It says that Olivia Munn is...Melina Vostokoff / Iron Maiden
The Iron Maiden was originally an agent of the Russian government. She was forced to live in the shadow of the legendary Black Widow. This caused her to develop a hatred for the Widow. Eventually, she left the service of Russia and became a freelance assassin and mercenary.
Iron Maiden was one of a group of assassins sent by Damon Dran to assassinate the Black Widow. The Iron Maiden outlasted the other assassins, and was on the verge of overpowering the Widow when she was interrupted by Jimmy Woo and a squadron of SHIELD I agents. Melina fled, and was followed into the sewers by Woo and the Widow. She ambushed them, but Woo used his energy blaster to blow a hole in the floor she was standing on, which generated a powerful whirlpool and sucked her down to the next level.

The Iron Maiden was one of the army of superhuman female criminals gathered by Superia as part of her plot to sterilize the rest of the world and gain power for her potential nation of women. She was part of the army that defeated and captured Captain America and Paladin when they tried to sneak aboard the ship to Femizonia. Melina was one of the small group that stayed by Superia, as her "lieutenants" following the defeat of her initial plot.
She accompanied Superia and the other remaining Femizons to Boca Caliente for the AIM Weapons Expo. Superia attempted to execute Alessandro Brannex, to take over AIM for her own uses, which brought her group into conflict with MODAM and the other security forces of AIM. In addition, the assassination failed because Superia did not realize Brannex was an Adaptoid. MODAM overpowered Superia and Blackbird, and the Iron Maiden was unable to reach her to even try to stop her.
Civil War
When the U.S. became embroiled in its Superhuman Registration Act, Iron Maiden attempted to obtain a fake ID. and sneak into Canada. She was pursued by Fixer, Joystick, and MACH-4 of the Thunderbolts, and Joystick brought down Iron Maiden while the Fixer and MACH-4 made wagers on the fight.
Powers and Abilities
The Iron Maiden wears a flexible metal costume which protects her from the force of many impacts and insulates her from many different forms of energy projections. It may grant her some level of superhuman strength, making her somewhere between peak and enhanced human.AbilitiesMaster combatant, assassin, and agent of espionage.Strength levelNormal human female with intensive regular exercise.
Iron Maiden armor. Increases Melina's strength and protects her from physical and energy damage.
Internal weapons of the Iron Maiden armor.