Since the release of Guardians of the Galaxy we have learnt a lot more about the future of the MCU. The most important bit of information we’ve received was the announcement of the Phase 3 line up and the confirmation of many fans believes that the show down with Thanos would happen in phase 3 and be split into 2 movies. I think it’s safe to say a lot will happen between now and Infinity War part 2 and hopefully it will all be awesome. In this editorial I will set out my hopes for GOTG 2.
As anyone who has read any of my comments regarding the subject will know I enjoyed the recent marvel cosmic event Infinity. I also enjoyed being introduced to the Black order or Cull Obsidian during the event and I really hope they get introduced in phase 3 and I have an idea to introduce them in GOTG 2. Ive been thinking of ideas for GOTG 2 since its release and now I think I have a collection of ideas that could work well on film.
I thought we could start the film with a few brief moments showing the subjugation of the planet Skaar by the Chitauri and the black order (it could be in the present or a flashback) explaining how the saakaran came to work for thanos/ronan. It could also contain several Easter eggs for example we could see the red kings battle armour smashed up in the background, or Miek like aliens from planet hulk flying in the background or being killed by the black order.

After that I imagine us going to the present (assuming it was a flashback) in nowhere where the Guardians are hanging out (gambling), most of them are goofing off but Gamora seems uninterested. Gamora notices an alien rush in and whisper something into the collector ear who quickly runs into his new library. Gamora suspects something is up and follows him and is attacked by 2 guards who she quickly defeats, and then the collector tells her to stand down. After a brief discussion the collector reveals why he was summoned away, a new infinity stone has been found and it’s on the move through Kree territory. Gamora quickly decided that they need to chase after it to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and after much complaining from Rocket they leave.
So I thought this would be a good excuse to have a brief visit to Hala where they could perhaps meet Phyla vell and to give a cool space adventure spanning multiple worlds. So eventually the black order are also tasked to find the new infinity stone which would bring then into conflict with the guardians and throw in the ravagers and nebula and you’re sure to get some epic space battles. I can imagine a scene on a planet where the guardians battle against the black order with corvus vs starlord, black dwarf vs rocket and groot, drax vs supergiant and gamora vs proxima midnight. And perhaps at some point gamora and nebula could be forced to work together.
So I thought eventually it wold be revealed that the energy signature is on the move because it is in adam warlock who has been running from all sorts who have been attempting to grab the stone (enter the ravagers). Towards the end I thought the kree could get involved militarily when the black order and their forces enter Kree space in pursuit of Warlock. During the battle I was thinking Drax could crash land on a planet and is presumed dead by the end of the film, then he could be found by Kronos and the mentor (thanos’s father and grandfather) where he can be given the power to kill Thanos. So the film would end with the black order being forced to retreat due to the overwhelming numbers of the Kree and a scene with commander Mar vell being summoned by the supreme intelligence. Mar vell is praised for leading the Kree to victory and the supreme intelligence expresses concern about the growing strength of the mad titan.

We all know a marvel film doesn’t finish until the credits roll, so far this I thought Corvus would return to Thanos in disgrace, Thanos doesn’t seem worried that Corvus failed. Suddenly out of the darkness the Ebony Maw appears informing him of another infinity stone, Thanos then shows Corvus the final infinity stone courtesy of the Ebony Maw. To end the film we see Thanos rise from his throne and orders Corvus to prepare the forces as a war is about to begin, a war for infinity.
But where did the Ebony Maw get the last infinity stone some of you might be wondering. I thought this could be a way to tie in Doctor strange into what’s going on. In Infinity the ebony Maw managed to control Dr strange so perhaps at the end of Dr strange in an after credits scene we could see the ebony maw manipulate Dr strange into handing him the gem or revealing where it is hidden.
well that's my basic idea hope you liked it share your thoughts below.