Although Fox's 2015 Fantastic Four reboot did fail pleasuring both critics and fans, many cast members and crew members showed interest to return for a sequel. Will Fox take another risk? Maybe with the right story - that contains more cool action and nice cinematographic sets and shots - it is still possible to make the Fantastic Four reboot series a success! CHECK OUT my treatment for 'Fantastic Four 2: Annihilus' (stylized as ‘FANT4STIC 2: ANNIHILUS’)!
The film opens in the Fantastic Four’s military base known as ‘’Central City’’. The team prepare themselves for training in the robot arena. Our friends Reed, Johnny, Sue and Ben are more aware of their abilities since the last time we met them. In the real fight simulator, the team needs to defeat a dragon robot (resembles ‘Dragon Man’). Although they have learned a lot about their individual capabilities, their team spirit can be improved. Unfortunately, the team loses and soldiers need to interrupt.
The Fantastic Four-team members have to deal with their own inner struggles. Sue is sad about the death of her father and the supposing death of Victor, she is feeling guilty. Ben has hard times to accept his new look. Johnny misses his old, thrill-seeking life now he is under the control of the government. Reed misses his family and has feelings for Sue, but is afraid Sue has still feelings for Victor. Reed is also working on a new project, the ‘Fantasticar’.
Meanwhile, we will learn that Victor – now called ‘Dr. Doom’ – has survived the disintegration of the Planet Zero’s portal he made. Badly injured, he tries to make his way in the dangerous landscape of the alternative dimension, until the well-known Fantastic Four villain Annihilus and his insectoid minions see and capture him. Annihilus, always searching for new sources of energy, was lured by the enormous amount of energy released by the portal. Doom learns that he wasn't the only living organism on Planet Zero.
During Dr. Doom’s imprisonment, he learns more about Annihilus and his weapon – ‘The Cosmic Control Rod’ – and about his history and goals. Annihilus’ minions torture Doom, because he wants to know where he is from. Doom tries to manipulate him and told Annihilus he is from Earth, a planet with an infinite source of energy. Annihilus forces Doom to tell him how he can reach the Planet Earth.
The tensions between the Fantastic Four heroes mounts up a little bit, after they failed to defeat ‘Dragon Man’. Even though it was just an exercise, the government imposes higher and higher standards. They must be ready to defeat bigger enemies. Johnny suggests going to a nightclub, so they can relax. During the night, they speak open about their feelings. Reed tells Sue a little bit about his love feelings for her. They have all a great evening, until Ben gets angry to a drunken guy who calls him a ‘pebble’. Ben punches him in the face and the team decides to escape, but unfortunately: the accident is filmed an all over YouTube and the News.
On Planet Zero, Victor wants to learn more about Annilihus’ Cosmic Control Rod, who tells him about ‘some big enemies’. After he learned that this weapon is capable of controlling cosmic energy, he makes a plan to steal the weapon for finishing his destruction of Earth. Although Doom could work together with Annilihus, he wants the entire honour and doesn’t trust the alien. In an unguarded moment, Doom succeeds to steal the Control Rod and escapes. Going on his way to seek revenge.
Back in ‘’Central City’’, the government executives blame the Fantastic Four for their irresponsible behaviour: ‘Ben could have killed that guy.’’ An army officer tells the team that they need to control their feelings and must be able to recognize the real enemy. In the middle of this conversation, a scientist steps in the room and calls for the officer, telling him that they have succeed to recreate the ‘’Quantum Gate’’. Reed, Johnny, Sue and Ben – feeling betrayed by the government – are shocked by this news, not knowing anything of their project. The government executives tell them that they want to do research on Planet Zero, but the team doesn’t trust them anymore. The Fantastic Four decide to leave.
Dr. Doom finds a way to travel back to Planet Earth after he found a not-finished intergalactic spaceship built by Annilihus’ army. Doom opens a new portal, but doesn’t realise Annilihus and his minions are following him. Doom lands in Golden Gate Park (San Francisco, California), which causes a lot of chaos around the city. When Annilihus arrives, he attacks Doom to get his Cosmic Control Rod back. They fight on the Golden Gat Bridge, which is all over the news.
When the army officer gets a phone call about the accident, Sue notices it, because she used here invisibility powers to overhear the governments’ plans. While government soldiers are earlier on the battle scene, they notice the return of Victor and try to stop him. Dr. Doom uses his manipulative skills again to convince them that he isn’t the real enemy and that came back to safe Earth from the destruction Annilihus wants to cause. But Doom is too weak actually, still not recoverd from his injuries. Although they don’t believe him immediately, they see no other options after Annilihus’ minions attack and kill a group of soldiers.

The final battle takes place in the centrum of Central City. The government doesn’t give permission to the team to go, but they don’t care and still show up. The Fantastic Four know that, although they have some hurt feelings, they need to work together as a real, good team to be able to defeat both Doom and Annilihus. Doom is fighting with the team to defeat Annilihus. Although they don’t understand why and how (they are ‘flabbergasted’), they are glad to learn Victor is back in some way, especially Sue. After they have defeated Annilihus and his army, Victor disappears. There were a lot of questions, but no time to talk.
The team embarrasses the government and is praised for their help. In a conversation between the middle of the ruin, Sue wonders where Victor could be and what they need to do now he is back on Earth. Before the screen turns to black, we see in his hometown Latveria recovering from his bad injuries and touching the Cosmic Control Rod. An evil smile can be heard.
In the mid-credits scene, we see Reed, Johnny, Sue and Ben opening the doors of their new apartment in the famous Baxter Building. In the light of the window, Reed and Sue kiss and Ben and Johnny vomit (‘’Didn’t see that coming!’’).
In the after credits scene, we see a figure – who is called as ‘the ultimate soldier to discover Planet Zero’ – being captured in one of the experiment cells in the ‘’Central City’’ military complex, who turns out to be ‘’THE SILVER SURFER’’.
Let me know your thoughts about my concept in the usual place below!
3 September 2016: fixed some grammar and other text errors