This is by far the best DC animated film next to New Frontier. The story is well simple and well done for a 72 minute film, a good Luthor from another earth(not mentioned its Earth 3) gets the Justice League to help and fight the evil Crime Syndicate. The fights are great and well spaced out in the film. The story feels like a comic book brought to life. The voice acting, I did not hate, in fact all the actors fit perfectly in their roles, I know Conroy is Batman but Baldwin did a great job. I did read that this was suppose to be a gap for JL and JLU and you can see that at the end of the film, I hope this movie sets up for a Crisis on Infinite Earths movie, even if its slightly altered for alloted time.
As for the Spectre short....WOW, that was so amazing and it was really great. It felt so awesome and was done really well for 11 minutes. Can't wait to see more of the shorts. I hope we get a Spectre movie and flesh that short out some more. I give Both animations a 10/10.