MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Phase 4 Spoilers: 8 Huge New Rumors You Need To Know!

MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Phase 4 Spoilers: 8 Huge New Rumors You Need To Know! MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Phase 4 Spoilers: 8 Huge New Rumors You Need To Know!

We can't possibly report on every single rumor here on, so we've scoured the web for some of the craziest, biggest rumors currently doing the rounds online and put them all in one place!

Feature Opinion
By HamiltonParker - Feb 08, 2022 12:02 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Studios

2022 has started off slow for superheroes, and while we've had fun with Peacemaker, it feels like the year won't have really begun until The Batman and Moon Knight arrive. From there, it looks set to be a busy time for both the DCEU and MCU, but it's the latter we're focusing on here today. 

Rumors are par for the course if you're a comic book movie fan, and while we always cover the biggest, most reliable claims here on CBM, there are many that do slip through the cracks, either because we can't verify them ourselves, they're just that little bit too unbelievable, or get lost in the shuffle.

Now, though, we've scoured the web for the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 rumors to bring you a definitive guide to what might be on the way over the next few years! There are some bold, shocking potential reveals here, and we hope at least some are true.

If it isn't already clear, you should brace yourselves for potential spoilers from this point on...

8. The Mighty Thor Gets Her Own Film


Natalie Portman will return as Jane Foster in Thor: Love and Thunder, wielding a reformed Mjolnir as the Mighty Thor. It's an exciting development for the character, albeit one that's either going to be temporary or permanent depending on how long the Oscar-winner plans to stick around for.

One rumor suggests it will be a status quo change that's here to stay, as there are supposedly plans in place for this female Thor to get her own film. 

That could be part of a larger female-led project or a solo outing that follows this new God of Thunder's story after Chris Hemsworth hangs Stormbreaker up for a while (perhaps for good if he's looking to move on from the role). There is room for two Thors in the MCU, however, and we wouldn't say no to both versions taking center stage in their own respective franchises. 

7. Some Marvel Television Actors Will Be Recast For MCU


With Daredevil and The Kingpin officially part of the MCU after Spider-Man: No Way Home and Hawkeye, fans are anxious to see how many other Marvel Television actors and characters will be brought into this world. The reintroduction of the Darkhold in WandaVision suggests Marvel Studios won't be beholden to past creative decisions, but what exactly does that mean? 

It's too soon to say, but despite what Vincent D'Onofrio has said, the Wilson Fisk he played in Hawkeye was vastly different to the version he brought to life in Daredevil

This could explain a rumor which claims that not every actor from the Marvel Television era will be asked to return. In other words, while Charlie Cox is getting the chance to take another shot at Matt Murdock, Marvel Studios could decide there are better fits out there for Quake and Luke Cage, for example.

6. Loki Isn't The Only Disney+ Show Getting A Season 2


WandaVision and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier were both considered one-off "limited series," and there's currently no word on more episodes of Hawkeye even after that stellar first season.

Moving forward, however, it appears Marvel Studios has big plans for some of the shows set to hit Disney+ throughout 2022. Moon Knight, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel will all reportedly receive multiple seasons - a decision that adds up when you take into account that there's not room for everyone on the big screen! 

From a storytelling perspective, multiple seasons for characters like these is a smart move. While the two shows mentioned at the start of this slide set up a new status quo for their leads, why not continue to follow She-Hulk's legal adventures and Marc Spector's emergence on television rather than greenlighting features or shoehorning them into other films?

5. Spider-Man 4 Will Introduce Miles Morales


Tom Holland has talked a great deal about his hopes to pass the Spider-Man mantle to Miles Morales or Spider-Woman. Introducing the former is said to be the plan for Spider-Man 4, a creative decision that promises to be a game-changer for the wall-crawler in the MCU. 

After finding a legion of fans in the comic books, video games, and the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, it's appropriate for Miles to finally enter a live-action setting. There are still plenty of stories left to tell with Peter Parker, but why not have him mentor this young hero (especially now he's finally out of high school) and give the MCU not one, but two Spider-Men?

We're not anxious to see Peter's story end, but Miles showing up opens the door to countless new stories and gives the wall-crawler an ally at a time when he's quite literally alone in the world.

4. Wakanda vs. Atlantis


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever arrives in theaters later this year, and Marvel Studios has done an undeniably tremendous job of revealing little to nothing about the sequel. Sure, we've seen the odd set photo and heard a little online scuttlebutt about Letitia Wright, but what is the film actually about?

Previous rumors have suggested we'll see Latveria (and thereby Doctor Doom) orchestrate a war between Wakanda and Atlantis, with Tenoch Huerta said to be the MCU's Namor the Submariner.

If true, it could be amazing. One recent report claimed Lake Bell is playing a character called Dr. Graham in the Black Panther follow-up who uses a device created by Riri Williams to find Vibranium in the ocean. It's that, not the events of Avengers: Endgame or Eternals, that supposedly brings Namor to the surface for a battle against whoever takes over the Panther mantle.

3. Captain Marvel ❤️ Valkyrie?


Ever since that big tease at the end of Avengers: Endgame, fans have speculated wildly about who Valkyrie's "queen" will be in Thor: Love and Thunder. As the first major MCU character who is openly LGBTQ, it's vital Marvel Studios doesn't drop the ball here, so why not pair her up with a big name?

This is the basis of a rumor claiming that Captain Marvel will be Valkyrie's MCU love interest. There was speculation after her solo film that Carol Danvers might have been romantically involved with Maria Rambeau, and you'll find plenty of fan art online supporting a Carol/Valkyrie partnership. 

Taking two major female superheroes and having them embark on a romantic relationship would be a major step forward for the MCU. A Captain Marvel cameo in the next Thor film could also lead to Valkyrie showing up in The Marvels for what would be one heckuva female-led team-up in that sequel!

2. John Krasinski Cast As Mister Fantastic


By far one of the biggest rumors in recent memory, it's been said that Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will introduce John Krasinski as Mister Fantastic. The Jack Ryan star is supposedly playing a Variant of Reed Richards, which has actually disappointed many MCU fans. 

While seeing Krasinski suit up as the Fantastic Four leader is a dream come true, a one-and-done appearance - with a totally different actor playing Reed in John Watts' reboot - would be a major screw up on Marvel's part. For starters, how could they ever live up to that fantasy casting?

Hopefully, we're jumping to conclusions here and Krasinski's Reed will debut as a Variant before playing the MCU's Mister Fantastic down the line. Either way, this is perfect casting. 

1. Spider-Men Return


Since Spider-Man: No Way Home was released, we've seen a lot of reports online suggesting Sony Pictures has future plans for Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker Variants. 

Some claim the plan is to reunite them with Tom Holland's Spidey for another film, while others have suggested Garfield will get the chance to shine either in those spinoff projects or The Amazing Spider-Man 3. It's all pretty exciting, but there's one rumor, in particular, that's caught our attention recently. 

Marvel Studios is said to want the two actors back for Secret Wars, which would be a strong indication that this film will be more akin to Jonathan Hickman's Multiversal adventure than the classic tale set on Battleworld. If true, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is clearly just the start of bigger things to come...

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DipperPines - 2/8/2022, 12:45 PM
"so why not pair her up with a big name?

That's the basis of a rumor revealing Captain Marvel will be Valkyrie's MCU love interest. There was speculation after her solo film that Carol Danvers might have been romantically involved with Maria Rambeau, and you'll find plenty of fan art online supporting a Carol/Valkyrie partnership. "

How is that rumor? That's not even a fan theory. That's just at best a possibility someone said. Same amount of Chance of Carol being with Rocket Racoon. I do agree Valkryie should be with a woman and big name, but a rumor usually starts with like a source from somewhere, not fan speculatio....nay want.

tb86 - 2/8/2022, 12:47 PM
I believe Oscar Isaac said Moon Knight was a limited series.
WakandaTech - 2/8/2022, 12:56 PM
The only rumor that matters

Midnight Sons or is it Midnight Suns

TheLobster - 2/8/2022, 1:08 PM
I appreciate the focus Holland has for Morales but I would rather see him do a new trilogy first before bringing him in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Drace24 - 2/8/2022, 1:23 PM
@TheLobster - I agree. Even though he has been in like six movies now, his Spider-Man still doesn't really feel like a seasoned character. They always portrayed him as young and inexperienced... and honestly, NWH was the first time he felt like a competent superhero to me.

It feels like he JUST became a full-fledged Spider-Man. He JUST took on the legacy of Iron Man in Far From Home, which was like two years ago. It just feels way to early to know build up his legacy character. Eventually, sure. But I'd rather have another trilogy with him first. Spider-Man has SUCH a massive story gallery to him. We need to see more of that first.
TheLobster - 2/8/2022, 9:48 PM
@Drace24 - completely agree with all of this
Drace24 - 2/8/2022, 1:17 PM
"As the first major MCU character who is openly LGBTQ, it's vital Marvel Studios doesn't drop the ball here, so why not pair her up with a big name?"

Uhm... but how DO you not drop the ball? That's a geniune question. I want to know. Because everytime a movie or show tries to do LGBTQ representation it's either too gay or not gay enough. And looking at something like Pixar's Luca, which didn't even set out to talk about homosexuality at all and was still critisized for being "queerbaiting"... I'm just confused. It seems like everyone who tries to touch the subject inevitable gets shit for it from all sides.

Also... I have no problem with Carol and/or Maria being homosexual or bi, but please no love story between them. I generally hate it when good friendships are being watered down to cheesy romances, no matter the gender. I honestly like friendship stories more, but Hollywood always treats it as if its an inferior form of relationship.
tylerzero - 2/8/2022, 1:20 PM
@Drace24 - "I have no problem with Carol and/or Maria being homosexual or bi, but please no love story between them."

'Specially if there won't be a graphic love scene between them.

Drace24 - 2/8/2022, 1:24 PM
@tylerzero - Yes, you are.
Arthorious - 2/9/2022, 1:46 PM
@Drace24 - I just don’t think everyone needs to be in a relationship or have some person of interest all the time. Shang Chi showed how two people can just be good friends without being a couple (we will see if they change that in the sequel)
Drace24 - 2/9/2022, 1:59 PM
@Arthorious - Exactly. That was a very refreshing character dynamic. But knowing Hollywood that will inevitably change. It always does.
CorndogBurglar - 2/8/2022, 1:21 PM
There's no way in hell you can introduce Krazinsky as a variant Mr Fantastic in Dr Strange 2, then not cast him as the main MCU Mr Fantastic. Not after all this time and fan hype of wanting him in the role.

And since variants can literally look like anyone or anything, there's no reason why Krazinsky can't play the main MCU version, as well as this variant.
thebamf - 2/8/2022, 1:24 PM
@CorndogBurglar - 100% agreed. That's EXACTLY what they're doing with Kang.
CorndogBurglar - 2/8/2022, 1:29 PM
@thebamf - Yep. And they already did it with Loki. MCU Loki died. The Loki on the show was a variant, but looked just like him.

And I think its fair to say that Jobnathan Majors will be playing multiple variants of himself before it's all said and done, considering the entire threat of not replacing him at the end of Loki was that the muktiverse would create countless variants of himself that would end up going to war. I'm sure a lot of them will look different, but its safe to say that we will see multiple Kangs played by Majors.
slickrickdesigns - 2/8/2022, 1:24 PM
I feel like Quake/Daisy/Skye was the best part of AOS, all of the Netflix heroes minus Iron Fist were decent enough and those characters could be good enough to bring into the MCU. They could avoid making origin stories because those characters were established in some kind of way from their previous shows. I liked Luke Cage, he should definitely be able to get a power upgrade and be brought to the MCU.
MrMakaveli - 2/8/2022, 1:40 PM
Please no Miles the cheap copy
SummersEssex - 2/8/2022, 2:37 PM
Valkyrie and Captain Marvel is stupid. The only thing MORE stupid is the idea that just because Danvers and Rambeau were close friends must mean they were actually romantically involved. That is stupid.

Better be Krasinski.

Isaac said Moon Knight is limited.

Keep Colter.

This list sucks.
bkmeijer2 - 2/8/2022, 2:46 PM
These all feel like shit being hurdled at a wall and see what sticks type of rumours. Ofcourse some can turn out to be true, but just as well turn out to be bullocks.
bcom - 2/8/2022, 3:30 PM
I love reading HamiltonParker's articles purely for the fact that they're A+ grade bullsh*t.
marvel72 - 2/8/2022, 4:58 PM
How can anyone want to see Altantis Vs Wakanda,when we'll never see T'Challa Vs Namor.

Jane Foster as Thors replacement also sucks,who wants to see her replace Thor.

Looks like the MSheU is slowly becoming a reality.
SpideyQuad - 2/9/2022, 2:37 AM
How bout "EMF DYSIMF?"
TheDpool - 2/9/2022, 3:29 AM
Whats with the push to get Miles into the MCU when he's already the star of his own franchise?

I'm a big Miles fan, but still there is soo much still to be done with Peter before he's anywhere near ready to have Miles running around the MCU.

I have the same feeling about America Chavez joining, fine give us the original Young Avengers line up, but keep something for later?
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