FANTASTIC FOUR Fan Art Makes A Case For Pedro Pascal Playing Doctor Doom Instead Of Mister Fantastic

FANTASTIC FOUR Fan Art Makes A Case For Pedro Pascal Playing Doctor Doom Instead Of Mister Fantastic

With Pedro Pascal (The Last of Us) circling the role of Reed Richards in the Fantastic Four reboot, one artist has made a compelling case for the actor instead taking on the role of the MCU's Doctor Doom!

By JoshWilding - Nov 20, 2023 08:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fantastic Four

Last week, we learned that Pedro Pascal is the current frontrunner to play Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic in Marvel Studios' Fantastic Four reboot. The actor has previously expressed a desire to join the MCU, and leading Marvel's First Family is the sort of role which is bound to make him a bona fide movie star. 

Despite impressing in The Last of Us, The Mandalorian, and even Wonder Woman 1984 (Pascal was an undeniable highlight), some have questioned whether he has what it takes to play the Marvel Universe's smartest superhero. 

We're confident he'd nail it, but a new piece of fan art suggests the actor would be a better fit for Doctor Doom. 

When the news broke that Pascal was being eyed to play Reed, there were some rumblings online that he might be in talks for a villainous role. Enough reliable sources have claimed it's Mister Fantastic, though, so we're not expecting him to suddenly be announced as the MCU's Victor Von Doom. 

Looking at this artwork, it's hard to argue with the notion Pascal would make for a suitably terrifying Doom, though we'd bet on him being reluctant to play yet another character whose face is hidden beneath a mask (particularly after previously saying, "I do want [to join the MCU]. I want to be in movies").

Recently, it's been rumoured that Marvel Studios plans to replace Kang the Conqueror with Doom, making him the Multiverse Saga's new big bad. That's easier said than done, especially as it's previously been reported the villain will only make a cameo appearance in Fantastic Four's post-credits scene. 

If Pascal signs up to star in Fantastic Four, then a full casting announcement is expected to follow. Vanessa Kirby remains the frontrunner to play Sue Storm/Invisible Woman), who is said to be the movie's lead, with Joseph Quinn and Ebon Moss-Bachrach playing the Human Torch and The Thing, respectively. 

Javier Bardem, meanwhile, is being eyed to play Galactus, though Antonio Banderas also remains in the mix to suit up as the Eater of Worlds. 

Director Matt Shakman has worked with both Avatar: The Way of Water co-writer Josh Friedman and WandaVision's Cam Squires on the latest draft of Fantastic Four's screenplay. The movie is currently scheduled to be released in theaters on May 2, 2025.

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Nomis929 - 11/20/2023, 8:50 AM
bobevanz - 11/20/2023, 10:26 AM
@Nomis929 -
Nomis929 - 11/20/2023, 10:48 AM
@bobevanz - LOL!!!!!
EZBeast - 11/20/2023, 8:53 AM
It makes no case at all…
whoknows - 11/20/2023, 2:06 PM
@EZBeast - random but you know who I’d love to see as doom, Henry Cavill, give him a nice come back to the comics world.
JustAWaffle - 11/20/2023, 9:00 AM
I’d rather see him as Doom than Reed, but this isn’t a compelling article.
lazlodaytona - 11/20/2023, 11:30 AM
@JustAWaffle - I agree with you. Now, I do not have a lot invested in this I.P. since I am a DC guy, but I just don't see Pedro as Reed. Doom? I guess, but RR seems to be a bit of a cool dude, but nerdy n stuff. Again, I am not a pro on the subject but I hope they/Marvel figures out a bit better path for the character.
JustAWaffle - 11/20/2023, 3:15 PM
@lazlodaytona - Me too. Pascal isn’t my first or even 10th choice. But he’s a good actor, so he could probably pull it off if he had the right script.
DocSpock - 11/20/2023, 9:10 AM

he would be great as Doom.

Origame - 11/20/2023, 9:11 AM
Yes, let's cast Pedro in another role he can use as an excuse to lazily sit and do a voice reading on rather than actually act 🙄
HammerLegFoot - 11/20/2023, 9:16 AM
@Origame - So like Voice acting just isnt a thing or something?
Origame - 11/20/2023, 9:18 AM
@HammerLegFoot - not to Pedro. Have you seen mando season 3? He was terrible there. And you can't tell me it's a coincidence that's the same time he stopped actually being there in the suit.
OleBobbyTiger - 11/20/2023, 9:53 AM
@Origame - Au contraire.

I can confidently tell you, it's NOT "the same time he stopped actually being there in the suit."
Jameson - 11/20/2023, 10:53 AM
@Origame - Here:

Origame - 11/20/2023, 11:19 AM
@Jameson - your profile pic is the perfect response to this
dagenspear - 11/20/2023, 8:36 PM
@Origame - If you watched that, you could see how little they seemed to give him to do.
Origame - 11/20/2023, 8:37 PM
@dagenspear - exactly. He stopped being the main character so he just stopped showing up 🤣
HammerLegFoot - 11/20/2023, 9:11 AM
I'm really curious as to how they'll portray Galactus. Is he going to be huge like the celestials?
tylerzero - 11/20/2023, 9:39 AM
@HammerLegFoot -

They've already demonstrated (twice) with the live-action Transformers movies that a planet-sized villain doesn't make sense (read: Unicron).
Apophis71 - 11/20/2023, 9:49 AM
@HammerLegFoot - They will likely just basicaly make him a celestial tbh, unsure how I feel about that but we will see. It isn't exactly and easy thing to take straight from the page to the screen but will be interesting to see where they go with it and if it works or not even if not likely entirely true to source (which I would argue is near impossible to do in a film runtime).
SauronthePower - 11/20/2023, 9:11 AM
Pascal already has conquered the masked vocal performance career ‘check,’ to its highest possible level

To repeat this would seem like a colossally fraudulent typecast
marvel72 - 11/20/2023, 9:48 AM
I wouldn't cast him in either role.
Doombot - 11/20/2023, 10:04 AM
Since we are so much about inclusion now, how about we cast an Eastern European from the region Latveria is supposed to be from? Or does that not count?
GeneralChaos - 11/20/2023, 10:14 AM
@Doombot - No, Latveria doesn't count.
clintthahamster - 11/20/2023, 10:26 AM
@Doombot - You mean white people? You're concerned about representation for white people?
Doombot - 11/20/2023, 10:29 AM
@ClintThaHamster - And you explain my point. Thanks.
Apophis71 - 11/20/2023, 12:00 PM
@Doombot - I mean I kinda prefer Eastern Europeans to be played by Eastern Europeans (at least with parents who migrated from there anyway) for the sake of avoiding bad accents and same with almost any other nationality with a strong accent...

...I mean sometimes if the character, script and/or actor are good enough you can overlook that kind of stuff and some actors are actualy GOOD at foreign accents but...

...comparing representation based on nationality to that in regard to race is always questionable regardless if being sincere or sarcastic.
clintthahamster - 11/20/2023, 12:41 PM
@Doombot - So your point is, in fact, that you're concerned with representation of white people in films and television, when nearly 70% of all roles went to white actors in 2022?
Doombot - 11/20/2023, 5:30 PM
@ClintThaHamster - No. My point is Doom should be represented by people of the region he is actually from. Besides they should be looking for an actor with at least partial Romani ancestry since that aligns with his backstory. Doom's heritage is extremely important to his characterization. I understand that "White" is a generic blanket term but Eastern Europeans are vastly different to Western Europeans.
Nightwing1015 - 11/20/2023, 6:08 PM
@ClintThaHamster - So because ethnicities happen to have the same skin colour representation suddenly isn't important? It's not important to see a variety of different cultures, nationalities, ethnicities on screen? Most people would disagree.
clintthahamster - 11/20/2023, 7:51 PM
@Nightwing1015 - 'I understand that "White" is a generic blanket term but Eastern Europeans are vastly different to Western Europeans.'

Of course, culturally certainly, and ethnically to an extent. Sorry, I mistook your genuine concern for some anti-woke trolling.

@Nightwing1015 - "Most people would disagree."

I would disagree, too. My point was more that most folks concerned about representation might better spend their time focusing on Asian and Indigenous actors, for example, rather than "more kinds of white people.

That said, I would never have any objection to ethnically and/or racially accurate casting. In a perfect world, a bankable star with roots in the region where the fictional Latveria is located would be ideal. Someone like Eric Bana or Joe Magniello could work, but Goran Visnjic would be perfect, honestly.
dagenspear - 11/20/2023, 8:34 PM
@Doombot - I think looking to cast someone with the right voice and acting chops to pull that off is where the start goes for me.
slickrickdesigns - 11/20/2023, 10:08 AM
Izaizaiza - 11/20/2023, 10:10 AM
Love Pascal, but don't like him in either of these two roles. Dr. Doom needs to be a scary person. The actor should at least be able to pass for Eastern European
dagenspear - 11/20/2023, 8:32 PM
@Izaizaiza - The voice is how you get a presence with a character like Doom. How he passes isn't that meaningful.
Izaizaiza - 11/21/2023, 10:41 AM
@dagenspear - I don't think he will be in mask all of the time. I would guess that we will get some flashbacks. If not, just go Darth Vader style. Big imposing dude and someone else to do the voice
GeneralChaos - 11/20/2023, 10:11 AM
Well when you can't post rumors, post fan art.
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