Thanks to Cinema Blend, we have the following detailed highlights from the Supernatural panel in San Diego which wrapped up just a few moments ago. These are only a few select excerpts from their report, so make sure to head on over to the site by clicking on the link below in order to read it in full.

The panel is starting! Jenson Ackles just stepped onto the stage. The crowd's going nuts. He's here to intro a clip. Sam's in it but no Dean... Clip time... 11:30 a.m. - Starts with a montage of clips (explosions, stabbings and other dramatic things) set to Foreigner's "Long, Long, Way Home." Afterward, the clip (spoilers!) features Jewel Staite and Sam having some kind of stand-off. It's implied that Sam knows this woman well. Cut to a flashback of the two of them as teens, hanging out and talking about moving around a lot. Then back to the present where we're left with a cliffhanger as far as what happens next in the stand-off.
he panel has joined the stage. Jenson and Jared talking about Jenson directing an episode. Jared tried not to behave when Jenson was directing. He pauses to joke about it smelling like Robert Pattinson on stage. Back to directing the episode, Jenson says, "I don't have to tell this guy how to be Sam..." Performance-wise, they're always looking out for each other no matter who's directing.
Misha being asked about Castiel. He's been surprised that no one has written a god-role him yet in his career. Everyone laughs. He says playing god is an interesting challenge. Exec-producer Sera Gamble says Castiel will be in the first couple of episodes, but she wont say more than that.
They're talking about Crowly and what his situation is after something that happened with Castiel. Mark says he wants a spin-off sitcom called "Oh Crowley." Sera says we'll see Crowley early on. There are big plans for him, which you'll see pretty early on.
Talking about meta and "The French Mistake." Ben Edlund says he's not sure what they could do to take that further. "We're gonna have to work on that. That's a good, hard nut to crack."
Talking about all of the characters' death scenes. The writers call actors to give them a heads-up about what their death scene means (death scenes don't mean the same thing for Supernatural as they do in other shows.
Sera says Jo is coming back. This is news to the cast. She says its a perfect example of someone who dies on the show that comes back. Sheriff Mills is returning. Death will be back. There are a few more in the works but she doesn't want to talk about that until the deals close.
Jenson says he thinks it was cool that Eric Kripke stuck to his plan of only writing for five years. Sera says she hopes the show goes on for a long time. "Eric did create kind of a perfect franchise to keep going," she said. "We have a plan in place if this is the last year, and we have a plan in place if it isn't.
Last question is for Ben. They want to know why they aren't using the ninja stars. Sera said Ben just pitched a ninja story. So maybe the ninja stars will be used. Ben jokes that if they use the grenade launcher, things would end about two acts early. Ben telling Jenson and Jared that they might want to start practicing using the ninja stars, because apparently they fly all over the place.