My Ideas on a Flash Film Series

My Ideas on a Flash Film Series

A few details I have thought up regarding what I would like to see in a Flash movie. Just a head's up, The article is quite long.

Editorial Opinion
By LightningArmour - Feb 25, 2010 06:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

First and foremost I'd like to get these details out of the way. In my vision of a Flash series it would be about Wally's career as The Flash. We would be introduced to the Flash as Wally, after Barry has already died. This is my choice because A) I like Wally better than Barry, and I think he's an all around better character, and B) I absolutely don't want to go through any origin bull crap, and I don't want to go through any sidekick phase and all that.

The only way I would make the movie about Barry is if DC got their shit together with their movies. If they actually had solid plans for their movies like Marvel does with the whole Avengers series, and planned to have a Flash, WW, Superman movie and then a Justice League tie in, I would say go right the hell ahead, and use Barry. Because then you could have a good one or two movies with him before the JLA movie in which they would need to kill him off, then Wally would take over and so on. But, seeing as DC only cares about Batman movies and doesn't give a damn about making any others, my Flash series would star Wally.

Movie 1: The Flash
Basically the first movie would be all about Wally becoming The Flash. By the beginning it will have already been, lets say a few months to a year since Barry's death. I think I would have this movie be kind of like the Crossfire arc. See, it wasn't really until Johns' run that the Rogues statred being a team and stuff. So there's no way you could start this series out with them already like that. I figure it would go something like this: The Flash just died, and all that's left to maintain order is his sidekick.

All the bad guys think that now they can run wild because they don't see Wally as a real threat. However, Wally is doing an adequate job of proving them otherwise. So, it would show him throwing a couple of them in jail, and they'd all be sitting in the lunch room at Iron Heights telling their story how the new Flash thwarted them. Then they would be approached by Abra Kadabra who would tell them that the reason they always got pwnd by the Old Flash and why they continue to is because they are too weak or whatever individually and that they should work together. So they stage a breakout and a metric ass ton of villains escape.

The they'd start terrorizing the city and Wally would be desperately trying to stop them but failing at their combined strengths. This is where we would be introduced to Wally's feelings of inadequacy to Barry and how he doesn't think he can live up to him and whatnot.
At one point, there would be a scene where the Rogues are comitting some crime, and in the process some innocent bystanders get killed or something, and at that point Cold/MM/Wizard and Heat Wave all say we don't do this kinda work, and Abra puts them all under mind control, but Cold manages to escape. At some point in the film, there would be a scene involving Wally visiting Jay Garrick like Dan does with Hollis in Watchmen, asking him some advice and whatnot, maybe mentioning Jay coming out of retirement.

Eventually Abra & Co take hold of the Channel 5 News building where Linda and some others become hostages. Abra then reveals his true intentions and uses the station just so he can broadcast himself across the nation so he can make a grand performance, some of the rogues get pissed and he turns them into puppets. Flash shows up and gets his ass kicked for a bit by all the Rogues, at which point Jay [frick]ing Garrick shows up to lend him a hand.
They fight a few of the Rogues then Jay says he'll hold them off, Wally then goes and takes down Abra and busts all his technology and crap, reversing his magic and leaving him powerless. Once this happens, the mind controlled Rogues are fee, and they ditch, and the others who were puppets get captured.

The movie ends with the city being all happy, Linda and Wally getting together after he rescued her, etc. The escaped Rogues would be approached by Cold who would say basically the same as in the Crossfire Arc "time for the Rogues to get a real leader" or something.
And right near the end it would need to show Abra in prison weeping while trying to do petty card tricks like at the end of that one arc.

(Details: In this movie of course it would have to make mention a few key things about Abra's hard-on for theatrics, and some stuff about Wally wanting to honor Barry's memory and such, as well as Cold's views on criminal behavior.
I think during the opening sequence, Wally would be wearing one of Barry's suits, but after it getting damaged, he goes to STAR labs and talks to Tina Mcgee about getting a new suit, and afterwards he'd be wearing his regular design.
Also, it would make mention of Wally winning the lottery, and him using the bulk of the money to create the Flash Museum and the Barry Allen Foundation.)

Film 2: The Fastest Man Alive

I'm thinking that after the ending of the first film, a good follow up would be something along the lines of Rogue War. Now that Cold has gotten his primary team of Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, Trickster and Mirror Master together, it could show how effectively they work together as a team. And you could include a bunch of stuff about their workings like Cold beating the crap out of MM and telling him no drugs. Meanwhile, another group of Rogues are terrorizing the city, and eventually the two groups duke it out, and have a full scale battle right in the middle of Keystone, and only The Flash can put an end to it.

There would absolutely need to be a secondary plot in the film, because just the part with the Rogues wouldn't be enough to fill the whole movie. I think I'd want to do something along the lines of Terminal Velocity, and introduce the speedforce into the movies, however, I'm not sure if I'd want to do that before the "Return" film.

Have some stuff about Wally feeling all weird from going to fast or some such, and possibly even have a scene where he turns all electricy and whatnot. It would also be a good way to introduce STAR Labs, Wally could go in to get some tests run and stuff, and they could say how they also treated Barry back in the day and introduce some theories on the speedforce and so forth.

It could then have the same conclusion as terminal velocity, with some imminent threat to Linda's life, and Wally rushing to save her, he ends up breaching the speedforce in the process, and everyone thinks he's dead, but then he comes back all ubercharged and sends the Rogues running.

Could be just like Blitz, the introduction of Zoom. During the terrorization of the city, Hunter gets his legs [frick]ed up, and beseeches Wally to help fix them, yada yada, then during the final confrontation between the Rogues, Zoom shows up and starts beating them down and sets his sights on Wally and whatnot. Ends with either Wally forcing Zoom into the Speeforce like Savitar, then coming back like in Terminal Velocity, or ends with Wally Infinite Mass Punching Zoom, after Jay lends him his speed energy.

The movie would have to end with a scene where Barry appears at Wally's door, setting it up for the third movie.

Film 3: The Return of Barry Allen
The 3rd movie would be The Return of Barry Allen. I think that it would easily be able to follow the plot of the arc from the comic, with only a few alterations. Start with Barry explaining how he came back, and theorizing that when Wally breached the Speedforce, it somehow cause some space time fluctuation that resulted in Barry's return. Have Wally and Barry going out, fighting crime and being pals and such.

Then just as in the comic, someone would deal a blow to Wally that would seemingly kill him, but he narrowly escapes, then as the bad guy is shouting "I KILLED THE FLASH" Barry would beat the hell out of him and respond with "I'M THE FLASH" Eventually they'd end up in the shrinking force field, and after Barry escapes, he leaves Wally to die. And this would be the first time in the films Wally would ever successfully vibrate through something.

At this point, we could have an awesome tie-in with the Green Lantern movies because Hal has a fight with Barry in that arc. So Hal could substitute for Jay and Max and fight Barry as he's terrorizing the city. And that was around the time he was getting all white haired due to Parallax, and depending on how far along the GL films are at that point it could work quite well.
One key factor in this movie would be Linda's assessment that Wally is afraid to fight Barry because he's not afraid that he's not good enough to beat him, but that all along he's been afraid of surpassing Barry.

Then we'd have Wally discover the book belonging to Eobard Thawne, and the shocking realization that Barry isn't all that he seems. Then "Barry" threatens to kill Linda, Wally comes to the rescue, and cue the big final showdown at the Flash Museum. After a bit of a happy ending epilogue the end.

I know that throughout the first two movies I'd want to show certain things in flashbacks, concerning Wally's origin and Barry's death and various important things. I'd probably copy paste a few scenes directly from Born To Run like Wally's accident and first meeting with Flash. That along with a flashback of either Barry killing Thawne, or his own death would be pretty much the only ones I'd use for movie 1.

I think I'd mention something about Wally winning the lottery, except instead of just having him be rich and whatnot, I think I'd have it so that he used most of his money to fund the opening of The Flash Museum in Barry's honor.
I'd begin the series with Linda not being Wally's girlfriend yet, and she'd be acting like a bitch to him.
I'd want them to start off not liking each other then gradually go into the relationship like in the comics. Basically she'd be the damsel in distress at the end of the movie, and by the second film they'd be together. Same with Wally's attitude, he'd start off as a bit of an arrogant douche, but mature as the movies go on.

In movie two I'd make a specific point of using a flashback to show Wally trying to learn to vibrate through things, it would likely be scene specific. Ex: The bad guys catch him, and he needs to vibrate out of a sticky situation.
The reason I'd have that in there is because in Part 3, there's that big moment when "Barry" turns on Wally and leaves him in that shrinking force field and Wally has to try and vibrate out, that being the first time he ever successfully does it.

And throughout all the movies I'd keep constant with Wally's internal monologuing just like they have it in the comics. I think this would really help for the sake of exposition, it would allow for flashbacks and such to be wrapped up quickly because it would have someone telling the audience what happened as well as showing them.
And it would work for any time Wally's doing some awesome speed stuff, so he can explain what the hell is going on so the audience doesn't have to try and figure it out for themselves. Like explaining the Infinite Mass Punch or vibrating through things, catching bullets etc.

Also throughout the first two movies, there would be a constant referral to Wally's feelings of insecurity and inadequacy at not living up to Barry's name. The Rogues would all tell him that he's not as good as Barry was etc.

And there would be tons of awesome moments. I'd take a lot of awesome parts from across the ages of Flash history. Statuizing someone, Infinite Mass Punch, moving faster than teleportation, outracing death, if Black Flash made it into a movie. All kinds of crap.

And there's also possibility for an awesome manly tears moment when you could have Wally explaining the whole super speed thing and having to spend time in a world moving too slow for him.

And I would indeed have further films, most likely using Zoom as a villain. Hunter Zolomon would be introduced in movie 1 or 2 as a profiler mainly as an excuse to give background details on all the rogues.

Intro to film:
The movie would open with an exterior shot of the Flash Museum with a banner exclaiming "Grand Opening" or somesuch.
Outside the museum is Linda Park reporting on the opening of the museum.
Cut inside to show a group of people standing in front of a display and the curator talking about Barry Allen, when suddenly theres's an explosion or something and in comes Captain Boomerang and some thugs(or possibly another villain such as the trickster or some small time guy).

Boomerang starts giving a long winded villain speech, and then cut to the interior of a living room, with a news report about the incident on tv (Linda Park naturally doing the reporting)
[camera would be positioned behind the couch, only showing the back of a red haired man putting on a suit] Then there's a gust of wind, debri flys around the room.

Cut to a shot of a city street, cue voiceover: "My Name is Wally West." Then a red blur flys down the road, scattering litter, blowing peoples hair around etc.
Cut back to the museum, a hostage trys to run, so Capt. Tosses a 'rang at him/her, they are all "ohshi-" and putting up their arms and such, but then a red blur enters the scene and the hostage looks, amazed that hey aren't injured.

Zoom in to Capt. B and he's pissed and confused, the we hear a (wilhelm)scream, he looks around frantically to see a henchman unconcious, followed by more screams, and Boomerang looks around wildly,(each time the camera happens in the direction of the hostages, there's less of them) untill all his henchmen(or fellow villains) are dispatched, at which point he looks back to find the hostages gone, and The Flash standing before him. [this sounds like a lot, but it all hapens pretty quick]

Capt. scowls and unsheaths a boomerang, and throws it at Flash, who catches it and says something along the lines of "I thought you would've learned that doesn't work by now, Digger?" to which Boomerang responds "Seems you've got some learnin' ta do yerself, kid." and pulls out a detonator and pushes the trigger. Then Flash looks in shock and books it out of the museum(it would cut to slow motion for a bit to show him running as the bomb explodes in his hands) and then he tosses it where it explodes in the air, part of his costume is scorched from the explosion.
He runs back inside and Digger is angry that his trick didn't work, so he grabs another two boomerangs, but before he can do anything, Flash runs at him and the freezeframe as he punches Boomerang in the Face and the voiceover says "I'm the Fastest Man Alive."

Credits begin as the camera starts to pan away from the freezeframe and basically go on a tour of the museum, panning across displays, newspaper articles on the walls, monitors with vidoes of Flash rescuing people and whatnot, wax sculptures of Barry, Wally as kid flash, various Rogues ect. These would be essentially to give a a breif summary of Barry's exploits as the Flash.

Essential among these would be a display of Barry being struck by lightning, some newspaper articles with headlines that sum up important events in Barry's life ex: "The Flash, Hero of Central City", something about Kid Flash, "Iris West murdered by the villain Proffesor Zoom", "The Flash on trial" with some text about him snapping Zoom's neck, perhaps next to a picture of him and Zoom fighting or something. Then have some about a "crisis" that the Justice league is fighting or something.

I think Barry's death would have to be changed somewhat to avoid involving the Crisis on Infinite Earths shenanigans, and simplified as much as possible. Maybe just something about some extra terrestrial being that was threatening Earth.
Also "The Ballad of Barry Allen" would be playing during the credits.

After the credits, outside the Museum, Linda is reporting on the incident and Wally runs up for an interview.

So far my rudimentary casting for these movies is as follows:

Wally West - Chris Evans(If he wasn't already busy with Captain America)
Linda Park - Kristen Kreuk
Barry Allen - NPH
Captain Boomerang - Hugh Jackman
Captain Cold - Hugh Laurie
Mirror Master - Gerard Butler
Jared Morrilo - Benjamin Bratt
Fred Chyre - Mickey Rourke
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DogsOfWar - 2/25/2010, 7:38 PM
You lost me at this starting with Wally West
LightningArmour - 2/26/2010, 12:52 AM
Like I said, if DC got their shit together and had a plan for a JLA movie, I'd willingly have them start with Barry.
But to me, it works better this way.
CorndogBurglar - 2/26/2010, 9:20 AM
@ lightning armor

did you draw that first pic in the notebook??? what an awesome piece of art!!! no lie, i would pay money to have that on my wall.
LightningArmour - 2/26/2010, 9:35 PM
@ Magic

What Comic movie has Gylenhaal, Bratt or Laurie been in?
As for the others, I picked Kreuk because she's the only part asian actress I can think of, and Jackman and Butler are on there because I need an Australian and a Scot.
As for Mickey Rourke, if you'd ever read the Flash, he's pretty much perfect for Chyre.
And, as I said, this is like, first draft casting.
LightningArmour - 2/26/2010, 9:36 PM
Oh, and no, I didn't draw that.
LightningArmour - 2/28/2010, 2:31 AM
Yeah, I would want to amp up Barry's hero status as much as I could through the first two movies. Like I said, have a flashback sequence with the justice league fighting the anti-monitor or whatever and Barry's uber heroic death and shit.

And I'm not famliar with Ryan Gosling's acting but I sure as hell wouldn't want Chris Evans as wally.
Frankly I just have NPH and Gylenhaal in there as stand ins because I can't think of anyone better for either so far.
Phinehas - 3/1/2010, 8:53 PM
No to Wally in a move before Barry. Lame. His origins are ties in with Barry. That's putting the cart before the horse! The average moviegoer will be kind of annoyed with a third generation speedster without a good origin. Then he spends time lamenting the loss of Allen, and the villians taunting him with insults of inferiority to Allen. This will cause the audience to wonder, "who's this Barry character?"
Wrong about the Rogues too. They've been a confederated group going back to the 60s! My last Flash issue as a kid was a Rogue's Gallery comic back in 1980-something. LOL

Wally is a shallow empty shell in light of Barry. I couldn't stand to buy one issue of Wally as Flash at the time because at some point or another, he was living in Barry's shadow. The Flash should have the prominence of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. Everyone else is second fiddle. Even Bruce Wayne is coming back after Blackest Night. No one wants Dick Grayson as Bats! Same with Flash. No true fan wants second fiddle characters. Hal for GL, Barry for Flash, Bruce for Bats, Clark for Supes, and Diana for WW.
groundrunner15 - 3/2/2010, 5:06 AM
jeez Phinehas that's rather insulting to Wally's fans.....ahem....
Phinehas - 3/2/2010, 11:17 AM
Understood. Sorry for being heavy-handed in my criticisms, Wally fans.
But understand it in light of Barry fans being around much longer and waiting a much longer time for proper treatment of Barry on screen (despite its popularity, I was never impressed with the treatment he got on TV with the short-lived 1990 TV series.). Movies and the genre of CBMs have come to point of serious film treatment, and they're gonna pass over Barry Allen??? Hell-to-the-NO!
LightningArmour - 3/3/2010, 12:27 AM
I would much rather have Dick as Batman, and anyone at all as GL, Hal Jordan is a wretched souless cardboard cut out, and Barry isn't much better.

And quite frankly, Wally is far from a second fiddle character. He's had the mantle of the Flash for more than two decades, and the only reason Barry is coming back is because Geoff Johns is a Silver Age fanboy.
Phinehas - 3/4/2010, 12:34 AM

LightningArmour - 3/5/2010, 7:06 PM
Nice counter argument, bro.
Phinehas - 3/5/2010, 8:44 PM

What is it exactly was I supposed to counter??
You didn't exactly make a case for me to argue against.

The Barry Allen has been around since the 1950s. So he's been around as the Flash for 50 years! Geoff Johns isn't a true Silver Age fanboy as he is a Barry Allen fan.

Your irrational ravings are that of Wally West fanatic. That's why I gave the mockery in response to a diatribe.
LightningArmour - 3/6/2010, 4:40 PM
Again, Barry was dead for over two decades. He has not been around or the Flash for 50 years.
Phinehas - 3/7/2010, 10:47 PM
Let's see... let's do some basic math:

2009-1956 = 53 (This October, he'll be 54).

OMG! Your right! He hasn't been the flash for 50 years. He's been the Flash for 53!!!
Now that Johns retconned Barry as being in the Speed Force for that period of time, he has been the Flash that whole time. Its cannon now and you can't do anything about it. Now you know what it felt like to lose Barry Allen the way you're losing Wally. Wait!! You're not even losing West! It's just the Allen is getting showcased.
DOn't be such a whiner.
LightningArmour - 3/10/2010, 4:04 AM
In case you forgot, The Speedforce is the equivalent of the afterlife for Flashes. Barry was MIA for that whole time, fully dead or not. He was not The Flash for that period.
And really by that same logic, I could be arguing that Jay Garrick should be starring in the movie because he's been The Flash for 70 years, and deserves to be on the silver screen more than Barry does.
Phinehas - 3/10/2010, 10:43 PM
Sure! Except he wasn't zapped with Speedforce. He's not the conduit by which Speedsters recieve speed.

And, I've never heard of any explanations of the Speedforce being the "afterlife". Its more like another dimension from which speedster derive energy.
LightningArmour - 3/11/2010, 2:08 AM
Okay, so you're basically saying that barry should get a movie because of all the retcons Johns did in Rebirth?

And yeah, go back and read Flash v2, when the Speedforce was introduced, they directly state that the Speedforce is like "speedster heaven"
Phinehas - 3/11/2010, 11:32 PM
"Okay, so you're basically saying that barry should get a movie because of all the retcons Johns did in Rebirth?"

Yep! And I guarantee that that will be the standard of Flash mythos from here on for a long time to come.

"Not with his eyes or mind—but deep in his heart—he sensed a strange beckoning...and chased it. Into the unknown, Windrunner raced faster and faster. He shattered all limits. He moved quicker than the hurricane, more swiftly than the thunderbolt...faster than light itself. Reaching supreme velocity, he approached the threshold of a new communion. For a span razor-thin even to him, Windrunner touched the very source of his great power—and was transformed. The speed force drew Windrunner in...without words, inviting him to the other side of light, to become one with the others had before him.
—(Max Mercury, Flash v.2 #97, January 1995)"

Doesn't say "afterlife"...

"From over a century and a half of experience, Max learned that all speedsters drew their power from the same source: an energy field beyond the speed of light, which for lack of a better term he called the “speed force.” He finally explained what he had learned to the others when Wally West (Flash III) began transforming into energy. He explained that Wally’s trip through time during Zero Hour had caused him to brush up against the speed force and set him on a one-way trip that would soon bring him to it (Terminal Velocity, 1994–1995)."

Doesn't say "afterlife."

LightningArmour - 3/12/2010, 12:24 AM
Here, immediately after Wally returns from the Speedforce, he claims it was like seeing god, and it is referred to as heaven.
And afterwards, several times in the series when Wally talks about it, it is always said to be the speedster heaven and so forth.


And during the Arc featuring Savitar, the entire point was that he wanted to enter the Speedforce because it was the heaven of speed, and he considered himself the God of motion, and so he should rightfully rule it.
So, Wally ran Savitar into the speed field which is what killed him.
Phinehas - 3/12/2010, 7:52 PM
Seems to me he was speaking in metaphor as was Linda when she (who didn't go into it but rationalized it the best she could from his description) refered to it as "heaven".

Edit: Okay...I went back and read Rebirth and a few other Flash stories doing research for something else, and I am officially going to make the concession; You're right about the speedforce and the afterlife. :O
I think it runs into a tad of the absurd and I would not have that in my Flash world, but alas, it is what it is. I must have blocked it out.

I don't think we are going to resolve this.
You're a Wally fan. I'm a Barry fan. Neither of us will budge. I will argue Barry's precedence. You will argue in favor of more story depth that Wally was given which is a fair arguement. At the end of the day, we'll still both walking away thinking ourself as right here.

I think we can agree on the one fact that the Flash is the best hero out there (Be it Barry or Wally) and the most misunderstood. ;)
LightningArmour - 3/13/2010, 2:55 AM
I can live with that.
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