The film will be based on Judge Minty, a character created by John Wagner and Mick McMahon. An aging Judge who is forced to 'retire' from the streets, mainly it seems because he has become too compassionate.
He chooses to take 'The Long Walk' into the Cursed Earth, there "to take law to the lawless". The film will be based around his first experiences in the radioactive wastes.
Bringing Mega-City One to life is Yorkshire lad Steven Sterlacchini, Graphic Designer with an interest in Prop Making & Replica Props and huge fan of all things 2000AD, this thing seems to be in good hands - if in doubt the pictures speak for themselves.
Playing the title role of Minty himself is professional actor Edmund Dehn.
And appearing in a cameo role is award winning artist and illustrator (including Judge Dredd) Greg Staples as the main man himself...
...yep none other than Mr "I am the Law" Dredd!
Plus a selection of stills and images to get a fuller idea of the scoop of this thing.
Mega-City One
The Kovaks Gang
Dredd & Minty
And if you still want more you can join his Facebook group at:
Looking great, can't wait to see how this turns out; keep up all the good work.