Hidy Ho guys and dolls, Im new to writing editorials and such but I am gonna give it a shot and see how well its received. As of late, I've been pondering who would be a truly deserving candidate to don the role of Darkseid for Smallville. Now I realize that there are a fair amount of you out there that dont like Smallville, or the way they have done things (Deadpool72, Grif, Lee at times and Intruder, you guys are awesome and I respect your opinions,I often laugh my ass off at the jokes). I, myself, have found myself at times at a loss at some of the things they've done, *cough completely desecrating Doomsday and Slade and Deadshot cough* but the general amount of time, I rather enjoy the show. I digress, however, I'd personally like to see Michael Clark Duncan get the role. Yes I get it that he was Kingpin in Daredevil, which I wont get into, but he does have the build and size of ol Rockface. Im sure there are plenty of other actors in the business but MCD stuck out in my mind. If you guys have any other ideas for actors who could don the Omega Beams then feel free to express it, I know what some will say though, that he shouldnt be on SV, which if they screw it up, then your definitely right. Im gonna wait till, what, May to see how they do with it. Happy Holidays guys.
Your friendly Kryptonian BigDaddy