Check Out This GREEN ARROW vs HAWKEYE Live-Action Battle!
DC Comics' Emerald Archer vs Marvel's Master Marksman. Who wins between Green Arrow and Hawkeye? Ismahawk has your answer. If you don't agree with who they selected as the victor, take your argument to the comment section!
Ismahawk is back with another edition of Minute Match-Ups. After the first episode pitted X-Men Origins: Wolverine Deadpool vs 'Actual' Deadpool, the second episode attempts to answer which comic book publishing giant has the better archer. Is it DC Comics' Green Arrow or Marvel's Hawkeye? And as for who was seleected as the winner, they have this handy video explaining how they arrived at their answer.
For the next Minute Match-Up, Ismahawk will be pitting Marvel's Quicksilver against DC's Flash. Who do you think will win that battle?