(thanks to the person who made/showed this to/for cbm)
By now almost every single one of us has seen hte GREEN LANTERN Film trailer up to 3600 times and counting. We all have our opinion on it, most of the opinions are positive.
Personally I have my own opinions. It will disagree with almost 100% of everyone. Now I'm not knocking the movie, I think it's looks friggin' amazing. Especially Sinestro.
Now the subject of my attention on this editorial is the film's star Ryan Reynolds. Now I'm a fan of the Green Lantern books, especially the 70's O'Neal/Adams run and the Johns Run. Now that there's a GREEN LANTERN Film I'm excited.
Now Ryan Reynolds is a big name, well pretty much the star of the last few years. Warner Bros wanting him to play Hal is basically financial security.
Too be perfectly honest, Ryan isn't playing Hal Jordan, I'm a fan of Hal and he never really acted like Ryan Reynolds. From the film trailer, he isn't anything like Hal, in the trailer he seems like a 80's Action Star. Now granted there's hints at something like Hal in there.
My problem lies entirely in the fact that he's a Smart ass, and honestly Ryan Reynolds doesn't even Act anymore, he just plays Ryan Reynolds(see his last few films, he plays the same role. No really.) And I'm not liking it. Don't get me wrong he's fun to watch, but he IS NOT HAL JORDAN and no one's opinion, no film, heck not even god himself telling me He is would change my mind. Of course I don't have a problem with Ryan playing a green lantern, but the Green Lantern he is, is GUY GARDNER, in fact they act exactly alike. Hell give Ryan Reynolds a bowl cut and die his hair red you literally have GUY GARDNER incarnate.
Now i understand some of you are going to argue that Bradly Cooper is Guy, but I'm going to ignore you. From Films I've seen Bradly Cooper he's never played a Smart Ass, but a ladies man. And that to me is Hal. But to be perfectly Honest i see Bradly Cooper as being Barry Allen. Not just because he looks like him, but he has the build of a runner. I'm not going to argue, if it's brought up in the comments it's going to be ignored.
Ryan doesn't have any of the qualities to me of Hal Jordan. The way i see Hal is more inline with Cyclops, now hear me out before you get all pissy on us. He like Hal has the strong will team leader attitude, and a bit of a cocky attitude. And Ryan he's just too much of a smart ass to play Hal. Actors i would be more willing to see as Hal would be Brian Austin Green or James Marsden or Chris Pine(not very excited about the second one, for third see Star Trek, Kirk isn't a smart ass, he's an assured, lady loving, will-powered leader.).
Now i can already tell this isn't going to be a popular editorial but i stand by my opinion. I like the Green Lantern and i will go see this Film and enjoy it, i won't let my opinion of Ryan at this stage affect the film and i hope i feel differently about him after the Film. I am going to keep an open mind. And see what happens, one thing is for sure, I'm absolutely sure that SINESTRO is going to steal the show especially for the mass audience who aren't fans.