Robert Garlen's 90's Spider-Man Film Trilogy

Robert Garlen's 90's Spider-Man Film Trilogy

My return to period Castings has started and now we get to one of the most important film series that made my period piece casting really shine!

By BobGarlen - Dec 23, 2013 04:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Director: Directors are responsible for overseeing creative aspects of a film under the overall control of the film producer. They often develop the vision for a film and carry out the vision, deciding how the film should look, in other words they make their vision come to life. They are responsible for turning the script into a sequence of shots. They also direct what tone it should have and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. Film directors are responsible for deciding camera angles, lens effects and lighting with the help of the cinematographer and set design with the production designer. They will often take part in hiring the cast and key crew members. They coordinate the actors' moves, or blocking and also may be involved in the writing, financing and editing of a film.

Joe Dante (Notable Works: Hollywood Boulavard, The Howling, Gremlins): Without a doubt best know for his two earlier films The Howling and Gremlins, the later being a timeless child hood classic. There were many directors who could have filled this slot, and personally it was hard to narrow it down, but as a fan of Gremlins and how magnificent it is as a child's horror movie and how well he captures a character's humor he's without a doubt the most interesting and probably the best fit choice for the job of Director.

Screenwriters: Screenwriters are responsible for researching the story, developing the narrative, writing the screenplay, and delivering it, in the required format, to Development Executives. Screenwriters therefore have great influence over the creative direction and emotional impact of the screenplay and, arguably, of the finished film. They either pitch original ideas to Producers in the hope that they will be optioned or sold, or screenwriters are commissioned by a producer to create a screenplay from a concept, true story, existing screen work or literary work, such as a novel, poem, play, comic book or short story.

J. Michael Strazynski (Notable Works: Babylon 5 {T.V. Series Creator}, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe {Certain Episodes}, Captain Power The Beginning): He has wrote a wonderful run on Marvel's Spider-Man Comics. I think in the 1990's when he was probably the most popular he would have written quite the dynamic Spider-Man Film. No doubt I think he's one of the best writers in the industry.

Score By: A film score (also sometimes called background music or incidental music) is original music written specifically to accompany a film. The score forms part of the film's soundtrack, which also usually includes dialogue and sound effects, and comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental or choral pieces called cues which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question. Scores are written by one or more composers, under the guidance of the film's director and/or producer, and are then usually performed by an ensemble of musicians – most often comprising an orchestra or band, instrumental soloists, and choir or vocalists – and recorded by a sound engineer.

Jerry Goldsmith (Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Carbo Blanco, Legend): He is a legendary Composer who has worked with Dante before on Gremlins, best known for his work on Star Trek and originally hired for the Superman score. He's an amazing composer, a legend in the field. People know his work, he knows how to get a score to hit every cue of the characteristics and people in the film he can adapt the tones of the film and characters and create a perfect score for the movie.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man [Height: 5' 10", Age: 20's]: Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider in high school, and the spider bite caused him to develop abilities powers similar to that of a spider. He was soon able to crawl up walls and sense imminent danger, and eventually even developed his own method of creating webs to swing from. Upon the death of his Uncle Ben, Peter decided that 'With Great Power comes Great Responsibility, and thus became Spider-Man.

Zach Galligan (Height: 5' 10", Age: 29{As of 1993} Notable Works: ABC After School Specials {T.V. Series}, Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number, Gremlins): This is a vastly original choice. I was tired of seeing Matthew Brodderick, Eric Stoltz, or Michael J. Fox as Peter. Galligan is simply pitch perfect. He looks exactly like the Romita Peter Parker, he's got a perfect physique for Spider-Man, not too bulky but not too thin either. Acting wise he's perfect, his performance in Gremlins really showed that he has the talent to play a character like Peter and to really have the humor and valor to play Spider-Man without making the character a jerk, but a lovable smart mouth super hero.

Mary Jane Watson [Height: 5'8", Age: 20's]: After her mother Madeline left Philip, the Watson women stayed with various relatives. One such relative that MJ was particularly fond of was her Aunt Anna, living in Queens, New York. On the night of Ben Parker's murder, MJ spotted a frantic Peter running into his house with Spider-Man emerging from an upstairs windows only moments later. On this she deduced that Peter Parker and Spider-Man were one and the same. Confused by the emotions set off by the discovery, she chose to keep this information to herself.

Mia Sara (Height: 5' 4", Age: 26 {As of 1993} Notable Works: Legend, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Queenie): Mia is a wonderful performer. We all know her from Legend, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. She's a beautiful actress who's really dominated her roles. When casting MJ you need someone captivatingly beautiful which is a perfect way to describe Mia. Her looks matched with her Talent, she's perfect to have played Mary Jane.

Aunt May Parker [Height: 5'5", Age: 60's]: After the death of her brother-in-law and his wife, May and Ben took in their only son, Peter, and raised him at their home in the Forest Hills section of Queens. Ben immediately took to the role of the boy's father, but May was at first reluctant. She still remembered her parents blaming her own birth for the destruction of their marriage, and she was afraid that Peter might signal the end of her own marriage. In time, she warmed up to Peter, who unexpectedly strengthened the couple's marriage. After Ben's death, life became a struggle with money problems though Peter did his best to help.

Betty White (Height: 5' 4", Age: 71 {As of 1993} Notable Works: Mary Tyler Moore Shot {T.V. Series}, The Betty White Show {T.V. Series}, With This Ring): We all know and love Betty White. She is probably the living embodiment of what we expect out of an Aunt or Grandmother. If there really was anyone else ever cut out to play Aunt May I don't know who it is. In all Honesty i think Betty was Born to play Aunt May. The combination of Betty as May is just simply perfect.

J. Jonah Jameson [Height: 5'11", Age: 40's-50's]: Jameson is usually the publisher or editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, a fictional New York newspaper and now serves as the mayor of New York City. Recognizable by his mustache, flattop haircut, and ever-present cigar, he carries out a smear campaign against Spider-Man that has, at least temporarily, turned much of the gullible city against the hero. He employs photojournalist Peter Parker, who, unbeknownst to Jameson, is Spider-Man's alter ego.

Paul Gleason (Height: 6' 0½", Age: 54 {As of 1993} Notable Works: Arthur, The Breakfast Club, Die Hard): He's Perfect. He's always played the type of role, he was the quintessential dick of the 80's. If there was anyone perfect to play J. Jonah Jameson it was Paul, he's got the attitude, the style, the feel, and the perfect voice for the character.

Joseph “Robbie” Robertson [Height: 6'1", Age: 40's]: Robertson was one of the first African-American characters in comics to play a serious supporting role, rather than act as comic relief. He has usually been a high-ranking editor at the New York newspaper The Daily Bugle and a close confidant of publisher J. Jonah Jameson, acting as a voice of reason in Jameson’s campaign to discredit Spider-Man. He is also more friendly and supportive of Peter Parker (Spider-Man’s alter ego) and other Bugle staffers than the brash Jameson. He is also known for his decades-old feud with the superhuman hit man Tombstone, with whom he attended high school.

Richard Roundtree (Height: 6' 2", Age: 51 {As of 1993}, Notable Works: Shaft, Inchon, An Eye For An Eye): Roundtree is a magnificent actor, he's best remembered for P.I. John Shaft in the blaxploitation series. He's an amazing actor who's really earned his marks and really does fit the role of Robbie Robertson to a "T."

Gloria Grant (Height: 5' 8", Age: 30's-40's): Gloria Grant was seen for the first time when she met Peter Parker and Flash Thompson. Parker had moved into a new apartment, and she was living down the hall. On seeing his camera she told him that fate had bought them together as she was a model and him a photographer.Then soon after she met Mary Jane Watson, who had just returned from Hospital, and invited Peter to a Party at her apartment. She then became a secretary for J. Jonah Jameson at the Daily Bugle when his original secretary, Betty Brant, left and he could not find anyone to replace her.

Pam Grier (Height: 5' 8", Age: 44 {As of 1993}, Notable Works: Coffy, Foxy Brown, Above The Law): Pam is a fantastic actress, and really the only person I could see in this role. She's talented and could definitely make this a memorable appearance.

Dr. Curtis Conners [Height: 5'11", Age: 30's]: Curtis "Curt" Connors was born in Coral Gables, Florida. He was a gifted surgeon who enlisted in the U.S. Army and was sent off to war. He performed emergency battlefield surgery on wounded GIs, but his right arm was injured in a blast and had to be amputated.After his return to civilian life as a research technologist, Connors became obsessed with uncovering the secrets of reptilian limb regeneration.

Bruce Boxleitner (Height: 6' 2", Age: 43 {As of 1993} Notable Works: Fly Away From Home, TRON, Passion Flower): He's TRON. He's an intelligent actor who could take the role of Curt Conners and make it feel like a genuine intelligent and heartfelt portrayal of Conners. Boxleitner is a fantastic choice because he can bring the gravity to the character that comics can't really include.

Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Height: 5' 10", Age: 20's-30's): Felicia Hardy was trained by her father as a great athlete. After his father capture as a cat burglar, she decided to follow his steps and use her abilities to become the Black Cat. First donning that name when she tried to free her father from prison, but she encountered Spider-Man. Since then, she felt a kinship with this lone hero, as she tried to change sides to be trusted by the hero. Over the time, she gained special abilities of bad luck, which affected her relationship with Spider-Man and turning her back to her old criminal career.

Phoebe Cates (Height: 5' 7", Age: 30 {As of 1993}, Notable Works: Gremlins, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Fast Times at Ridgemont High): Many believed she should have been my Mary Jane, but I wasn't sold with that. I felt she'd be better in a role with a bit more action and just as much Tragedy. She's a great actress and this role would bring about more range for her as an actress.

Adrian Toomes/The Vulture (Height: 5' 11", Age: 50's-60's): The originator of the costume and identity was elderly business man and inventor Adrian Toomes. After being swindled out of his company, and its profits, Toomes use the flight-enabling harness he'd been working on to start a life of crime as The Vulture.

Christopher Walken (Height: 6' 0", Age: 50 {As of 1993}): He's a legendary actor. I chose him for the Vulture because of his fantastic work in "A View To A Kill" He had a very fun yet threatening Bond Villain, and it's a role that really gives him range to work with.

Herman Schultz/The Shocker (Height: 5' 9", Age: 30's-40's): Herman Schultz was a career criminal who, after several prison terms for robbery, built a battle suit that sent out shock waves to quickly open safes as well as give himself a one-up on the authorities. The Shocker had the ability to shock his enemies with his hand held vibro-shock units, but because the vibrations were so fierce, he wore a heavily insulated suit. During his first outing as the self-styled "Shocker" he ran into and defeated Spider-Man (albeit the hero was suffering a broken arm at the time) who became Schultz's nemesis.

Brad Dourif (Height: 5' 9", Age: 43 {As of 1993} Notable Works: Child's Play, Critters 4, Trauma): Brad is an intriguing actor. I wanted to originally go with him as Carnage but i felt like he could do more and really take a character who isn't as popular and really transform him. I've always liked the Shocker and wanted to see him used more often and felt that Brad would be able to really Iconify the character.

Eddie Brock/Venom (Height: 6' 3", Age: 30's-40's): Some time after Eddie's life took these drastic changes, and overwhelmed by his shame and the knowledge of his impending death, he decided to commit suicide. Visiting Our Lady of Saints Church to beg forgiveness from God for this mortal sin, he was unaware of a nearby struggle. Spider-Man was using the church's bells to take off his new symbiotic alien costume, which was sensitive to sound, acquired during a secret war made by the Beyonder. As the symbiote saved Spider-Man from the sound, it trickled down to Brock, drawn by his despair, adrenaline and fierce hate, on which it fed. The symbiote merged mentally and physically with Brock, whose bubbling hatred overwhelmed the compassion the alien had acquired from Spider-Man. The dominant thought on both their minds was that of Spider-Man. But Brock’s sheer hatred for the crime fighter twisted the symbiote’s feelings to a similar extent.

David Morse (Height: 6' 4", Age: 42 {As of 1992}, Notable Works: The Rock, Contact, The Getaway): A very intense and strong actor. He's got a powerful physique and no doubt could harness Eddie Brock's intensity and power. He's an odd choice but I think he fits perfectly in the role, and stands out as a creative and wonderful choice.

Cletus Kasady/Carnage (Height: 6' 2", Age: 30's-40's): Cletus Kasady was a severely mentally unstable serial killer who briefly shared a cell with Eddie Brock. When Eddie broke out, he left a part of his Symbiote behind, and Carnage was born. Using the abilities of his new symbiote, Cletus created a long history of slaughtering people and being put in jail for it.

Michael Wincott (Height: 5' 10", Age: 39 {As of 1997}, Notable Works: The Crow, Alien Resurrection, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves): He's a fantastic actor. He's played maniacs before, but none of them have ever been this detached from humanity, or this Psychopath. Wincott is a very talented and deep actor, he plays villains that really root around the meaning of evil. He's a perfect choice for Carnage.

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BenjiWest - 12/23/2013, 4:12 PM
Must of really liked Gremlins.
airbeyonder18 - 12/23/2013, 4:51 PM
Ahh I REALLY like your Venom casting.

Anyways great job.
superherofan21 - 12/23/2013, 5:23 PM
Walken in anything is a golden casting choice.
quas666 - 12/23/2013, 5:24 PM
this brought a smile to my face haha great fancast dude!
NovaCorpsFan - 12/23/2013, 8:07 PM
Walken... In a Wintah... Wundahland.
FlixMentallo21 - 12/23/2013, 8:25 PM
Wow, great fancast! I especially like your treatment of the Shocker, as he's my #1 favorite Spidey villain and Marvel villain in general. Great job!

When you have a moment, check out my latest fancast: "Richard Stark's 'Parker: The Hunter'".
Oarsis - 12/23/2013, 9:22 PM
I really enjoyed this one! Though smaller than your usual casts, just as impactful. I really liked reading your reasoning's on this one; especially for Phoebe's casting as Black Cat. It's not a conventional choice, and you sold me on the idea.
Walken as the Vulture is really creative, and I love it! Once again, another hit!
ILoveStargirl - 12/24/2013, 5:52 AM
David Morse Venom can easily eat that whiny feeble Topher Grace Venom.
ager - 12/25/2013, 11:05 AM
blew my mind. Venom JJJ Carnage Vulture... the whole cast is just great
MrBlueSky - 1/1/2014, 9:30 AM
Dude, Michael Wincott for Venom … awesome.
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