Synopsis - A stunning adventure epic set on the wounded planet of Mars, a world inhabited by warrior tribes and exotic desert beings. Based on the first of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 'Barsoom Series,' the film chronicles the journey of Civil-War veteran John Carter (Taylor Kitch), who finds himself battling a new and mysterious war amidst a host of strange Martian inhabitants, including Tars Tarkas (Willem Dafoe) and Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins).
The Following is an excerpt from theprovince's interview with Andrew Stanton
Writer Jamie Portman's decription of the footage
A young man wakes up frightened in an alien landscape. When he tries to walk, gravity plays strange tricks on him — propelling him into uncontrollable leaps high into the air before his bruising descent back onto earth. Menacing creatures begin hatching out of eggs. Four-armed aliens who are nine feet tall tower over him. Bizarre landscapes loom ominously.
Stanton's thoughts on casting Kitsch and Lynn Collins (Princess Dejah)
"I couldn't have been happier. The chemistry's there on the screen. You can't stop looking at them . . . but they're not too familiar. When I attend movies, I want to believe these people are who they are playing."
Casting of Willem Dafoe as Thark, the nine-foot-tall, four-armed Martian
Dafoe, for example, was willing to replicate his character's height by performing on stilts, and wearing an unbearably hot outfit marked with black dots that would be reference points for animators who are now recreating his movements digitally in post-production.
"I needed the best actors I could find," Stanton says. "I felt very strongly this was the way to get the most believable performances I could get . . . even though, ultimately, he won't be on screen. He said:Where do I sign? And I got all the subtleties I wanted."
Be sure to follow the link below to read the full article.
I'm pretty excited about this movie! This sci-fi movie involving a civil war veteran being transported to an alien land sounds like a lot of fun. You also have a great director like Andrew Stanton who has already shown a great ability to tell a good story with plenty of heart and action, like
Wall-E and
Finding Nemo.
My only reservation is that the movie is the first of three, and that usually means that we'll have an ending without much weight behind it like
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.
John Carter is set to hit theatres on March 9, 2012!