The Punisher : How a movie would fit in the MCU

The Punisher : How a movie would fit in the MCU

Editorial Opinion
By BatsFan - Oct 09, 2012 12:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Back in 2010, Marvel Studios confirm that they had the right to The Punisher and said : "hope to bring him into the fray shortly." This is how I would introduce him in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The tone:

It could be a lower budget movie release from the studio. Now in don't know if Marvel Studios would do a R rated movie. Since it's now own by Disney, I would say no. If it's PG-13, than it need to be push to the max, like Daredevil, True Grit (2010) and live free or die hard. I would not mind no swearing, but a Punisher movie needs blood. Even if it's in the shared universe of Marvel this movie need to have a more dark tone. It could star more light, like Iron Man but after the first act it need to get dark and gritty.

The story:

I think a good way to introduce Frank is to do again is origin story. He was from a Vietnam war veteran, a NYC cop, and in the 2004 movie a FIB agent and former Delta Force. In this new version Frank should start as filed agent for The S.H.I.L.D. More of a Black Ops soldier than a spy. The Movie should be set between Iron Man and The Avengers, so on a 3 year period. The movie could open with Castle in Afghanistan doing mission for the SHIELD, maybe chasing the Ten Rings terrorist group .

He could comment to his partner on how Tony Stark is crazy for coming in the country person. After some trouble with the mission, Frank listen to his wife that is scared for his life, even if she don't know exactly what he does, she know it dangerous and dont like the long absence period especially since he miss ther second child frist bird day. Frank quit SHIELD even if is friend Coulson and Microchip want him to stay. He diced to work for the NYPD.

Just less than 3 year later Frank take is family for a pick-nick. A show down between the two mafia family's at the same place kill all of his family and let Frank very injured. After his recovery he want revenge, but not just on the men who did it, on all the organized crime in New York.

At first he only wear the traditional skull shirt with the black trench coat. He kill some mob's, interrogate others. But after a really big showdown, he need help. Is old friend Mircochip, a weapon developer and technology expert for the SHIELD help him and let him take some things. Frank take a SHIELD uniform and change it in the Punsiher costume.

The bad guys plot need to be elaborate a little more. But SHIELD could disprove of frank method, and it could and whit Furry saying he will watch him and take action if he continue to kill.

The after credit scene could be Frank interrogating some one in an ally, than the shot of the portal opening form The Avengers with the aliens coming out. Frank push the guy his interrogating and pull out a gun.

That how a think The Punisher could be introduce in the MCU. Of course this is not the complete plot of what the movie should be like, it just the introduction of it.
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Zarog - 10/9/2012, 1:04 PM
You should learn some grammar.
Tainted87 - 10/9/2012, 1:31 PM

See any blood in this scene?

Or in this extended scene, what really makes the audience uncomfortable is the IDEA of the woman in the hospital being raped, although absolutely NOTHING is shown.

Tone down the language, MAYBE some of the blood, and this scene could pass for PG-13.

The problem with the Punisher, is that the violence is gratuitous and over-the-top. While I do understand some of the method behind the madness - it is to show that Frank ENJOYS brutalizing his prey, we simply don't need to see it in excess.

As for the Punisher appearing in the MCU, it could happen, but I wouldn't want it to happen until there's a number of street-level vigilantes established - otherwise, it's just the Punisher again. Daredevil comes first. Then Luke Cage. Then Punisher. Then Moon Knight...
joe384 - 10/9/2012, 1:47 PM
My God Man!! I spent the whole time thinking about how bad your grammer is, as oppose to actually reading this so called idea for The Punisher coming into the MCU.

KalEl26 - 10/9/2012, 1:57 PM
Yeah work on your grammar a lot more. It was hard to read that thing on one go because of it.
incrediblesuperbatspider - 10/9/2012, 3:33 PM
Is it me or has the editorial section been overrun by third graders with terrible grammar?

I think a chimp can write a better editorial, no offense.
Tainted87 - 10/9/2012, 4:36 PM
Actually, it would make a slight bit more sense, AND give Frank more motivation to work outside the law. If he was a SHIELD agent BEFORE his family was gunned down, you'd still have the police-type background, but it would give Frank connections.

Suppose Frank gets handed a pension and severance, and is told to let them handle it. With the big names cooperating with SHIELD, it would give Frank more incentive not to trust other superheroes.
PartialSoul - 10/9/2012, 4:54 PM
This is actually a pretty cool idea. Yeah you're grammar needs a litte help but I understood it :D
kong - 10/10/2012, 3:39 AM
Good ideabut your grammar needs work
BatsFan - 10/10/2012, 6:25 AM
Sorry for the bad grammar, English is my second language and I have some problem similar to dyslexia but that not just influence the spelling but the grammar too. RedHood13,PartialSoul,Tainted87, flamingopuree and Jollem, thanks for commenting on the article and not just the bad grammar.
BatsFan - 10/10/2012, 7:36 AM
@flamingopuree the Vietnam vet would not work, so the would need to update it like Iron Man and switch Vietnam for Afghanistan. So why not knock two brid with one stone and insted of being just a soldier make im a Black ops for SHIELD. That would integrate Frank to the MCU, give him a Bad-Ass background and like @Tainted87 said: connection and an incentive not to trust other superheroes.
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