him with Bruce. Brian discovers his wife and son packing the car just before their escape, and he smashes Rebecca's head against the pavement, killing her in front of their young son. Brian manages to stop Bruce from testifying against him at his trial for Rebecca's murder, saying that if he did so, he would go to hell. Bruce lies to the courts out of fear, testifying that his father never abused him or Rebecca, stating that his mother tried to run away for no reason. Brian escapes conviction due to lack of evidence, but is later arrested when he drunkenly boasts about beating the law by bullying his son. Brian is imprisoned and later placed in a mental institution.
After fifteen years of confinement, Brian, who is believed fit for reintroduction into society, is released into a reluctant Bruce's care. Living with Bruce causes Brian's delusions to begin again and, on the anniversary of Rebecca's death, Brian and Bruce engage in a verbal and later physical fight at Rebecca's grave on a stormy night. During the fight, Bruce accidentally kills Brian by knocking him headfirst into Rebecca's headstone. Bruce represses the memories of Brian's stay with him and his subsequent death, making himself believe that, as the two of them fought at Rebecca's grave, Brian had simply beat him and left, later being killed by muggers.
Keifer Sutherland is a great actor who I think looks enough like Joshua Jackson to portray his father. Of course this would be through flashbacks. Brian Banner has always been a strangely menacing character and maybe it would be interesting for a film to explore. Though not like Ang Lee’s ‘Hulk’ more in a psychological sense. It would be interesting to found out why the Hulk is who he is.
The Abomination/Emil Blonsky: Liev Schreiber
Emil Blonsky is a Russian born government operative who is put in charge of Gamma Base by the government. He works directly with General Ross and the Hulkbuster unit, while he himself is in charge of all gamma related operations. He has an intense hatred for Banner and mutant hood in general. He himself is a scientist and finds Banner’s work to be intimidating, although he will never admit, he truly wishes to replicate the effects of the Hulk although in a much more controlled way. He secretly uses Gamma Base resources to re-create the experiment and become a hulk-like being. However, something goes wrong and although he retains full intelligence his appearance his hideously distorted. Blaming Banner for this mishap, he goes out and attacks the Hulk. Now a villain, he has become known as the Abomination.
Liev Schreiber is a really talented and diverse actor who is an expert at portraying powerful villains. I’m sure most will agree that the only good thing about X-Men Origins: Wolverine was Schreiber’s portrayal of Sabretooth. Schreiber would be a great Blonsky, and a great match for Jackson’s Banner.
The Leader/Samuel Sterns: Sacha Baron Cohen

Born Samuel Sterns in Boise, Idaho, he worked for a chemical plant there in a menial capacity. While moving radioactive materials into an underground storage area, some of the radioactive materials exploded, bombarding Sterns with gamma radiation. He recovered, and found that the radiation had changed him from an ordinary human into a green-skinned, super-intelligent entity with an oversized brain housed in a towering cranium.
As was the case with most individuals mutated by Gamma radiation early-on, the particular set of characteristics Sterns acquired by exposure to it were said to result from a subconscious desire; in his case, the desire to be as smart as his brother Philip, who was a physicist in the employ of the same facility. Calling himself the Leader, Sterns embarked on various ambitious criminal schemes, with the Hulk as his primary nemesis, consistently backed by a self-constructed army of super-strong, virtually invulnerable plastic Humanoids. These included an attempt to rewrite the Earth's history by infecting the primordial ooze with gamma radiation in order to recreate society in his image, with himself as its ruler.
I know this may seem like an odd choice but Sacha Baron Cohen is actually a fantastic actor who is perfect for portraying the Leader. Cohen has a knack for portraying silly and unrealistic characters yet making them completely believable to normal everyday people. The Leader is a somewhat silly character and it takes an actor of a certain calibre to make such a character come across as believable or even frightening. Cohen could do that I think.
General John Ryker: Stephen Lang

John Ryker joined the military at a young age and wanted to help determine future history from his shadows. One of his most prominent actions was manipulating the creation of the conspiracy around the assassination of John F. Kennedy; apparently Kennedy was really killed by two Corsican mercenaries, but at the time it was deemed too expensive to wage World War Three so the idea of a conspiracy was created. When his wife Lucy developed cancer, Ryker used the military to hunt down Bruce Banner, who turned into the Hulk after exposure from gamma radiation during a nuclear test that Ryker supervised. Initially, Ryker irradiated various subjects to try and duplicate the accident that created the Hulk, thus allowing him to isolate the Hulk's ability to cope with the radiation and use it to heal his wife. His closest success was Private Benjamin Tibbits, who mutated into the Hulk-like Flux, but his transformation was imperfect, leading to Ryker simply breaking him to use as a near-mindless soldier against the Hulk.
However, his brutal treatment of the Hulk, having finally captured the Green Goliath, not only broke down the mental barriers keeping the Hulk's other personalities from taking control away from the known three dominant Hulks- the 'escaped' Hulks including the Devil Hulk-, but also convinced General Thunderbolt Ross to turn against Ryker and free his long-time enemy. Taking Lucy Ryker hostage, Ross told her the truth, prompting Ryker to depart as she coldly told him that she didn't ask to be healed at the cost of innocent people.
The resemblance between Lang and Ryker is uncanny and as evident in Avatar the man is born for military roles. Ryker is a really sinister villain and I think Lang has the skills necessary to portray Ryker in a villainous way. He’d be great against Ed Harris’ General Ross.
Ravage/Professor Geoffrey Crawford: Gabriel Byrne

Dr. Geoffrey Crawford was a physics professor at Desert State University who took undergraduate Bruce Banner under his wing and became his mentor. Years later, Banner went to his teacher for aid in finding a cure for the Hulk. At this time Crawford was a sick man, but he was nevertheless able to create a machine that could be used to filter the gamma radiation from Bruce's body. Crawford also saw this as a way to cure himself; by obtaining some of the Hulk's DNA, he knew he would be able to use the Hulk's recuperative powers on himself. First Crawford reconfigured his own DNA so that it was a match with Banner's. This turned him into a stronger beast than the Hulk: the monster called Ravage.
Ravage is stronger than the Hulk and is slightly larger. The key element which makes Ravage such a dangerous enemy is that he still has Dr. Crawford's mind and a lust for power. Just after his first transformation, Ravage attacks Hulk, but he soon returns to being Crawford by sunrise. Crawford turns Banner over to General Ross for fear of being stopped from becoming Ravage again.
Crawford adjusts his machine so that it will change him into Ravage permanently. He then as Ravage attacks the university and terrorizes those who had pitied him as Dr. Crawford. Ravage is only stopped when the Hulk and General Ross formed an unlikely alliance that allows the army to trap the villain in a state of suspended animation.
Gabriel Byrne is a highly accomplished actor who has won countless awards in his long career. Ravage is a villain that I think could use an actor of Byrne’s skill to really bring out a fantastic villain performance.
Absorbing Man/Carl “Crusher” Creel: Nathan Jones
Carl "Crusher" Creel was a boxer and jailed criminal who becomes the Absorbing Man when he drinks a liquid which the Asgardian god Loki laced with rare Asgardian ingredients. Discovering that he could absorb the properties of anything he touched, Creel escaped prison by absorbing metal from the guards' bullets and went on to battle Thor. Although he is only mortal, Creel's fantastic abilities make him a match for Thor, and he has also gone toe to toe with the Incredible Hulk on more than a few occasions.
Nathan Jones is not a great actor, but he’s good enough. Absorbing Man is not a very complex role, he is a brawler, a simple minded crook with superpowers. He’s fun to watch on the big screen and Jones is qualified enough to portray that sort of brute character.
Half-Life/Anthony Masterson: Alan Cumming
Anthony Masterson was just a normal English schoolteacher who was accidentally exposed to gamma radiation during testing of Gamma Bombs by the US government. The radiation appeared to kill Tony, but he arose every night hungry for the energy he could drain from living bodies. His abilities make him extremely troublesome for the Hulk, as despite all of the Hulk’s strength he cannot lay a finger on Half-Life without risking death
Alan Cumming is a great actor who would be great as Half-Life. He has the right physique for it and could maybe bring something more to the table for Half-Life than simply an evil zombie mutant.
Wendigo/Paul Cartier: Adam Beach
The curse is regional to the woods of Northern Canada and takes place, under the right conditions, when a person in the forests of Canada feeds on human flesh. This "Curse of the Wendigo" was created by the Northern Gods (also known as "the Inua") in an effort to deter human cannibalism. The cannibal transforms into a superhumanly strong, nearly indestructible, fur-covered monster: the Wendigo. He or she then roams the woods eating human beings. The Wendigo has frequently fought the Hulk, Wolverine, and Alpha Flight. Paul Cartier was the first Wendigo of modern day that the Hulk has encountered. As it turns out Cartier had no choice but to eat of human flesh as he and his friend became stranded in the cold mountains, once his friend died, Cartier had no other option but to feast on his friend for his own survival. It was then that he was transformed into the Wendigo.
Adam Beach is a very popular Native American actor who has proven throughout the years why he is such an in demand actor. He is a highly accomplished actor and I think he fits the part perfectly. Wendigo is a tragic villain that requires a high level of performance.
Mr. Hyde/Doctor Calvin Zabo: Dominic West

Calvin Zabo was born in Trenton, New Jersey. He was a morally abject but brilliant medical research scientist who was fascinated by the effect of hormones on human physiology. One of his favourite stories was Stevenson's 1886 classic, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He was convinced that the experiment in the story could actually be performed and became obsessed with the idea of unleashing his full bestial nature in a superhuman form. However, he needed money to do this so he robbed his various employers systematically. Though too intelligent to be caught, the medical community was suspicious of his tendency to always be employed by organizations which were subsequently robbed.
He sought work as a surgeon in a hospital where Donald Blake was a directing physician, yet Blake would not allow him a job due to his history. Zabo was enraged that Blake would not give him the position (even though he did indeed intend to rob the organization) and swore revenge. He was eventually successful in creating his formula, and turned into a huge, Hulk-like creature he called "Mister Hyde", named after the character in the novel. In this new form, he found he had superhuman strength enabling him to crush cars and tear through steel as though it were made of cardboard.
Dominic West is a top notch actor and I think he has the right look for a sophisticated and intelligent villain, as Calvin Zabo should be. Obviously CGI would transform him into the monstrous Mr. Hyde but I’d still like to see West voice and maybe even provide MoCap for Mr. Hyde.
Vector/Simon Utrecht: Kevin Bacon
Simon Utrecht was a millionaire, public official, and industrialist before gaining his powers. He organized a team to duplicate the original rocket flight that led to the powers of the Fantastic Four, by piloting a ship through a cosmic ray belt. He promised each member of the team super powers due to exposure (although intentional, not accidental) to cosmic radiation. During this launch, Dr. Bruce Banner (known as the Hulk) was on hand at the base, and believing the ship to be having problems, guided it back to Earth. The now-changed humans became professional criminals and called themselves the U-Foes (possible in connection with Utrecht's last name) and blamed Banner for cutting short their radiation exposure.
Kevin Bacon is an incredible actor and in my opinion he’s perfectly suited to play the dark version of Mr. Fantastic. He could make the leader of the U-Foes incredibly menacing.
Vapor/Ann Darnell: Uma Thurman
Ann Darnell was a life support specialist before gaining her powers. With her teammates, she attempted to duplicate the original rocket flight of the Fantastic Four through a cosmic ray belt, and gained superhuman powers just as the Fantastic Four did.
Uma Thurman would be ideal for Vapor. Sure, she might be considered too famous but her performance would be excellent. Thurman is a really good actress, and she would bounce off Kevin Bacon well I think.
X-Ray/James “Jimmy” Darnell: David Anders
Jimmy Darnell was a propulsion fuel scientist who was part of a team organized by Simon Utrecht a millionaire, public official, and industrialist who wanted to simulate the crash that led to the powers of the Fantastic Four. Utrecht promised each member of the team super powers due to exposure (although intentional, not accidental) to cosmic radiation. Dr. Bruce Banner (known as the Hulk) who was on hand at the base during the launch, believed the ship to be having problems, and guided it back to Earth. The radiation had changed them into super humans, and so they dubbed themselves the U-Foes, blaming Banner for cutting short their radiation exposure they swear vengeance on him while also pursuing new criminal careers.
David Anders is a talented actor that can portray the cheeky and sly persona of the X-Ray. A dark reflection of the Human Torch, Anders would be right at home playing a cocky, arrogant and nasty character such as this.
Ironclad/Michael Steel:
Mike Steel was an engineer, scientist, and pilot before gaining his superhuman powers. With his teammates, he attempted to duplicate the original rocket flight of the Fantastic Four through a cosmic ray belt, and gained superhuman powers just as the Fantastic Four did. Ironclad is the dark mirror image of the Thing, and is able to hold his own against the Incredible Hulk.
Mark Valley is a decent actor who is more than capable of playing the part of Ironclad. Valley has the right physique and stature to portray the human version of the character and I think he would work well alongside the other members of the Ufoes.
I hope you enjoyed the fan-cast, all comments and critiques are welcome.