NEW Iron Man 2 "Behind The Scenes" from France

NEW Iron Man 2 "Behind The Scenes" from France

The frogs got "behind the scenes" on Iron Man 2 and have brought us new info and footage. Vive le France!

By DCMarvelFreshman - Oct 12, 2009 11:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Iron Man 2

Here is a video behind the scenes of Iron Man 2 from a french channel.

Marvel Creative Committee Nixed IRON MAN 2 Scene With A Drunk Tony Stark Hitting Pepper Potts

Marvel Creative Committee Nixed IRON MAN 2 Scene With A Drunk Tony Stark Hitting Pepper Potts

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StephenStrange - 10/13/2009, 11:21 AM
AWESOME!!!!!! ummm why the hell would he build his own particle accelerator?

I'm convinced that this movie will absolutely DOMINATE next year! It's going to both pwn AND own!
Not just the CBM market but the entire movie market in general
Wadey09 - 10/13/2009, 11:40 AM
i'm still curious how they're gonna tie this movie in to captain america and thor.
i mean IM2 has Nick Fury, Black Widow, and War Machine but are these characters minus Fury, exclusive to Iron Man?
or will Rhodey or Natasha make it into the cap and thor films?

also: in the Incredible Hulk novel, Stark locks Abomination up in the Vault. will this be mentioned or is that just for that book?
Shaman - 10/13/2009, 12:10 PM
It's actually "La France" but let's not get technical LOL :P Great find ;)
tocap - 10/13/2009, 12:12 PM
be carefull what you say squaredheads!!! i speak french (but i'm not from france)héhé... I just bought the two discs ultimate set for Iron Man and i can't wait for the second outing!!!
Bamf7 - 10/13/2009, 12:21 PM
Wadey - I never read the novel...that's interesting. That would be cool to mention! Maybe the Abomination will have a cameo in a prison scene?
MarkV - 10/13/2009, 12:26 PM
The particle accelerator is Stark trying to find a new power source. The current one is causing some kind of health problem for him. His dad is the key to unlocking this secret.
Velox - 10/13/2009, 12:51 PM
Great clip MarvelFreshman. I really enjoyed that.

I'm thinking the particle accelerator may have something to do with the big 'energy expo' that Stark is heading up in this film. I'm guessing that with the advent of the whole arc light generator technology that he's working with having seemingly been perfected in the first film, they're setting Stark up to be sort of like the Bill Gates of energy(except with charisma).

It would be nice to see a tie in with Abomination, but further tie-ins may not happen, because they don't have the other scripts ready and they don't want to commit to something that they'll have to contradict in another movie. They kind of flubbed that with 'Hulk', because there Stark is seen as being willing and almost eager about this team of superheroes that Fury is putting together, yet in IM2 he doesn't want to join. Although I guess you could fudge the timeline on that and say that Stark visited General Ross AFTER he's agreed to join, but I can certainly see how they would shy away from making the tie-ins too involved; too many other writers and directors aren't finished with their own versions of things yet, and it could potentially create problems.
LEEE777 - 10/13/2009, 12:56 PM
Great stuff!!
thunderforce - 10/13/2009, 1:12 PM
going to be an awesome movie but by the time it comes out we will probably all be dead from the swine flu lol.
Velox - 10/13/2009, 1:19 PM
LOL @ thunderforce. Looks that way, doesn't it?
Shaman - 10/13/2009, 1:22 PM
Thanks, Grif! I like yours too!!! My background is the cover of Castlevania Chronicles which is also my avatar on DeviantArt:
Ryden - 10/13/2009, 1:51 PM
notice how the Mark II is goneat the start? That'll get modified to become the War Machine armour ;) in the 5 min clip before you see WarMachine gunz a blazing the Mark II is lying in a box ready for an upgrade by Hammer, cant WAIT for this movie, great find
RABB1T - 10/13/2009, 2:47 PM
[frick]ing amazing!! I will sooo be seeing this opening day!
peterparker420 - 10/13/2009, 3:00 PM
DAMN! i cannot wait for this movie!!, everything is sounding so great!
stopdropandroll - 10/13/2009, 3:00 PM
Can't wait to see this movie.

You know, the problem with the third movies in superhero films either are:

1) Too many villians
2) They get campy
3) Different director with different vision of heroes
BrotherQStark - 10/13/2009, 3:08 PM
IRON MAN 2 WILL BE THE SHHHHIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chris Hemsworth going to be in it as Thor just to confirm the rumors because I thought Chris and Edward Norton would both be in Iron Man 2
SHHH - 10/13/2009, 3:08 PM
i was just watchin on demand quiz show and iron man was originally was offerd to hugh jackman but he declined the role. Hugh Jackman as Tony Stark? now that would of been interesting!
BrotherQStark - 10/13/2009, 3:13 PM
[frick] that Jackman could't have been Iron Man Downey is Iron Man, like Bale is Batman, and Norton is Hulk
BrotherQStark - 10/13/2009, 3:15 PM
Logan-X you think The Incredible Hulk sucked and yes Transformers 2 and Origins were [frick]ed up but are you saying they could [frick] up Iron Man 2???????
GUNSMITH - 10/13/2009, 3:31 PM
Macksimus - 10/13/2009, 4:21 PM
So, the Mark II is missing in that shot of the hall of armor.

What is the suit in the 3rd slot? Is the suit in the far right the newest suit, or is that the suit he used in the last movie.

I'm just asking, because you'd think the suit he is currently using to fight with wouldn't be in the hall of armor.

I'm confused. I can't wait to see this movie.
Evil1991 - 10/13/2009, 4:44 PM
His own hadron colider? Interesting.... I wonder what they have planned for it
Joe6Pack74 - 10/13/2009, 4:57 PM
French people...
ThatOneGuy - 10/13/2009, 5:15 PM
I kinda agree with Logan-x...I hated the way sabertooth looked and acted in Orgins they should have stuck with how they made him in x-men 1, not that the x1 version was amazing but the long hair and body frame of that sabertooth was better
supermarioworldE - 10/13/2009, 6:04 PM
Favreau is such a cool dude. I know this movie wont fail


dude, you must not have any respect for gambit or deadpool, if you were fine with how they were depicted and "used" in Wolverine.
MarkCassidy - 10/13/2009, 6:32 PM
More insightful and beautifully scripted stuff from out favorite peon Logan X. Its pointless to argue with a man that cant even wrap his head around why someone would look for good acting in a movie..y'know, those things up on the screen that are full of ACTORS.
Simonsonrules - 10/13/2009, 9:25 PM
Is there any truth to the imdb "Iron Man 2" actor / character list that puts Chris Hemsworth in the movie?

TheGambitFreak - 10/13/2009, 9:27 PM
sorry have not posted a blog on here in a while got back from honeymoon.What did I miss?
MercWitaMouth88 - 10/13/2009, 10:55 PM
@ Macksimus, the third suit is the suit used in the last movie. The one at the end is the new suit. They made the suit for IM2 much more form fitting. Not as bulky as the one used in the last film.

I think the Mark II is the suit stolen by the government and turned into War Machine.

I though J.F. wanted to keep IM2 isolated from the avengers movies?
Boekelaar - 10/14/2009, 12:22 AM
@MercWitaMouth88 favreau said that IM2 wasnt going to lead into the avengers movie, ie a cliff hanger that was resolved in the avengers. but there will still be connections between all the marvel studios movies.
mwkcope - 10/14/2009, 8:05 AM
Looks awsome!
Shaman - 10/14/2009, 9:24 AM
Logan X, you are such a retarded [frick], it's nowhere near funny!!! YOU, not us, YOU are always the first to bitch!!! YOU were the one bitching about Wolverine even before it came out and now you're bitching about TIH and the old show!!! Get a [frick]ing clue you asstard!!! There is NOT ONE comment of yours that isn't a retarded rant from your part!!! Why else would the majority on here agree on how severe your mental disorder actually is??? CAUSE IT'S THE [frick]ING TRUTH!!! I mean, Jesus tap dancing [frick]ing christ on a flammin' stick, if you don't like to read our bitchy comments then get a [frick]ing life and a [frick]ing job you ass-nugget!!!
Shaman - 10/14/2009, 10:49 AM
And take your damn chewed up ball with your lame ass home!!! LOL :P
BrotherQStark - 10/14/2009, 2:05 PM
Yeah Logan X eat a dick
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