Terrence Howard Lets Off Some War Machine Steam

Terrence Howard Lets Off Some War Machine Steam

Mr. Howard finally makes a public statement about not getting the War Machine role in Iron Man 2.

By jman1977 - Apr 06, 2009 08:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Iron Man 2
Source: www.msnbc.msn.com

After finding out he had been replaced as War Machine from a online news source Terrence Howard took the news in stride and even acted like he would move on with out a hitch. Let a few months go by with the news taking a certain tone of realty with Mr. Howard, no longer sugar coating his feelings, Terrence sts:

“Marvel...made a choice. They made a very, very bad choice. They didn't keep their word. They didn't honor our contract,” Howard said. “They sent everyone out into a field and told them to work and produce a great bounty. You produce a great bounty, and then when it's all in the storehouse, you are not allowed into the storehouse."

Who can blame him for being bitter? He found out he was replaced not by a phone call from his agent or even Marvel but from a online news source. You would think Terrence would have had a little more clout and would have been informed properly of the change. Just goes to show nothing is even close to being black and white when you are talking Hollywood negotiations.

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Grizzly - 4/6/2009, 9:29 AM
ya that is crap, the man might be something of a premadonna but i think he's a great actor. im not condoning his behavior or the fact the he didnt want to take the role because he was gonna get paid a supporting actor salary but the man atleast deserves a phone call. This would be like finding out your g/f broke up with you when you see her single status on myspace or facebook, not to sound like bale but its called being a proffesional. Im optimistic about Cheadle being Rhodes/Warmachine but i still think Howard is a gifted actor, he just needs to deflate his ego a bit
HUSoldier - 4/6/2009, 9:54 AM
i think this is horseshit. howard did an awesome job and should be rewarded for it. i mean this movie turned out to be huge and y would u change the cast when it worked so well. i mean they kept the cast for spiderman 3 even though the second was no where near what it should have been. [frick] marvel, u guys keep [frick]in up our shit.
realfirstavenger - 4/6/2009, 10:13 AM
Terrance Howard was apparently a pain in the ass to work with, ended up making more money than anyone else on the film due to a contract error, and his acting in the movie was basically made him seem like a 12 year old white whiney kid.
of sorts.

goes to show, if your a dick to your co-workers your not famous enough to be replaced.
i for one dont really care that hes replaced and hope that Cheadle works well with the IMPORTANT cast and crew members. unlike mr. howard

its all over the internet how everyone on set hated him and that he was a big bitch. look it up. his performance was not good enough to save him from his man-diva ways
dogchasingcars - 4/6/2009, 10:45 AM
to be honest i didn't like howard's portyal of rhodes i just didn't it left a bad taste in my mouth. i mean i know rhodes is a military man but i felt howard mad him a little bit to serious
loganaspatch - 4/6/2009, 12:57 PM
i think cheadle will do just fine, he cracks me up as the character he plays in the oceans movie however

'his acting in the movie was basically made him seem like a 12 year old white whiney kid.
of sorts."


"i mean i know rhodes is a military man but i felt howard mad him a little bit to serious"

makes you 2 guys seem a bit catty lol

but everyone has there opinions

and mine is, he played rhodes well, being that he is starks best friend and we all know how we have to be like a adult when your best friend is acting up and being irresponsible.

Evil1991 - 4/6/2009, 1:31 PM
personaly I don't think he did to bad of a job at his character. Though either way, he should at least have been informed about this
LEEE777 - 4/6/2009, 1:33 PM
Hey i feel for the guy!!!! MARVEL's turning into a big bunch of a$$holes! Sorry MARVEL but you are! Some Actor's are a pain in the a$$, someone Batty hint hint! Anyway the guys perfect for the role! Hey Howard see if you can't get the role of JOHN STEWART in the GREEN LANTERN movie, hopefully JOHNS in it!!! WARNER/DC are taking over the big screen anyway! ; )
Pumchavas28 - 4/6/2009, 1:38 PM
While his character plays a large role in the Iron Man story...

It's not like he (Terrence Howard) played a HUGE role in the movie... None of his lines were increadibly long & other than acting drunk on a plane... What note worthy scene was he in? What was he really required to do in the movie that was so great & awe inspiring that said, YUP, this guy is War Machine...

Whisper to RDJ at the podium... act like he's in the Military/Air Force (meaning keep Military Bearing) and keep a straight face & walk right...

His role in the actual movie was involved just a lil bit more than Agent Coulson from SHIELD.. Might get bashed for this, but oh well...

I just dont see what the fuss is about... Wasn't one of his biggest roles... He's played in bigger roles..
Pierce_Highmen - 4/6/2009, 1:45 PM
Its not that Howard made him to serious. He was emotionless and almost boring. At least Cheadle will bring something to the table. He is never boring and always delivers awesome characters.

But, it all came down to money. He was the highest paid on the first film. Marvel wanted him to do the 2nd at the same rate, maybe even less, while the leads (RDJ and Paltrow) got big raises, well deserved by the way. Im sure he felt butthurt by that, and demanded a raise, even thou he is a supporting player. Iron Man did not succed because of him, it was because of RDJ and Favreau. We did not go to the theater to see Rhodey. We went to see Tony Stark and Iron Man. He could not put his ego aside for the betterment of the film.
Pumchavas28 - 4/6/2009, 1:50 PM

If True (don't know if it is or isn't), then sucks to be him..

Could have been part of what looks to be a great series of movies...
Pierce_Highmen - 4/6/2009, 2:00 PM
@ Pumchavas

It is, and very sad.

The reason he was paid so much, was because he just came off his Oscar Nom in Hustle & Flow. Marvel should have went with Cheadle from the start. But I think he was filming Ocean's 13 when they were filming Iron Man. But, RDJ was able to juggle Tropic Thunder and Iron Man at the same time, or back to back.

Fighting, should prove he will take anything, as long as you toss a ton of cash his way.
Pumchavas28 - 4/6/2009, 2:02 PM
With Don, you would think he could have filmed Ocean's & Iron at the same time since part of Iron takes place in Vegas...

Oh well.. better late than never...
Pierce_Highmen - 4/6/2009, 2:11 PM
And RDJ was jetting back and forth from Hawaii (Tropic Thunder) to the mainland for the press on Iron Man, and Comic Con.

I just found this quote from Howard on Cinematical.com... copy and paste the link to view the article.. http://www.cinematical.com/2009/04/06/iron-man-2-wont-be-finding-a-demon-in-a-bottle-after-all/

"Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to it. I want to see what happens with that. I want to see Don Cheadle become me. I want him to do better than me. That's what I really want to see. I think he can."

Yeah, I think Cheadle will bring so much more to the Rhodey character. It wont be hard for Don to do better the Howard. I just hope Cheadle doesn't "become me", as Terance stated. Cheadle is one of the best character actors right now. He is different in every role, so Im guessing he will kill this role, and wont be left on the cutting room floor as much as Howard was. If anyone watched his deleted sceens, you will know what Im talking about.

Very interesting article. RDJ basically says they are saving "Deamon in a Bottle" for IM3.
InSpace - 4/6/2009, 2:22 PM
I hate that they did this, i was actually looking forward for howard to being WARMACHINE but Cheadle IS a good actor but i still think howard was better
mativ16 - 4/6/2009, 6:23 PM
BOO HOO for Tarrence Howard. What a girl.
Kovacs - 4/6/2009, 6:43 PM
i would be so pissed off
MarkCassidy - 4/6/2009, 7:57 PM
I thought Howard was good in the first movie..not great but as was already stated, he didnt have that much to do. still, Cheadle is a great actor too wel see...
MetalHead - 4/6/2009, 8:02 PM
How come no one cares that, other than the fact that he's black, Don Cheadle looks nothing like Rhodey? In all the comics with War Machine that I had (I used to have them all when he first came out) he looked like the guy who played Spawn. He was jacked and mean-looking, not a small/regular guy. Just a thought but I'm sure he'll do well.
007440 - 4/6/2009, 8:12 PM
Oh please If he would watch Iron Man the special features he would of seen it coming. The director said he is very hard to work with and hard to negotiate with in the set.

I mean, hello! You are the actor you do what the director tells you to do. Is ok you can add a few things but the director must approve of it. You can't just just get a straight face every time something comes out differently from what you expected and demand things like if you were starring the damn movie.

Maybe the star can actually demand a few things, but not a second hand actor.Although I liked his performance, I don't mind that they replace him. Lets hope the new actor is as good or better.

Grizzly - 4/6/2009, 10:38 PM
i think people get caught up on if some one looks like the character they are suppose to portray rather than can they act. Cheadle may not be identical to the Rhodes in the comics, but my god the mans a force on the screen. Same can be said for other actors, i have a friend who bitches because Hugh Jackman is too tall and not stocky enough to play wolverine, ya he might have 6 inches on the comic character, but the man can act, who gives a damn if he's not a carbon copy. Same with thor, ppl want triple H because he looks like thor, but we all know his performance would be lackluster at best. I would much rather some one who can act their ass off and bring the character to life and give him depth, even if they arent the best fit for the role physically.
TheMyth - 4/7/2009, 5:03 AM
Howard was definitely a better Rhodey.
AceBoogie - 4/7/2009, 5:39 AM
I think everyone is getting beside the point yes howard is a dickhead but irregardless of that marvel and the production team are suppose to be professional no matter what the situation and that wasn't the right way to go about letting him know.
THULK - 4/7/2009, 7:16 AM
I don't know what happen to Terence and Marvel but I like him in the first Ironman movie. I would be a real shame if he could not continue the role. I would be pissed to if I found out that I was replaced from some other source than his agent and Marvel!
JoNathanPetrelli - 4/7/2009, 7:51 AM
I liked Terrence in the first movie but from what i herard he was asking for way too much money. Plus he was the highest paid actor in the first movie. Does anyone really need that much money? Cheadle is gonna rock.
TheDoctororTodd - 4/7/2009, 10:35 AM
I didn't care for Terrence's performance. His lines were weak and it sounded like he was whispering the whole time. Marvel should of told him though.
Pockets713 - 4/7/2009, 4:46 PM
I like Terrence Howard... I think he's a solid actor.. but when you're expecting more than that star of the film.. and you've got like 1/4 the screen time... kinda nuts.. plus Don Cheadle is awesome!
iNsaneMilesy - 4/9/2009, 12:50 AM
Awwwwwwwwwwww....Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... that taste in his mouth is greed.
BartonIsHawkeye88 - 4/13/2009, 7:25 PM
terrence howard is a great actor, BUT he didnt really shine in Iron Man. He didn't really do anything that some unknown couldn't have done. And he was paid more than Robert Downey Jr. He shouldnt have been so greedy about the 2nd film... BUT, they shoulda dumped him like adults.

Anyway, I like Cheadle more. and i know he's gonna kick ass
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