Variety's article starts out...
In a town on edge, how better to fight Orange Alert blues than Hulk Hands, a Swan Lake Barbie or a Halls of Hogwarts board game? ToyFair, the world's biggest toy trade show, celebrates 100 years when it unspools in Gotham Feb. 16, and studios will be out in force.... You have to subscribe to Variety to get the rest. But Superhero Hype added a little more info:
Marvel is Green-Hot at Toy Fair
Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:46 CST
Variety reports from Toy Fair, which starts today, where Marvel is previewing its new toys for the 2003 superhero movie year...
Marvel Enterprises will be flexing its muscles as comicbook pics keep rolling into theaters.
"We're not red-hot, we're green-hot," gushes Bill Jemas, Marvel prexy-COO.
Betting "The Hulk" will be the "Spider-Man" of 2003, Marvel and Universal Studios, which made the pic, are up to their triceps in toys.
They figure retailers will load up on the Hands (oversized foam padded gloves that make electronic smashing sounds), Hulk on Rubble With Punching Action, Hulk on Tank with Smashing Action and a soft construction worker Hulk for tykes.
Stay tuned for lots more from Toy Fair!