In a recent interview with, Timothy Olyphant discusses his work on "The Crazies," his new television show "Justified," which airs on FX beginning this month and mosti importantly...Flash Gordon!
Breack Eisner, who just released "The Crazies" remake, which starred Olyphant, will be working on a reboot of the ever popular "Flash Gordon" for his next project. This from the article:
"We followed up by asking him if he had possibly talked with Eisner about playing Flash Gordon, as the actor would make a great Flash! The actor simply smiled and said, 'Thanks I appreciate that,' indicating that he might be up for the role. Is that a character that you would be interested in playing, we asked Olyphant? 'Does it pay?' he replied. That's something he'll have to take up with Eisner."
Olyphant also discusses a sequel to the some-what successful "The Crazies" film as well as the possibilty of bring his hit series "Deadwood" back tot he screen. Click the link for more of the article.
ecksmanfan: Typically, when actors dodge the subject like he did, they are hiding something. I think I like this idea. Olyphant is a good actor and getting better with each project. What do you think?