After finding out he had been replaced as War Machine from a online news source Terrence Howard took the news in stride and even acted like he would move on with out a hitch. Let a few months go by with the news taking a certain tone of realty with Mr. Howard, no longer sugar coating his feelings, Terrence sts:
“Marvel...made a choice. They made a very, very bad choice. They didn't keep their word. They didn't honor our contract,” Howard said. “They sent everyone out into a field and told them to work and produce a great bounty. You produce a great bounty, and then when it's all in the storehouse, you are not allowed into the storehouse."
Who can blame him for being bitter? He found out he was replaced not by a phone call from his agent or even Marvel but from a online news source. You would think Terrence would have had a little more clout and would have been informed properly of the change. Just goes to show nothing is even close to being black and white when you are talking Hollywood negotiations.