Samuel L Jackson Signs on as Nick Fury for 9 Marvel Movies!

Samuel L Jackson Signs on as Nick Fury for 9 Marvel Movies!

THR says the actor, who just weeks ago was seemingly on the outs with the studio over reprising his role as Nick Fury, agent of spy outfit S.H.I.E.L.D., has signed an unprecedented nine-picture deal to play the character in a series of Marvel movies.

By ComicBookMovie - Feb 25, 2009 04:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Iron Man 2
Source: THR

The movies include "Iron Man 2," "Thor," "Captain America," "The Avengers" and its sequels.

Also on the table is the possibility of toplining a "S.H.I.E.L.D." movie, which is in development.

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NerdRage - 2/25/2009, 5:06 PM
Jib7z - 2/25/2009, 5:07 PM
Holy Jesus. NINE movies? That's amazing!
MoonDoggyX - 2/25/2009, 5:09 PM
Best news... 9 more Marvel flicks! Sam Jackson rocks! Marvel knew what they were doing when they made Ultimate Nick Fury just like Sam Jackson.
luv1138 - 2/25/2009, 5:11 PM
Samuel really hit the jackpot on this one. Good for him. Unfortunetly his roles will not be THAT big...I think.
JOKER92 - 2/25/2009, 5:11 PM
The Agent of Sheild is back, sweet
redrum010 - 2/25/2009, 5:17 PM
What? Where's the rest of this story? Did someone at Marvel wake up and go, "Ok, fine. Tell SLJ he can be Nick Fury" or did they continue to talk things through and work out an agreement. Cause the last story on this sounded like Marvel wasn't going to have Sam play Fury and that negotiations were through. Hopefully someone can shed some more light on this. But I'm really glad to see he'll continue on with his "self inspired" role. And to be cast for 9 movies? Damn that's a lot. Sean Connery didn't even play James Bond that many times, did he?
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 5:18 PM
MUPPETS!!! It's the crappy ULTIMATE version!!!! Im sorry, is it THE ULTAMATES their making in a couple of years NO!!! ITS AVENGERS!!!! This is CRAP news,,, worst ive heard in a long time!!! Going to spoil all the AVENGER movies now!! Thanx MARVEL!!!
Evil1991 - 2/25/2009, 5:18 PM
Yes! Glad to know he's staying
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 5:21 PM
Weird, i just watched LAKEVIEW TERRACE last night, it was okay but thats all SAM is okay!!! Plays the same guy in every movie! Sweet..... not. Besides AVENGERS not ULTIMATES!!! If they was making the ULTIMATES id be first in line an cheer but they ain't!!!
DrFever - 2/25/2009, 5:22 PM
Once again, there was nothing to fear.

Watchmen coming out on time, Sammy is Fury, and now if we can just find out if Caine is or isn't coming back as our favorite butler. Opps I've said too much.
TheColonel - 2/25/2009, 5:25 PM
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 5:28 PM
Hey why dont we get a white guy to play BLADE or a indian to play BATMAN!!!! Sweet my ass ,,, crap!
Joker1zero - 2/25/2009, 5:28 PM
joob234 - 2/25/2009, 5:29 PM
wow Leee777,if u dont having anything good to say just stfu! besides, ultimates was good and so does all the other avengers franchises for the most part!
parascythe - 2/25/2009, 5:30 PM
Sammy is back!!!! Yahooooo!!!

they will not regret this...i believe these 9 movies will be a blockbuster!!!

so now, about black widow...
dxperry - 2/25/2009, 5:30 PM
Nine movies. God Damn!! DC comics better get on it. Marvel is about to leave'em in dust. Not that they havent already. Anyone know why Marvel spits out movies like that Octo-Chick spits out babies, and DC cant get a Superman sequel out within 10 yrs?
thenumber12 - 2/25/2009, 5:32 PM
I've had enough of these mother[frick]ing snakes, on this mother[frick]ing plane. Now fasten your seatbelt, i'm about to open a window!

dbzfan - 2/25/2009, 5:35 PM
DAMMIT!!!! I don't want the ultimate Nick Fury!! Oh well, I guess he'll do...I just love the classic look though
FrankDrebin - 2/25/2009, 5:40 PM
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 5:42 PM
joob234 kiss it mupp! ULTIMATES has nothing to do with the AVENGER UNIVERSE!!! saddo
YaBoyRD - 2/25/2009, 5:42 PM
Sorry. Enjoyable as he often is, I've kind of had enough of Samuel L Jackson. He's in so many movies, usually acting in exactly the same style and personality, that he has ceased to become any character in any role and is simply Samuel L Jackson. He wasn't Mace Windu in Star Wars, he was Samuel L Jackson. Just like he wasn't Nick Fury in Iron Man... he was just Samuel L Jacson. I'll change my mind if we ever see him play a role differently than usual.
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 5:44 PM
sethasa! Damn straight! SLJ plays SLJ!! Only decent movie SAM's done is UNBREAKABLE!!!
wolverine81 - 2/25/2009, 5:46 PM
Yea I agree the classic Nick Fury look is the best but I think Samuel L Jackson will bring that certain edge to the character so he fits within this current Marvel realm. Oh and on the DC movies...haha wait....there are none besides Wacthmen and thats going to kick ass as well. Gimme some Green Lantern already, will ya!
BiZArOh - 2/25/2009, 5:53 PM
umm two words..... HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!
adamant877 - 2/25/2009, 5:53 PM
I'm actually surprised noone commented when I put this message on the previous "Emily Blunt On Loosing Role In Iron Man II" feed?
MarkCassidy - 2/25/2009, 5:56 PM
Good news..lee777, the ultimates are some of the best versions of those characters! Fury, Pym and Cap America are all better, more well rounded characters in the ultimate universe..anyway they are only taking elements of it, this isnt based on any one particular graphic novel or storyline so they have license to get creative.

dxperry Marvel does indeed spit out movies like a trailer park but lets look at the quality shall we?

Good=Spidey 1 and 2....... Bad=Fantastic 4 1 and 2
Xmen 1 ...... Ghost Rider
X2 ........ ....... Punisher
Iron Man ........ ........ Punisher Warzone
Incredible Hulk .......... Elektra

i know there are more but that will sufice for my lets look at the good DC movies:

Superman 1 and 2, Superman Returns, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, TDK, V for Vendetta, Constantine, Watchmen

So when you think about it, DC have released more Quality movies than Marvel!

JuneTheMachine - 2/25/2009, 6:00 PM
hes better then cheadle anyways....goodmove marvel,
IonParallax - 2/25/2009, 6:04 PM
Unbreakable, A Time To Kill, Pulp Fiction, The Incredibles, Black Snake Moan, Afro Samurai, BASIC, 1408, 187, Freedomland, Rules of Engagement, The Negotiator...THOSE are Sam's GOOD movies.

Now, I will agree with the sentiment that he doesn't do anything but play himself. That's a given. BUT, so does Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Christian Slater, Richard Dreyfuss, Bill Murray, Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Halle Berry etc. They ALL play themselves in EVERY single movie they're in. Some of it's subtle, some of it's over the top, but it's ALL them. They're all A-List actors with massive amounts of money and many movies under their belts. I can see how that isn't so enjoyable, but each one of those I mentioned have made more than one or 2 movies that I thoroughly enjoyed.

So, don't shit on the guy because he does something that MOST people in Hollywood do. There really aren't that many actors who portray diverse roles well. That's why people are typecast and pidgeon-holed, because that's the way it works.
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 6:04 PM
Rorschach01 dude! You missing the point, yes i know ULTIMATES has great stories, i have the comics when they come out! I think MARVELS pissing on the past!!! How can you put ULTIMATE NICK in a AVENGERS movie an tie ins???? How? CLASSIC NICK all the way!!! Anyway can't wait for WATCHMEN!!!!! ; )
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 6:07 PM
IonParallax your right he has done a few good movies!!! Just UNBREAKABLES in my top 10! I ain't shitting on SAM, just playing the wrong FURY that's all!
Gideon - 2/25/2009, 6:35 PM
Sam is the man. I knew Marvel wouldn't let him get away. And IMO, everyone needs to get off the whole ultimates/not ultimates crap. Who cares?! Sam is a great actor and has the chops needed to pull off the character development. Who cares that he isn't a unusually ripped old man with salt and pepper hair. What matters is if he can make you believe that he is the hardcore, super secret, manipulating military genius that is Nick Fury. White, black, whatever. And truth be told, roles like that are made for SLJ!
alphamale80 - 2/25/2009, 6:39 PM
now I can sleep at night
rushx5 - 2/25/2009, 6:43 PM
I still prefer classic Nick Fury because that's how I remembered him from comics and games. The Marvel movies up to this point are based on the MU and not UU. I just don't see why they need have Fury from a different universe.

Then perhaps Marvel will start doing Zombie Universe and have Avengers battle teammates that are zombified?
shadowboxer - 2/25/2009, 6:43 PM
I am take more to Classic Fury cause I grew up with him but Ultimate is good to, the only thing i care about is if he can play the part best. if they use Micheal Clark Duncan for Kingpin then I can see them using Samuel L. Jackson for Nick Fury. I like Sam, he has done alot of good characters in a alot of good movies.
Kalabog - 2/25/2009, 6:50 PM
Maybe guys from Marvel read all the comments at CBM and realize how many fans will be disappointed if SLJ is not in the series. Same thing with Samuel Jackson who also might have read some of the comments and realize that he can be easily replaced -- like Lawrence Fishburne-- great opportunity lost.

Anyway great news. Hopefully a win-win situation for producers actors and fans. And now its up the writers and directors. Keeping my fingers crossed.
alten2345 - 2/25/2009, 6:54 PM
Your bias is showing. It's funny that you conveniently didn't list all the sucktastic movies that DC has pumped out. Since you failed to list them allow me:

Sucktastic DC Character movies:

Superman III
Superman IV
Batman Forever
Batman and Robin
Swamp Thing
Return of Swamp Thing

And I'll add Superman II to that list as well. I love that movie for Zod alone but come on man. Niagara Falls? The power loss chamber? Throwing the S? The mind wipe Superkiss?? You can't honestly defend that movie with a straight face can you? :)

And how can you say Watchmen is one of the "good" DC movies yet? Unless you've managed to score a sneak preview you haven't seen it yet:) I have faith that it will be great but I'll wait to pass judgment until I see it.

So when you think about it DC has put out a lot of sucktastic movies AND they've been doing it a lot longer than Marvel has:)
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 6:58 PM
MARVEL should read the right comments at CBM!!! They are pissing on the MARVELS PAST!! Anyway i dont know why they need NICK FURY in these movies?! CLASSIC NICK FURY ONLY! An Gideon the role was made for SLJ, pity its going to f*** up the MARVEL not ULTIMATE movies!!! : ( Okay ive had my rant lol, going to bed, peace! p.s alten2345, i think DC will have the better movies from now on the way MARVELS going! Shame! WATCHMEN :thumbs ; )
zinext - 2/25/2009, 7:00 PM
All I got 2 say is,HA LEEE777!!! aint no pissin and moanin from me!!!
LEEE777 - 2/25/2009, 7:02 PM
Lol zinext! Heh heh : D
joob234 - 2/25/2009, 7:06 PM
ionparralax, u forgot unbreakable, SLJ was great in that movie...... also if they were to do classic nick fury, i could see george clooney! hahaha
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