BATTLE POLL: Namor vs. Aquaman

BATTLE POLL: Namor vs. Aquaman

The King of Atlantis vs. The King of Atlantis. I know this was done before in the Marvel vs. DC crossover, but that was fan-based voting, so I don't give that too much weight.

Feature Opinion
By SageMode - Jan 19, 2011 09:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

"If you will not fight with honor -- then expect no quarter from the Avenging Son!"

Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 278 lbs (126 kg)
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Hair: Black

Human/Atlantean Physiology: Namor's powers come from his being a unique hybrid of Atlantean homo mermanus and mutant homo superior physiologies. Because of his unusual genetic heritage, Namor is unique among both ordinary humans and Atlanteans; he is sometimes referred to as "Marvel's first mutant," because, while the majority of his observed superhuman powers come from the fact that he's a hybrid of Human and Atlantean DNA, his ability to fly can't be explained by either side. (Atlanteans are an off-shoot of "baseline" humanity.)

Amphibious Physiological Adaptation: Namor's body is specially developed for underwater conditions, granting him specialized blood circulation to withstand freezing temperatures and highly developed vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. This hybrid physiology means he can survive indefinitely underwater or on land, though he would still need occasional contact with water to survive.

* Superhuman Strength: Like all Atlanteans, Namor is superhumanly strong but his physical strength is greater than that of any member of his superhuman race. The exact level of his strength is dependent upon his physical contact with water and his strength diminishes slowly the longer he is out of contact with it. Namor can claim to knock out the Hulk, and to break through the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, knocking out Doctor Strange. He has been seen several times lifting many thousands of tons without effort.

* Superhuman Speed: Namor can run and move at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. His speed is greatest, however, while swimming. Whereas most Atlanteans can swim at speeds greater than 60 miles per hour, and has shown he can reach a speed of over 75 knots.

* Superhuman Stamina: Namor's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of normal human beings, and most other Atlanteans for that matter. At his peak, Namor can physically exert himself for at least more than 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. Namor's stamina, much like his strength, steadily declines the longer he is out of contact with water and will diminish to the point where he only has slightly greater stamina than the finest human athlete.

* Superhuman Agility: Namor's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. He can perform acrobatic feats in the air sufficient to enable him to easily evade/dodge most military aircraft.

* Superhuman Reflexes: Namor's reflexes are similarly heightened and are superior to those of the finest human athlete since he can react at impressive levels of super speed-as demonstrated through his catching missiles and throwing them back at their point of origin.

* Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Namor's body are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of normal human beings and most other Atlanteans. Namor can withstand tremendous impact forces, high caliber bullets, falls from orbital heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, blows from powerful superhumans and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.

* Aquatic Healing: If he was somehow injured, Namor's body can heal damaged tissue faster and much more extensively than a human or most Atlanteans. Namor's accelerated healing is at it's peak while he is immersed in water and does diminish the longer he is out of contact with water or if he is completely dry.

* Radiation Absorption: Namor can absorb certain levels of radiation. His potential is unknown, but the full power of the Radioactive Man is enough to rapidly drain him of his strength.

* Extended Longevity: Atlanteans age much slower and live much longer than human beings with the average Atlantean lifespan being about 120 years. Namor, at this time, is considered to be in his physical prime.

* Amphibious Breathing: Like all Atlanteans, Namor can breathe indefinitely underwater due to having gills located behind his ears. Unlike most Atlanteans, however, Namor can also breathe on land indefinitely as well without the aid of breathing devices whereas most Atlanteans can only survive being out of the water for a matter of minutes.

* Aquatic Telepathy: Namor possesses a telepathic rapport with all, forms of marine life. He is able to mentally communicate with most forms of marine life and can mentally persuade them to do his bidding.

Augmented Vision: Namor's enhanced vision enables him to penetrate the ocean's depths and see through murky water.

Flight: Namor also possesses vestigial "wings" on both of his ankles, by which he seems to fly at the speed of escape velocity when exerting himself fully. His flight speed at "normal" levels is enough to enable Namor to out-speed military aircraft. Since the "wings" by themselves could never carry Namor, it has been speculated that he uses the wings for steering and flies in some other manner, perhaps by telekinesis. During the the times he's lost his ankle wings, he is unable to fly at all. Namor's ability to lift weights when flying is sufficient to enable him carry a fifty ton anchor with one hand without a discernible loss of speed/momentum.

Animal Mimicry (Aquatic Life): The Sub-Mariner has the ability to mimic the characteristics of all the undersea creatures. Some of the abilities he has demonstrated are:

* Sonar: Namor possesses a natural form of sonar.

* Lateral Lines: Namor can detect subtle movement or vibrations around him, particularly underwater.

* Bio-Electricity: Namor can discharge bio-electricity similar to an electric eel, but seldom uses it. He seems to be able to absorb certain energies and convert them into bio-electricity; blasts similar to his own such as from the Wasp seem easiest to absorb. It would appear that he needs to absorb energy from outside sources to produce a charge.

Expert Combatant: Namor's extended lifespan and his involvement in numerous conflicts both under the sea and in human wars have granted him a great deal of experience in hand to hand combat. Growing up, he demonstrated natural skill in both armed and unarmed combat and likely received extensive training in both later on. He is a master swordsman, marksman, and is capable of wielding other weapons such as spears but rarely does so due to his preference of hand to hand combat.

Expert Tactician: He is a highly accomplished tactician.

Sacred Trident of Poseidon

Horn of Proteus


"The seas were my mother and father. So no matter where I go in them, I'm at home. I am -- Aquaman.

Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 325 lbs (148 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

Atlantean Biological Adaptation: The Atlanteans are an offshoot of humanity that is biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. For most Atlanteans, this means that can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and can only spend a very limited time out of water. He also possesses superhuman levels of strength, speed, endurance and durability, all by-products of his body being adapted to survive unprotected in the tremendous pressures of the ocean depths. Although other Atlanteans possess similar adaptations, Aquaman is super-Atlantean as well as super-human, and as such he has greater physical capabilities than does a typical Atlantean.

* Amphibious Nature: Aquaman, as an Atlantean, and the son of a wizard and Atlantean queen, can breathe both water and air, but must return to the aquatic environment at various intervals; this length can be prolonged by the humidity in the atmosphere.

* Enhanced Sight: His ability to see in the murky depths of the ocean allows him exceptional night vision while on land. He has claimed that his eyes are adapted to see at 6,000 fathoms (or 36,000 feet below the surface of the water).

* Enhanced Hearing: several times more acute than human capacity.

* Enhanced Smell: several times more acute than human capacity.

* Superhuman Strength: Aquaman possesses superhuman strength on the order of 150 times human maximum, but his strength is always underrated, considering the company that he keeps. His strength is more than a match for most barriers such as wood, metals, brick or concrete walls. Only extremely durable metal reinforced barriers, have any chance of slowing him for any length of time. Aquaman frequently displays feats of Super-Atlantian (the average Atlantian can lift/press approximately 2 tons) and Superhuman strength. While not on par with Superman, he has proven capable of performing standing high jumps of 4 stories (both on land and from water), lifting and throwing a tank (at least 25 tons), and even managed to hold out for an incredible length of time against Wonder Woman in combat. His strength would appear somewhat dependent on how hydrated he is as he was capable of lifting a considerable chunk of a city block in Sub-Diego, and has proven capable of shifting an oil rig platform which would weigh thousands of tons as well.

* Superhuman Endurance: Aquaman possesses strength and stamina that allows him to swim up to 150 mph for at least a 4 hour period without significant breaks for rest or recuperation.

* Superhuman Durability: Aquaman's enhanced physiology enables him to withstand impacts that would kill and ordinary human, and critically injure an average Atlantean. He has been seen in ocean depths as deep as 20,000 feet (3.79 miles) below the surface of the water. That amount of pressure is 800 atmospheres, which is enough to turn an ordinary human into a smear of blood and bone dust. It seems that Aquaman has been able to travel as deep as 36,000 feet (6.82 miles) considering that he claims that his eyes have been adapted to see at that depth. He is not completely durable against large fire arms, but is able to take a direct hit by small arms fire without incapacitation. Regular bullets are shown to make him bleed but otherwise glance off his thick skin.

* Energy-Heat Resistance: Aquaman is extremely resistant to energy/heat based attacks as he has with stood multiple blasts from Amazo's heat vision, Black Manta's heat beams, and energy blasts from an Omac.

* Superhuman Speed: Said to be the fastest thing underwater, he is capable of swimming at a consistent speed of 150 knots (175mph) for several hours. Aquaman can travel at much faster speeds for short "sprints." He has also been seen swimming at 10,000 feet per second. It's unknown how long he can keep up that amount of speed though. With his incredible speed in the water, Aquaman is able to create giant whirlpools.

* Superhuman Reflexes: While no speedster, Aquaman's reflexes are superior to even exceptional metahumans such as Deathstroke the Terminator, and his reflexes are on the order of 12-15 times faster than a normal human. Aquaman is probably the greatest swimmer in the world. Easily the better of any Olympic level athlete.

Marine Telepathy: Aquaman has the ability to communicate directly with sea life and has done so throughout most of his life. Lately he possesses a greater range of control that can actually force sea creatures to obey his whims. Currently, he requests their assistance and they comply. He has chosen to continue to request since, if he forces them to comply, they will ultimately lose respect for him. He now also has access to a quantum field phenomenon called "the Clear". "The Clear" quantum phenomenon has been observed with the subject called the Swamp Thing who called it the Green or the Morphogenic Field of Animal Man (also called the Red). Aquaman is also an accomplished telepath in general and can perform such telepathic feats as mind to mind communication, mind probes, mental domination of a non-aquatic mind, and mental attacks. The potency of such mental domination is unclear but he has been seen to use his powers to great effect against the White Martians and Doctor Polaris.

* Access to the Clear: Aquaman has the ability to sense the primal emotions of aquatic creatures through "The Clear". The Clear seems to function as a universal consciousness of all sea life. Via it he can communicate or command sea life on the other side of the planet. He can see what they see and much more what he is only beginning to realise. He can also push his telepathic powers to reach out to the higher land creatures to find that element of their brains that was once an aquatic dwelling creature. This may account for Aquaman's facility with language.

Sonar Location: A sonar power which allows Aquaman to detect things when blinded. A possible side effect of his gift from Posidon or from the nature of his advanced mental powers, Aquaman can use this sonar-like sense to detect objects much as a dolphin might. The range of this power is unknown.

Water Sense: He has a sixth sense of "feeling" flowing water over 47 feet away through any known surface or material and in any direction.

Superhuman Equilibrium

Master Swimmer: Aquaman is a master swimmer. Perhaps the greatest there is.

Expert Combatant: Aquaman excels at hand-to-hand combat and overall martial ability.

Expert Tactician: He has an advanced strategic sense, and has natural leadership qualities.

Trident of Poseidon


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SageMode - 1/19/2011, 9:47 PM
@Gaston: yeah, but atleast there's no publishing goin on. Lol
manymade1 - 1/20/2011, 4:35 AM
Um dude sorry to take away your fame, but a member of this site named Nuck made a poll exactly like this a while ago, but not bad.

@ Gaston agreed lol. Im Marvel completely and I say Namor.
marvel72 - 1/20/2011, 5:28 AM
namor out weighs aquaman on every ability,hold on to your wife fish boy because namor can seduce some fine women.
HulkPool - 1/20/2011, 7:37 AM
@sage great job!!!! I know this is really picky but with Namor's speed in water being 75 knots and other members of his race being over 60 miles per hour, however 75 knots coverts to 65 miles per hour so he is not that much faster that other atlanteans if he is at all.

Regardless NAMOR Wins!!
SeaSerpentine - 1/20/2011, 7:46 AM
Aquaman, he did it before.
Angelus - 1/20/2011, 9:42 AM
Aquaman is a badass dos.

Angelus - 1/20/2011, 9:42 AM
Aquaman is a badass dos.

Rhys - 1/20/2011, 10:42 AM
When will you all learn that Namor ALWAYS kicks aquamans p*ssy little a$$??

F*** Aquaman! Namor rules!!!
Denn1s - 1/20/2011, 10:49 AM
you do realize of course that this poll is also fan-based, right? and has been done before. anyway, Namor!
SageMode - 1/20/2011, 12:26 PM
@Denn1s: Yes.....but the way it ended was crazy...a whale landing ontop of Namor ensured the victory for Aquaman? Come on now. But this is the blog version, LOL
MARV3L - 1/20/2011, 2:43 PM
Has to be Namor purely on the basis of the first image where he is looking extremely bad ass thanks to Jim Lee!
Nick56 - 7/26/2016, 1:35 PM
Wonder Woman easily
scapegoatjones - 7/26/2016, 1:43 PM
what a time to be alive
TheRationalNerd - 7/26/2016, 1:46 PM
Wonder Woman was very good.
Darkknight2149 - 7/26/2016, 2:34 PM
I liked WONDER WOMAN the best. The trailers for JUSTICE LEAGUE and DOCTOR STRANGE were also amazing.
musim - 7/26/2016, 2:36 PM
I don't understand how Wonder Woman isn't winning.
AlexdoxA - 7/26/2016, 2:39 PM
DC HAD to win by throwing themselves at us after the disappointing BVS movie... Marvel can play it suave nowadays and just showcase what they want when they want.
TheClungerine - 7/26/2016, 3:29 PM
@Scarilian - well what else are the Marvel fanboys gonna vote for?
Utopian8418 - 7/26/2016, 3:50 PM
@Scarilian this means to me that 30% of the site are mcu fanboys or really dislike the dceu. I prefere marvel but i voted WW because it was definetley a better trailer imo.
Utopian8418 - 7/26/2016, 4:14 PM
@Scarilian - To me this means that 30% of the site are mcu fanboys/DC haters. I think 30% are dc fanboys/mcu haters and the rest 30% are objective and like the best parts of each. I kind of prefere marvel but voted WW because it was definetley better imo.
KingBeef - 7/26/2016, 3:19 PM
KingBeef - 7/26/2016, 3:22 PM
Omega - 7/27/2016, 12:14 AM
@continuezero - WW trailer was much better.
Omega - 7/27/2016, 12:13 AM
Lol so many Marvel fanboys here.
Hitboyj - 7/27/2016, 1:37 AM
Marvel is winning And I chose Wonder Woman
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