The Hawk Reviews Jonah Hex

The Hawk Reviews Jonah Hex

My review of an early showing of Jonah Hex. This is also my first video review!

Review Opinion
By THEHAWK - Jun 18, 2010 12:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Jonah Hex

Here is my video review. It is my first time, be gentle.

Here is the version from Youtube, hopefully it will work.

Here is a version from CBM's own video uploader.

And last but not least here is the text of it because Youtube is not working.

Well… where to start with this one?

The tagline is “Revenge gets ugly” Well, I’m not sure about revenge, but the film sure was ugly. It was the worst thing I have seen since that Bea Arthur sex tape (**** you Deadpool!)

I will start with tone.
This film is rather tongue in cheek, at least I hope that is what they were going for. Jonah Hex is a gritty, bad ass, cynical, no nonsense kinda guy in the books. Here he is somewhat gritty but is more of a bad Clint Eastwood parody, not that I am saying Brolin was bad. What I wanted to see in the film was a dark, gritty, deep western. I always envisioned a Jonah Hex movie being a cross between “Once Upon a Time in the West” and “Unforgiven”. This was definitely not that.

The plot needs to be fleshed out, it jumps around far to much for my liking. Perhaps it is because the movie is only 81 minutes long. WB billed hex as “an epic adventure thriller about one man’s personal quest for redemption against the vast canvas of the battle between good and evil.” 81 minutes is no where near epic. “Once Upon a Time in the West” is epic “The Searchers” is epic, this was a bad parody of an epic movie. “Blazing Saddles” is more epic than this movie, and more of a western than Hex is.

My next complaint is the effects. I honestly don’t think the writers did any research beyond looking at pictures of saloon girls. There are too many random explosions, the weapons don’t make since, and some defy the laws of physics/nature. This of course being the dynamite crossbow and the horse mounted Gatling guns. The crossbow would not be able to properly launch the stick of dynamite the distance that the film shows, or with the accuracy. And the Gatling guns… no horse would allow a pair of hundred pound guns mounted onto them. And the horse would not be still, guns are loud, horses don’t like loud noises, I should know, I made the mistake of trying to hunt from horseback, I got a concussion.

Now onto the acting, this movie would have died if not for Josh Brolin and John Malkovich. They are the only reasons to see the movie. John Malkovich is absolutely perfect for the Turnbull the movie gave us. He has a flair for villains.
Brolin was a joy to watch as Jonah Hex. While I still would have preferred Thomas Jane for the role, Brolin was still good. Brolin was entertaining as Hex, you can tell he tried to bring some credibility to the role, and it showed… barely. The film barely allowed you to see the merit of his performance, it was lost in plot holes, inconsistencies and Megan Fox.

Ah Megan, don’t think I forgot about you my dear, because as hard as I try I can’t, **** it. Her acting was passable. It would be sufficient for a bad Bruce Campbell movie, not one of the good ones, the bad ones. My biggest complaint would be her god awful attempt at a Southern/ Western accent. As a proud Son of the South, I know the sweet sound of a lovely young southern belle. Megan Fox sounded as Southern as Peirce Brosnan. But I will say that Megan has found a role suited for her, that of a prostitute.

I will say this, the writers should be tried for murder! They have killed what could have been a great film. They ruined one of the greatest and most unique comic book characters in existence. Jonah hex always seemed like he should be an easy comic to translate to film, but no, they ruined it. It is depressing how much potential was lost in this film. It is without redemption.

I think I may have realized why the last two DC films have been bad, this and “The Losers” that is. I liked the Losers, but it was too different from the books, too light and abstract. I found the common link, Producer Akiva J. Goldsman. Let us examine his previous comic related exploits shall we? Here are the other comic films he has been involved with :
Batman Forever -Writer
Batman & Robin- Writer (WTF DC? WTF?!?!?!?)
Lost in Space- Producer, writer
Constantine- Producer
Hancock- Producer
The Losers- Producer
Jonah Hex- Producer

He has had good films, but his comic related resume is terrible! Why the hell is WB letting this guy near comic book films? All of them, save for Hancock, have been critically panned! He is like a comic cancer! Sure he gave us “A beautiful Mind” and “Da Vinci Code” but still!

The soundtrack was odd. I have always wondered about a rock/ metal soundtrack in a Western, but it seems I must keep wondering, because I don’t consider this to be a real western. The soundtrack was ill fitted, but perhaps with a better movie, one with a different tone, it could work.

Now for my rating of the movie. As for its merit as a film, I give it a 1 out of 5. This is because of it’s plot with more holes than a cheese grater, and overall lack of consistency.
My personal rating of the film would be a 0 out of 5. I recommend that you not see this film and wait for the animated DC film starring Thomas Jane as Jonah Hex. That will be the movie the character deserves!

The film is a trainwreck, not suited for a summer release, especially on the same day as Toy Story 3, which will bring home an easy 100 million this weekend.

Fly high true beleivers.

HAWK out

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LEEE777 - 6/18/2010, 2:42 AM
Damn @ HAWK, all I'm getting is BUFFING lol?

I'll come bk l8r dude, hope you enjoyed it!
MarkCassidy - 6/18/2010, 6:06 AM
haha, awesome stuff hawk! Funny. I think my mind has more or less been made up, but I have to go along to see for mad as that may be!
superdog - 6/18/2010, 6:22 AM
great review hawk. good stuff. im gonna see this in a few hours. im not too excited but like ror i wanna see for myself. but i agree with you the tone is all wrong. hex is definately more along the lines of an unforgiven style then wild west. they definately got the tone all wrong. hey did you get a new bike yet?
ThaMessenger07 - 6/18/2010, 6:28 AM
Wow! And I didn't want to see this movie before. Although I would have been there if it was Thomas Jane cause he just makes sense.
ManThing - 6/18/2010, 6:39 AM
Seriously awesome review. I'm just bummed about the movie.

I had such high hopes for this.

Well I'm deffo with the other guys! I'm seeing it anyway!
Shaman - 6/18/2010, 6:44 AM

That was an AWESOME review, ol' chap!!! LOVED IT IMMENSELY!!!! Thank you so much for having put up the written version cause i can't see/hear vids at work either way.

I gotta tell ya, i wasn't gonna come within a 1000 feet of that film ever since we got the guy that wrote an early screening review on here. I mean... i can't believe they actually made a worse wild west film than Wild Wild West itself LMFAO :P At least WWW had a huge fireball throwing mechanical spider in it!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!! And that REALLY isn't a compliment LOLOL :P

This review completely made my day! Tip o' the hat to ya, Hawk ;)

Oh and Thomas Jane is GOD!!!
loganoneil - 6/18/2010, 6:53 AM
"Blazing Saddles” is more epic than this movie..."


Excellent review, I couldn't agree with you more. This movie was SOOOOOO disappointing (on SOOOO many levels!). The ONLY saving graces were Brolin and Malkovich, and even they weren't enough. Let's face it, two people (even as epic as Brolin and Malkovich) can't stop the Titanic from sinking, no matter how skilled they are!

I think you were being too kind with your assessment of Ms. Fox's 'talent'. She's eye-candy, plain an simple. She's an over-blow mannequin with an ego (and about as much talent!). The sooner she realizes that she's only good for low-budget sorftcore porn and makes her first sex tape to shut the swooning Megan Fox fanboys up, the better! Then maybe we can FINALLY get someone else as a serious candidate for female lead in other films!

Great to see you back Hawk-buddy, I kneel before Zod....
Upupandaway - 6/18/2010, 6:57 AM
Great review! Can't wait to see Toy Story 3! One question: do you think it could ever be put into the so bad it's good category?
Wadey09 - 6/18/2010, 7:34 AM
this doesn't even sound like a renter.
this sounds like a movie that you borrow from a friend who downloaded it off the internet.
i'm anit-piracy but from what i've been reading, this film will be lucky to gain $30 million during its release.
canadianturd - 6/18/2010, 7:39 AM
I've suspected this movie was going to be crap. Thanks for the review! You should talk louder though.
blankofthedead - 6/18/2010, 7:48 AM
@everyone seeing the movie even though you are aware its going to be bad.. I solute the decision to give it a chance, but its at 12% on rotten tomatoes, they ddnt even screan it for critics and it just looks dreadful. Not that I wanna change anyones opinion to see it.. but why see it in theatres for 10$? why not rent it later, seeing this movie in theatres is going to boost the sales, and im sure a lot of people will be seeing this movie as it is now.. so the better this movie does, the more often hollywood will spit on us with movies like this. I say we show em we deserve a better movie, and we dont plan on putting up with this thrown together crap.. hell the movie just barely hits over an hour. anyway im not for boycotting and all but maybe thats where this falls.. i plan on renting it on my most boring day in a couple months, but why support letting hollywood make a mockery of our movies, our characters and our hard earned money.
canadianturd - 6/18/2010, 7:57 AM
Exactly! I have a boycott on X-Men movies until they can give us a decent one. Warner Bros definitely needs to rethink their relationship with Akiva Goldsman when it comes to CBM's.
Draximos - 6/18/2010, 8:05 AM
Great review The Hawk =) Thanks for saving me money.
GUNSMITH - 6/18/2010, 8:06 AM
superdog - 6/18/2010, 8:23 AM
blanket@ i have free passes so it doenst cost me anything. i have a friend who is a big comicbook guy as well and its kind of our tradition to leave work early on fridays and go see comic movies. no matter how bad they are, its still better than being at work. also renting it gives money to the studios as well so if you really want to boycott it dont watch it at all.
blankofthedead - 6/18/2010, 8:27 AM
@superdog- more power to you if its free and ur getting off of work.. like i said its not that i wanna like boycott or anyhting silyl like thati jsut would rather see it for a dollar off redbox rather than thank the studios for bitch slapping me with an hour of bad cinema.. why not see toystory 3 instead? thats where I'm headed tonight and i couldnt be more excited! Why am i always called blanket btw? Idk if its a joke thats over my head or what? lol
Hawksblueyes - 6/18/2010, 8:31 AM
Great review HAWK! I would however, like to know just exactly what it was about the Bea Arther sex tape that you didn't enjoy? It's a classic in my eyes. ;D
MarkCassidy - 6/18/2010, 8:35 AM
I have a free movie pass too, its called the internet:)
GUNSMITH - 6/18/2010, 8:36 AM
nuketheunicorns - 6/18/2010, 8:38 AM
good review, but you speak too softly - like you're afraid of someone walking in and catching you. speak with confidence dude! and maybe script it next time...
HelaGood - 6/18/2010, 8:44 AM
one of the best comments i read so far about this movie is:

"Everyone seems to be sleepwalking through this film. Except for Megan Fox, who is such a terrible actress that she couldn't even act like she's sleepwalking. "
hellna - 6/18/2010, 8:45 AM
I agree with 'nuketheunicorns'. It was a good review, but my first thoughts were that you were scared. Maybe that Jonah Hex was going to come after you or something. To disagree with the idea that you should script it next time, it seems to me that this WAS scripted. It sounds like you are reading. I'd practice first and then let it flow naturally. I mean no disrespect. I enjoyed your review, just work on the delivery bud.
superdog - 6/18/2010, 8:48 AM
blankof@ no its not a joke i think its one of those eye trick things. when one looks at your name the eye fills in the natural blanks and it looks like blanketofhead. my apologies. and i will be seeing toy story but ill see that with the family. im not going to see toy story with another dude. im pretty sure we might get kicked out the theatre for fear of being pedophiles.
thatiscrazy - 6/18/2010, 8:54 AM
I can't beleave anyone thought this was gonna be good to begin with.

Its a shamed that Brolin chose this role, I think he would have been better for wolverine or something. Yes he aint short.... but he would be a trillion times better than Jackman, plus Brolin ain't 6'2
If you don't think he could be wolverine go watch "No Country for Old Men"

As for Fox... Its a shamed about the accent because she is from but [frick] florida and yes I know a lot of people think florida is not the south (for some dumb reason) But I grew up here and out side of Orlando, Miami and Tampa, Florida is just as hillbilly as the rest of the southern states.
blankofthedead - 6/18/2010, 9:10 AM
@dogs- no worries man i wasnt offended or anyhting like it i jsut see that everytime someone writes back to me so i was curious.. and nah man all are welcome for toy story 3 lol i think its got jsut as much to offer for adults as it does kids, but maybe your better safe than sorry lol.

@thatiscrazy- im not so sure anyone thought this would be good.. i think people hoped it would be fun but the second fox was cast it was clear the movies not good
crostron1992 - 6/18/2010, 9:18 AM
blankofthedead - 6/18/2010, 9:22 AM
@crostron- Im not sure where that cam from but i think i agree lol
Spiderwoman - 6/18/2010, 9:26 AM
I will go watch Toy Story 3 instead.
InFamouslyCool - 6/18/2010, 9:31 AM
Did anyone see the trailer and think this movie was going to be good.. LOL
ManThing - 6/18/2010, 9:45 AM
@ Blank: Damn. I thought it was "head" too. lol
InTylerWeTrust - 6/18/2010, 9:50 AM
Knew it. Great review. 12% on Rotten Tomatoes BTW.
MisterJoshua - 6/18/2010, 10:25 AM
Well said, Hawk, well said indeed.

Keep 'em coming, chief. Thus far, you've saved me 12.50. I look at it like this, by the end of the year, you could have saved me hundreds!!

By the way, where the hell were you when Batman and Robin came out? I could have used your musings then!
thatiscrazy - 6/18/2010, 10:27 AM
I can't beleave anyone thought this was gonna be good to begin with.

Its a shamed that Brolin chose this role, I think he would have been better for wolverine or something. Yes he aint short.... but he would be a trillion times better than Jackman, plus Brolin ain't 6'2
If you don't think he could be wolverine go watch "No Country for Old Men"

As for Fox... Its a shamed about the accent because she is from but [frick] florida and yes I know a lot of people think florida is not the south (for some dumb reason) But I grew up here and out side of Orlando, Miami and Tampa, Florida is just as hillbilly as the rest of the southern states.
Battleready73 - 6/18/2010, 10:28 AM
Two Thumbs up on the review. I kept debating and debating whether I should go and make it back home late at night. I knew it was going to be bad. That girl head done got big as a hot air ballon thinking she's all a movie need. Studios have always made these mistakes with movies. Thinking all the audience wants to see are explosions, a little comedy and a pretty face. I think the classics are just the way authors imagine it stop being a spoiled brat and trying to throw your lit pizzaz on it thinking it's better. It's not. It's a challenge just to recreate. Write the script like the book. Dang!
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