This has nothing to do with JoshW’s : CBM’s Holiday Gift Guide 2010, evn though his has better writing :P.
Check it Out:
Well, It’s that time of the year again. We had a good year here at CBM. All thanks to you guys. You guys constantly bring out well-written articles, some good scoops, well thought out editorials, and some fantastic fanfic. We also have gotten some newbies, which you guys have welcomed with big open arms. You guys have been awesome, and this site has been awesome and will continue to be thanks to you guys. What I’m trying to say is I had a great year here and I hope you did too, And HAPPY HOLIDAYS and may we have an awesome blood bath next year!
Oh and if you're interested check out last years:
Sorry for all the copy n pastin.
Info provided by amazon, wiki, and imdb.
OK, for each item I tried to find the cheapest price online for it. You'll see the base price of it and then the Shipping and Tax costs. I don’t know if all of this will be available to you online in your area, sorry :P.
Now onto the GIFTS!......
Call of Duty: Black Ops, Price:$49.99(Free Shipping+No Tax)
Info: This game is just plain awesome. The sequel to one of the greatest FPS of all time, Black ops is as good as Modern Warfare 2 and more. It surpasses it in Online and totally obliterates it in Campaign. The Campaign is actually good, although the story seems too farfetched. You’re not buying this for the Campaign though. The Online is amazing. It improves from Modern Warfare 2 in so many ways. First, they introduce a new cash system which I admit sounds a bit dumb at first. But it's a great addition to the game. It gives more challenge and more play time to the game .With the cash system they also add "Wager Matches" which are hella fun. Also the new maps are really challenging and fun. No wonder this wonder this won Best Shooter at the VGA's.
Oh and if you have some extra cash laying around get the Prestige Edition,which comes with The Hardened Edition(which is a waste of money) and a RCXD car with a camera.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Prestige Edition, Price:$149.99(Free Shipping+No Tax)
Fallout New Vegas,Price:$49.99(Free Shipping+No Tax)
Info:The game places the player in the role of The Courier. While delivering a package with a platinum poker chip to New Vegas, The Courier is ambushed by Benny, the leader of the Chairmen,who steals the package, shoots The Courier in the head, and leaves The Courier's body in a shallow grave. A robot named Victor eventually finds the body and brings it to Doctor Mitchell in Goodsprings.At this point, the player enters into character creation and defines The Courier's skills, attributes, name, gender, age and appearance. Afterwards the player begins investigating The Courier's murder attempt, recovering the stolen package and exploring the Mojave wasteland.OK,This not "just" an expansion of Fallout 3.This stands on it's own and succeeds.Although the story is not as compelling as Fallout 3,it improves in other places.Size,for one thing,The Mojave is HUGE way bigger than the capital wasteland.Also the side quests are fun and long.I got the game when it came out,and I'm still halfway through.Yeah....its that awesome.
Scott Pilgrim VS. The World : The Game,Price:$10.00 or 800 Microsoft Points + Knives Chau DLC,$.99,from:PSN or XBLA
Info:Loosely following the story of the graphic novels, up to four players can play as Scott Pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine or Stephen Stills (along with the unlockable character Nega-Scott and the downloadable character Knives Chau), who must battle through seven levels in order to defeat Ramona's seven evil exes. Characters have their own individual movesets, which can be expanded upon by gaining enough experience, and are also able to use weapons. Each player has Heart Points and Guts Points, the latter of which can revive players if they are knocked out, or be used to perform special moves such as summoning Knives Chau. Defeating enemies earns coins which can be spent in shops to purchase items that can replenish health or boost stats. Players can also enter Subspace areas which act as bonus areas where extra coins can be earned. During co-operative play, players can revive fallen comrades, give each other health or money and simultaneously taunt for a combined attack. Various cheat codes unlock extra features, such as a Boss Rush and a Survival Horror mode. I have heard nothing but good things of this game.Although I have yet to play it,I heard that it is amazingly awesome and fun.I'm pretty sure that every review of this game has been positive. The only problem I have with this is that there isn't online, which sucks for me since I have no one to play locally, but if you have plenty of friends and family this is gonna be a fun ride.
Microsoft Kinect with Kinect Adventures,Price:$149.98(No Tax+Shipping=$5.02)
Info: I don't really like Kinect all that much, but I heard it's great with the kiddies. If you don't mind looking like a dumbass while playing this then get it for the family. Right now they only have a couple of games that are good so far, but I heard Microsoft has more Games coming out in the coming year. They have some fitness games (for the meateads & Yoga gals) some party games (for the kiddies) and some dance games (for the partyers in all of us). I also heard Kinect adventures isn't that bad, I heard that the mini games are fun but there isn't alot of them.
Playstation Move Bundle,Price:$92.99(No Tax+Shipping=$3.99)
Info: I actually want to like the Playstation Move. I like the technology it has, and the simple aspect of it. I just hope Sony provides alot of support for it. I have a feeling it might end up like the eye-toy. So far most of the games made for the Kinect suck. Although Sport Champions and the games updated with Move controls have been recieved well. I think this is for the more Hardcore crowd compared to the Kinect. But if you want to play hardcore games like socom 4,RE 5,and Heavy Rain get the Move. I just hope they port all the mature Wii games that failed to the Move.
Resident Evil:Gold Edition,Price:$29.95(No Tax+Shipping=$3.95)
Info: The Gold Edition comes with all of DLC: Another Mercenaries mode, a campaign expansion and more.It also comes with the Move content already installed.I heard the game with move is just like RE 4 Wii, which had some problems but wasn't that bad.Oh and dudes without Xbox Live be warned if you don't have online you wont be able to get the DLC, I sucks.
Dance Central,Price:$46.54(Tax=$4.13+Free Shipping)
Info: To tell you the truth,I hate dance games and dancing all together. I always feel weird and awkward.But with this game I actually want to dance and it teaches me some new moves to pull off on the dance floor.Since it's made by Harmonix (The creators of Rock Band) this has an incredible song list,from modern hits to classic dance songs they got it. This has also gotten very positive reviews and numerous reviewers name this the number one game to get for kinect.
Heavy Rain,Price:$30.00(No Tax+Shipping=$3.47)
Info: Heavy Rain is akin to many interactive fiction games, requiring the player to move the character and have him or her interact with the objects or other non-player characters on the scene to progress the story. The game is divided into several scenes, each centering on one of four playable characters. The choices the player makes or the actions performed or not performed will affect later scenes in the game. For example, it is possible that a character dies or becomes detained, and will not be present in a later scene.There is no intermediate "game over" in Heavy Rain; the game will progress to a number of different endings depending on the sum of the player's performance even if all the characters become incapacitated in some manner.However, once the game is complete, the player can return to earlier scenes and replay them, possibly altering the events as they play through other chapters. I've been wanting to play this game since it's been announced. The concept seems so intresting and compelling. I've heard great reviews of it and the Move support has been praised as well.Reviewers have said that the Move version is more challenging and suits the game more. Another good thing about this game is that its like never ending. There is so many possibilities for a sequence that it can end in numerous ways. You have to be patient though, it's kind of a slow-paced game.
Kinect Sports,Price:$48.41(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Well this is exactly what you think it is. A kinect wii sports. But is that necessarily a bad thing ? I mean, we ALL had fun playing that game and now you get to play most of those games and some more additions but with no controller. A lot of reviewers have said that this is actually fun and not just some other mini game collection.
The Sly Collection,Price:$29.99(No Tax+Shipping=$2.95)
Info: A re-mastered version of all three Sly games. It includes all three games in HD; with Sly 3 in 3D.Also it includes some mini games with Move support. Well, why haven’t you gotten this yet! Sly Cooper is one of the greatest games on the PS2. And for people like me who haven’t played these games yet, this is a perfect gift.
Borderlands Goty,Price:$25.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Borderlands was one of last year’s greatest games. Now they have the game discounted with all of its DLC. This is an amazing deal. It also comes with an early acces code to the Duke Nukem Forever beta. If you don’t know what this game is about it’s basically a cartoony Fallout…That’s totally badass and hilarious! Get this while it’s still available.
Super Street Fighter IV,Price:$21.00(No Tax+Shipping=$3.47)
Info: Following the arcade-era traditions of the series, Super Street Fighter IV is an enhanced version of 2009's award winning Street Fighter IV that offers the same high-def 2D fighting gameplay with additional characters and combat moves. The game's expanded roster includes characters from earlier Street Fighter revisions, such as T. Hawk and Dee Jay, as well as crossovers from the Final Fight series Cody and Guy, and newly introduced fighters such as the mysterious young tae kwon do master Juri. Online, players can join in Team Battles for up to eight, and can record and trade replay videos of their best fights. The between-battle barrel-smashing and car-crunching bonus levels, featured prominently in Super Street Fighter II and other earlier editions in the franchise, also make their return in Super Street Fighter IV. Following the initial retail release of Street Fighter IV by only a little more than a year, the stand-alone Super Street Fighter IV is offered at a reduced suggested price and offers additional bonuses for owners of the original. So this has new characters, new modes, and new moves. This game is a major improvement from the last game. Its really cheap also. A really great and fun game for the family, And a great game to play while you wait for MvC3 !
Red Dead Redemption,Price:$32.25(No Tax+Shipping=$3.47)
Info:John Marston is on a mission to bring an old ally to justice, and perhaps to bring a little law and order to the outposts and boomtowns he passes through along the way. Marston once rode with a gang of outlaws who robbed trains, held folks for ransom, and killed nearly anyone who got in their way, to take whatever they wanted. Now, as part of a bargain to protect his own family back home, he must use his violent skill set to apprehend or gun down a former partner called Bill Williamson, a bandit at least as ruthless and deadly as Marston ever was. Named game of the year by the VGA’s, this is indeed a instant classic. I loved the setting and the gameplay. And the DLC Undead Nightmare is extremely fun. I wished I still had this game.
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions,Price:$36.00(No Tax+Shipping=$3.81)
Info: The legendary Tablet of Order and Chaos has been shattered, causing a rift in time, so it's up to Spider-Man to retrieve the fragments as he progresses through his respective era. Adhering to the look of the comic books, each universe has its own art direction and visual style. Spider-Man Noir, for instance, adopts an atmospheric, black-and-white style, while the Amazing Spider-Man features vibrant colors and a cel-shaded appearance. Each Spider-Man can utilize character-specific moves as he subdues an assortment of villains and boss characters in creative ways. I lot of you guys have said this game isn’t all that. But I Love this game. I think it’s one of the greatest Spidey games out there. I had some problems with it but overall I liked it. The story wasn’t all that bad and the gameplay is good and quick.
Mass Effect 2,Price:$12.50(No Tax+Shipping=$3.81)

Info: Mass Effect 2's continuing story involves the appearance of a race of insect-like humanoids, which seems to have been abducting entire colonies of humans from the fringes of known space. To investigate this new threat, Shepard works in league with the ruthless Cerberus organization, a powerful and secretive group whose only morality is the survival of the human species, at any cost. Although anyone is free to create a new character and make a fresh start in the game, players who completed the original Mass Effect may use save files to continue their adventures in the sequel, using the same customized version of the hero they led through the first game. Similarly, the outcome of the final mission of Mass Effect 2 may influence players' options as they begin the final game in the trilogy, whether Shepard remains to lead another mission against all odds, or is remembered as a brave warrior who made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of all humanity. Called the best RPG this year, this game delivers. Has one of the deepest story and gameplay than any game out there. Although I have to say I didn’t like the first one but I heard they improved the gameplay and all of the stuff I hated about the first one. Since I don’t have a 360 I haven’t played this gem yet.but next month I’ll be able to play this awesome game one the PS3.
Dead Rising 2,Price:$42.44(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: The cross-platform sequel to Capcom's 2006 Xbox 360 hit delivers more fast-paced, third-person action in a survival-horror setting. Similar to the original game, Dead Rising 2 is all about one man against a swarming horde of hungry zombies, and how that one man survives by creatively using everyday objects to perform acts of great and gratuitous violence against these slow-but-relentless pursuers. The hero of Dead Rising 2 is a former pro motocross rider named Chuck Greene, who finds himself in the fictional entertainment capital of Fortune City when the zombie outbreak hits there. The open "sandbox" adventure does not play out in a shopping mall, as the first Dead Rising, but the Las Vegas-like setting of the city provides ample walkways and plenty of open, consumer-oriented spaces, which quickly fill with hungry walking dead. The funnest game of this year. I didn’t even play the campaign. The fun is just putting on daisy dukes walking around and killing some zombies, Zombieland style!
Plants VS. Zombies:Xbox 360 Edition,Price:$17.99(Tax=$1.57+Free Shipping)
Info: The Xbox 360 Edition of the best Iphone game ever. This edition comes with extra modes and mini-games, and online co-op/localco-op it also comes with other PopCap gems as Peggle and Zuma. This is an amazing deal also cause this runs you $20, if you buy eah of these on XBLA it’ll run you $30.
The Legend of Zelda:Spirit Tracks,Price:$18.00(Tax=$1.60+Shipping=$1.97)
Info: Set about 100 years after Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks plays out in a world that barely remembers the legends of a demon king, who was defeated and bound with powerful chains many lifetimes earlier. These magical chains still run far and wide across the landscape, but oblivious to their true purpose, the people now use them as train tracks to move carts full of cargo. As the story begins, Link is set to start his new career as a train engineer, when he is told by Princess Zelda that the magic tracks have been disappearing, and that she fears there is some great evil at work. The two escape from Zelda's suspicious overseers in the castle and ride Link's train as far as the tracks take them. The adventure leads to ruins and dungeons below ground, where Link must battle enemies and solve puzzles, using a whip as both a weapon and a tool to extend his reach. I haven’t played this game, but I’ve heard great things. Another entry in the wonderful Zelda series, this one fallows the art style of windwaker. I heard the boss fights, were fun. The dungeons were well designed, and that the story is long with a bunch of side quests. But I also heard that compared to the other games it’s not that challenging.
WarioWare D.I.Y.,Price:$19.96(Tax=$1.77+Shipping=$2.99) from:P.C. Richard &
Info: Warioware D.I.Y. is a single player simulation/puzzle game that challenges players to create their own micro-games as part of Wario's game design team. Players have access to a suite of game design tools that allow for customization of game mechanics and flow, graphics, audio and more, as well as a templates, tutorials and in-game assistance. In addition to game creation the game cartridge contains 72 premade micro-games. Additional features include the ability to share games wirelessly, to submit games to Nintendo, cross-compatibility with Wii allowing for play of created games on Wii, a multiplayer mode, additional micro-games and more. Every entry in this series always gets’s me hooked and is extremely fun, and this is no different. This time you get to design your own games. You could share and download others games also. It also has a bunch already made, so you don’t get bored. The only flaw is the online has been said to be kinda bad.
Pokémon:HeartGold,Price:$36.88(No Tax+Free Shipping),
OR Pokémon:SoulSilver,Price:$33.90(No Tax+Shipping=$3.50)
Info: Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver games nearly a decade ago. The richly detailed adventure of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver is now enhanced with updated graphics and sound, as well as new touch-screen features and a host of surprises. Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version bring dozens of Pokémon characters back into the limelight for a new Pokémon generation - and longtime fans - to catch, train and battle. Both games includes a pokewalker, which is a nice addition to the game. If you walk with this “toy” your Pokémon level up depending how far you walk. It’s still addictive even though it’s basically the same game over and over again.
Picross 3D,Price:$15.90(No Tax+Shipping=$3.50)
Info: In Picross 3D. Each puzzle offers a 3D grid filled with small cubes, with numbers indicating how many permanent cubes are in each particular row or column. Players must then use logic, deductive reasoning, and their stylus to chip away excess cubes and find the hidden object. Creative gamers can design their own custom puzzles and then share them with friends. I Love Picross puzzles. So this game appealed to me instantly it takes a while getting used to but when you do It’s insanely addictive.
Prof.Layton and the Unwound Future,Price:$29.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: The third game in Level-5's brain teaser series, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future takes the Professor's adventures into the fourth dimension after he and his apprentice Luke receive a strange letter from ten years in the future. Gamers then guide the duo through more than 165 math, science, logic, and visual puzzles, winding their way through a time-hopping mystery that threatens to destroy London. Hand-drawn cinematics help advance the game's plot, and the enhanced Memo Pad lets players use the touch screen to work out math problems and take notes using "pens" of different colors and widths. I have yet to play this series, but I have heard nothing but praise for it. It’s like a videogame Sherlock Holmes, but incredibly awesome. The art looks amazing, and the story sounds interesting.
Super Scribblenauts,Price:$20.00(Tax=$2.22+Shipping=$4.98)
Info: Super Scribblenauts is a unique puzzle/action-platforming game in which solutions to challenges faced in game literally take shape out of the words and phrases that the player spells out. Loaded with a memory of tens of thousands of nouns/objects, which can now be modified via a new adjective system, the game allows players to bring to life virtually any physical solution that they can represent in words, making for a creative gameplay experience not to be missed. Additional features include: 120 new levels, new optional D-pad controls, a new level editor and more.I heard the sequel is a major improvement from the first. They now have adjectives, which could make endless possibilities. They have even improved the controls.
Metal Gear Solid:Peace Walker,Price:$27.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Metal Gear Solid is a stealth-action game set between the events of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and the original game. Revolving around the continuing early adventures of series centerpiece, Snake, it fleshes out the legend of "Big Boss" in the days following the Cuban Missile Crisis through a deep single player story mode, featuring a new control system and missions offering extensive replay value, as well as extensive and engaging co-op multiplayer options. Heard the controls were alright but could be better. But the story is interesting and a great addition to the franchise. Also this include multiplayer which I herd is fun but gets boring after a while.
Valkyria Chronicles 2,Price:$30.00(No Tax+Shipping=$3.30)
Kingdom Hearts:Birth By Sleep,Price:$34.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Birth by Sleep is a prequel in the Kingdom Hearts series, set ten years before the events of the original game. The story follows three apprentices named Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, who are training to become Keyblade Masters. Just as they are struggling with their final tests -- Terra does not pass -- a rival master named Xehanort vanishes, and dangerous creatures called Unversed begin to appear in worlds throughout the realm. Charged by their mentor to defeat these dark entities and locate Xehanort, the young heroes encounter different franchise characters as they search through each world, including Mickey Mouse, who is still an apprentice himself at the time, and also on a quest to destroy the Unversed.I was so mad when I found out that they weren’t gonna release this on PSN. Anyways…Another Game in the Kingdom Hearts saga, this is aan awesome game.The campaign is long and good, the combat progresses and is fun and flashy. They also introduce some more Disney characters. The loading times are pretty long and the camera is annoying. The story also get’s confusing, for me anyways I’ve only played the first one and second one).
God of War:Ghost of Sparta,Price:$36.98(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: God of War Ghost of Sparta is a single player action-adventure game .The second game in the series to be developed specifically for play on the PSP, Ghost of Sparta is set after the events of the original PlayStation 2 game, revealing the previously unknown struggles and history of Kratos as he challenges the deities of Olympus, eventually taking the status and title of god for himself. The game features bigger bosses and more enemies than the previous PSP release, as well as new combat and weapons systems. A lot of reviewers have said that the games combat/controls, graphics, length, have all improved. But I have to agree with thm on one thing, why was this made? I felt after GOW 3 the story was over and had closure. But they say there is still some hidden past for Kratos. This entry doesn’t even make sense, cause this takes place between GOW 1 and 2, he already was a god at the end of the first one but he isn’t a god in Ghost. If you don’t care about that and just want a good game then get it anyways.
No More Heroes 2:Desperate Struggle,Price:$12.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: As in the original violent combat adventure game, the structure of No More Heroes 2 leads protagonist Travis Touchdown to battle a series of exorbitantly stylized boss characters in hand-to-hand combat, using his trusty "light beam katanas" and a complement of agile and effective grappling moves he learned as a lifelong fan of big-time wrestling. The combat uses motion-based controls, with players wielding Tavis' light saber-like weapons by swinging the Wii Remote. The adventure again plays out in Santa Destroy, a caricatured Southern California city that can be freely roamed and explored, full of bonuses and side-quests for players who seek them out. The sequel game's story picks up about three years after the original. Travis has dropped out of the deadly competitive United Assassins Association, and thus dropped down to a negligible 51st ranking. The enigmatic agent Sylvia Christel returns to entice Travis back into action, pushing him to slay his 50 higher-ranked opponents and reclaim his position as the top assassin in town. One of the most awesome games on the Wii got an awesome sequel.This is one of the funniest and most violent games I have ever played. They added a bunch more sidequests, which are now in classic 8-bit or 16-bit form. The graphics are amazing for the Wii. I cant wait for the port.
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars,Price:$19.99(No Tax+Shipping=$5.00)
Info: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars is a fighting game for Wii pitting a wide range of fan favorite characters from the Capcom game universe against anime characters from Japan's Tatsunoko Production. Packed with over-the-top action, loads of mini-games, four battle modes and multiplayer support that includes two-player local co-op and online versus play, it is a unique gaming experience that is not to be missed by established and new fans of the Capcom universe and anime alike. One of the few games I am jealous of for the Wii. This pits the Anime juggernaut against the Fighting game champs with an awesome outcome. They introduce a more simpler control scheme for more casual players, which is good for non-gamers. One problem I have: I barely know most of the anime characters, but it will spark interest in them and you can eventually watch the series they’re known for.
Sin and Punishment:Star Successor,Price:$15.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is rail shooter for Wii that challenges you, whether playing alone or with a friend, to survive an onslaught of attacks by enemies large and small. Players have their choice of a male or female playable character, each with defensive and specific offensive abilities, and the ability to battle huge bosses and other enemies from the ground or from the air using a variety of devices. Additional features include multiple controller options and online international leaderboards and more. If you’ve played the original, you’d know this is a badass rail shooter. This continues the story and brings better graphics with an impressive and challenging story. The multiplayer is bad, I’ve heard.
Batman:The Brave and the Bold-The Video Game,Price:$29.96(Tax=$2.66+Free Shipping)
Info: Feel the boldness of adventure and the bravery of justice as you become Batman and his superhero teammates in the videogame based on your favorite animated TV series, Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Tread through the exciting terrain of the DC Universe and test your might in this side-scrolling action thrill ride that will take you through crime-filled alleys, strange alien planets, abandoned underground cities, and mysterious island laboratories. Go behind the cowl of the Caped Crusader himself and team up with his superhero friends to solve puzzles, fight dozens of foes, and discover new worlds as you battle to save the day and see if you truly have what it takes to be a superhero! Get to play as obscure but awesome superheroes in an awesome beat-um-up Batman, what’s not to love! The graphics looks exactly like the show and the cutscenes and gameplay provide great comedy. Co-op is fun with friends and family. I have heard of only one problem, it’s too easy.
Kirby's Epic Yarn,Price:$43.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Kirby’s Epic Yarn is a 2D platformer for Wii that blends classic Kirby gameplay with new abilities, functionality and more. Kirby's first console platform game since the Nintendo 64 days, Kirby’s Epic Yarn introduces an amazing new look based on animated yarn and a world of cloth and textiles. The creative approach is woven directly into the gameplay and allows the ever-morphing Kirby to take on a variety of new forms. It's a one-of-a-kind platformer that lets players explore high and low for hidden objects, experience fun adventure and even join with a second player in a co-op play mode. The game so adorable it makes a grown-ass man to call it “cute”; another awesome Kirby game. The distinctive look of it is so compelling an dare I say it “cute”. The yarn aspect of it is also fun and the co-op I heard is actually good, not like Mario Galaxy’s.
Donkey Kong Country Returns,Price:$43.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Inspired by earlier games in he Donkey Kong Country series, Donkey Kong Country Returns is a new take on a beloved Nintendo franchise. The first Donkey Kong Country game developed for play for Wii, this new iteration blends familiar actions, levels and characters with a whole new graphical treatment and feel, as well as new control schemes and play options. Features include: a co-op play option allowing you to team up as Donkey Kong and Diddy, radically different visuals ranging from nearly 3D treatment to others that appear in silhouette, two different controller schemes and more. I can’t tell you how much I missed this series. Returns is a great game with a impressive level design. The soundtrack is so dam catchy you’ll find yourself humming those tunes throughout the day. It also has a strong replay value, with a bunch of hidden collectibles.
Epic Mickey,Price:$43.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Epic Mickey is an action-adventure platforming game for Wii™ console that sends Mickey Mouse on an epic journey of creativity and discovery. As Mickey, the player is propelled into Wasteland, an alternate world made up of Disney's forgotten creative efforts, and is given the power to wield paint and paint thinner to dynamically change the world while determining Mickey's path to becoming an epic hero. Through the use of this unique paint and paint thinner, the key components of animation and Mickey's tools for impacting his world, players will have the ability to shape how the story unfolds. Boy do I miss classic Mickey, that mischievous basterd. This game is a wonderful take on Disney mythology. The art style and classic film short moments are awe-inspiring. The paint gameplay is fun for combat and puzzles. The camera is annoying at moments but this is totally oblivious to the actual game.
Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition,Price:$29.99(Free Shipping;Tax Unknown);Pre-Order at this time.
Info: Super Mario All Stars commemorates the 25th anniversary of the release of the original with a collection of four classic platforming games from the franchise for play via a single Wii disc. This new release is a reissue of the original 1993 Super Mario All Stars collection for NES featuring enhanced versions of Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Bros. 3. The collection also contains an exclusive soundtrack / sound effect CD and the 32-page Super Mario History booklet. Additional features include: classic arcade-style multiplayer support, as well as multiple controller support. This is just Awesome. You get the first four Mario games all in one convenient disc. With a history booklet, soundtrack, and a DVD. If you don’t already have the games on Virtual Console then get this. But even if you do buy this for a young dude so you can introduce them the pure awesomeness of Super Mario Bros. 3 .
I'm going to do just Blurays since I think most people should have them by now,sorry :P.
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam,Price:$20.17(No Tax+Shipping=$2.99) from
Info: Make your stand against evil with this exciting Collection of 4 DC Showcase Animated Shorts starring favorite DC Comics super heroes! Chosen the world’s protector against the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man--pride, envy, greed, hatred, selfishness, laziness and injustice--young Billy Batson accepts his destiny as Captain Marvel. Battling alongside Superman against nefarious Black Adam, Billy soon discovers the challenge super heroes ultimately face: is it revenge or justice? For bounty hunter Jonah Hex and hard-boiled cop turned vengeance ghost The Spectre, getting their hands dirty is part of the job-- maybe even the fun part. But Superman, Green Arrow and Black Canary follow an internal moral code to guide their actions. They know it’s easy to get lost in the darkness of the fight, especially when villans like Merlyn the Magnificent and Count Vertigo place no value on human life. Collects all DC shorts including a new one. Most of these shorts are better than the films they are bundled in. The shorts are all extended with commentary ,and some added DCAU episodes.
Scott Pilgrim VS. The World,Price:$24.96(Tax$2.22+Shipping=$1.97)
Info: Game on! Scott Pilgrim just met the girl of his dreams…literally. But in order for them to date, he must defeat her seven evil exes -- a rogues' gallery -- including an infamous skateboarder, a vegan rock star and fearsome identical twins! From the genre-smashing director of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead comes “a true original” (Entertainment Weekly) powered up by wit, action and groundbreaking visuals that you will want to watch again as soon as it’s over! This IS the best movie of the year. The tagline does not fail; this is indeed an epic of epic epicness. This comes packed with special features, 3 commentaries, an animated short, a bunch of deleted scenes, a couple of behind the scenes, a couple of web diaries, bloopers, and some music from the film. This has to be one of the greatest BDs of the year.
The Goonies:25th Anniversary Collector's Edition,Price:$36.99(No Tax+Shipping=$2.99) from:CD
Info: From the imagination of Steven Spielberg, The Goonies plunges a band of small heroes into a swashbuckling surprise-around-every corner quest beyond their wildest dreams! Following a mysterious treasure map into a spectacular underground realm of twisting passages, outrageous booby-traps and a long-lost pirate ship full of golden doubloons, the kids race to stay one step ahead of a family of bumbling bad guys…and a mild mannered monster with a face only a mother could love. This edition comes with a board game, a 1985 souvenir magazine reprint, and a reprint of 2009 Empire Magazine article with cast photos and updates. This is one of the greatest adventure films of all time. This film never get’s old. Get it if you’re a die hard fan or if you want to introduce it to the next generation.
Toy Story Trilogy Box Set,Price:$59.99(Tax+Shipping=Unknown;but all together it comes out to $65.31) from:
Info: This mega deal includes 10 discs, with Toy story 1,2,3 and Digital copys and DVD copies.Just think of the time you’ll spend watching all of the extras. Oh and did I mention it comes in a toy chest, yeah it’s that awesome.
Avatar:Extended Collectors Edition,Price:$24.96(Tax=$2.22+Shipping=$1.97)
Info: Experience the spectacular world of James Cameron's Avatar as never before with this all-new three-disc extended collector’s edition. The journey begins with three movie versions: the original theatrical release, the special edition re-release, and the exclusive extended cut not shown in theaters. And that's just what's on the first Blu-ray disc. The set's bonus feature run more than eight hours and include over 45 minutes of deleted scenes; actor's screen tests; on-location footage; feature-length documentaries on the film's groundbreaking production; an interactive scene-deconstruction feature that lets you explore different levels of production for 17 scenes; a comprehensive guide to the world of Pandora; and more. The greatest adventure of all time just got bigger and better. I feel bad for anyone, who wasted his or her good money on the Bluray that came out earlier this year. This includes everything the last copy didn’t have, except for the movie of course. This extended cut includes some more footage from earth and gives Jake some more character depth.
Expendables,Price:$21.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Sylvester Stallone stars as Barney Ross, leader of The Expendables, a tight-knit team of skilled combat vets turned mercenaries. Hired by a powerful covert operator, the team jets off to a small South American country to overthrow a ruthless dictator. Once there, they find themselves caught in a deadly web of deceit and betrayal. Using every weapon at their disposal, they set out to save the innocent and punish the guilty in this blistering action-packed thriller. THE Most badass film of the year, maybe all time. This edition does not crap on the extra department. Stallone provides a deep and interesting commentary. There is a bunch of behind the scenes of the film and some chorography vids, all actually worth looking at.
Info: Acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan directs an international cast in this sci-fi actioner that travels around the globe and into the world of dreams. Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is the best there is at extraction: stealing valuable secrets inside the subconscious during the mind’s vulnerable dream state. His skill has made him a coveted player in industrial espionage but also has made him a fugitive and cost him dearly. Now he may get a second chance if he can do the impossible: inception, planting an idea rather than stealing one. If they succeed, Cobb and his team could pull off the perfect crime. But no planning or expertise can prepare them for a dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy only Cobb could have seen coming. The best film of the year. Nolan actually provides extras for this one, although no commentary. There’s some concept art, some of the soundtrack, and an animated comic prequel. There is also a investigation on Dreams which I heard is actually quite interesting. If you haven’t seen Inception or plan on owning it, well what are you waiting for! Buy the damm thing already!
And if you could find the Limited Collectors Edition (Which includes a Totem, Script Book, makeshift briefcase, some mini posters, and some extra discs), You should definitely get it .I couldn't find a legitimate site that had it.
The Other Guys,Price:$22.99(No Tax+Shipping=$2.99)
Info: Misfit NYPD detectives Gamble and Hoitz (Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg) are sentenced to life behind the desk. They hate each other and the monotony of their meaningless jobs, as they’re forced to live in the shadow of the two biggest and most badass cops on the force (Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson). But when those guys go down for the count, opportunity knocks for Gamble and Hoitz. Stumbling onto what could be one of the biggest crimes in years, can The Other Guys step up their game to solve the case without killing each other and destroying NYC in the process? Adam Mckay does it again and bring us another hilarious film. Marky Mark is actually hilarious and provides a great straight man to Ferrell’s character. Thi movie was so over the top and hilarious. Whats that? I used the word hilarious three times already? Well guess what it was that Awesome.
Despicable Me,Price:$24.29(No Tax+Shipping=$2.99)
Info: Get ready for a minion laughs in the funniest blockbuster hit of the year! Vying for the title of "World's Greatest Villain", Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) - along with his hilarious crew of mischievous minions - plots to pull off the craziest crime of the century: steal the moon! But when Gru enlists the help of three little girls, they see something in him nobody else has ever seen: the perfect dad. I haven’t seen the film but CBM’s own ecksmanfan has and this is a portion of his review: “This is a fun movie for kids and adults alike. There are moments that will make the adults giggle a bit and of course the silly humor for the kids. There really isn't anything too crude for the young 'uns so parents need not worry. The film could have been at a higher level, but that doesn't take away the fact that it is still very fun and entertaining”.
For the rest of it:
The Town,Price:$24.96(Tax=$2.22+Free Shipping)
Info: Ben Affleck follows his acclaimed Gone Baby Gone directorial debut by directing, co-writing and starring in a taut thriller about robbers and cops, friendship and betrayal, love and hope and escaping a past that has no future. He plays Doug MacRay, leader of a Boston bank robber gang but not cut from the same cloth as his fellow thieves. When Doug falls into a passionate romance with the bank manager (Rebecca Hall) briefly taken hostage in their last heist, he wants out of this life and out of the town. As the Feds close in and the crew questions his loyalty, he has one of two choices: betray his friends or lose the woman he loves. I think everyone agrees on this site that this film was amazing. This comes with the extended cut and behind the scenes feature. It also comes with a surprisingly good commentary by Affleck.
Alien Anthology,Price:$70.50(No Tax+Shipping=$4.17)
Info: Brace yourself for a whole new breed of Blu-ray: Four powerful films...eight thrilling dazzling, terrifying, high-def clarity with the purest digital sound on the planet. Two bonus dics and over 65 hours of archival and never-before-seen content, including the totally immersive MU-TH-UR mode feature, makes this definitive Alien collection! I’m sorry but unless you hate sci-fi films or kinda low on the cash flow there is no excuse for getting this awesome anthology of the Alien films with a shit-load of extras.
Or if you wanna really go out there and get the Limited Edition Egg Packaging (pictured above), you can get it from for about $191.19 in total counting tax and shipping.
Community Season 1 (DVD),Price:$19.99(No Tax+Free Shipping) from:
Info: Smooth talking ex-lawyer Jeff Winger has got a lot to learn, and he's come to Greendale Community College to avoid every bit of it. Unfortunately for Jeff, he's not the only misfit to enroll here, and people in need have an odd way of finding each other. First, his fake study group becomes a real study group. Then, over the course of a strange year - from Mexican Halloween to the final 'Tranny Dance' - including bad trips, great debates, drunk dials, food fights, epic paintball battles and sinister chicken finger conspiracies - the group becomes a family, something Jeff never wanted, but clearly needs. Starring Joel McHale (TV's The Soup), Ken Jeong (The Hangover) and Emmy Award winner Chevy Chase. This show is hilarious. I was surprised by the good chemistry the cast has, and the show has plenty of geeky references to put us at ease. Sadly, NBC isn’t gonna release a BD copy as of now.
Dr.Horrible's Sing Along Blog,Price:$9.96(Tax=$0.88+shipping=$1.97)
Info: Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother) stars as Billy, A.K.A. Dr. Horrible, a budding supervillain whose plans for world domination continually go awry. His two goals: getting accepted into the Evil League of Evil, and working up the guts to speak to his laundromat crush Penny, played by Felicia Day (The Guild). The only thing standing in his way is Captain Hammer, Billy s superhero archnemesis played by Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Castle). With one big score, Billy could get into the E.L.E. and earn the respect of Penny, but only if he can keep her away from the dashing Captain Hammer... Even if you've already watched or downloaded Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, a number of bonus features might entice you. There are two commentary tracks: Harris, the three Whedons, Tancharoen, Day, and Fillion recorded a spirited track discussing the movie, and there's also "Commentary! The Musical" in which they ignore the movie and sing about the writers' strike and each other (e.g., Fillion sings "I'm Better than Neil")--the songs aren't as good as the Horrible songs, but it's good silly fun. A 20-minute making-of discusses the cast, the recording sessions, and how the movie became a phenomenon, and 10 videos (a half-hour total) were recorded by fans who want to join the Evil League of Evil. And when's the last time you wanted to pause the FBI warning? I know a bunch of people on this site love this web series, and this is a good deal. It comes really cheap but has a good amount of extras; giving info on the production of the show was real interesting and entertaining. If you haven’t seen this short musical, see it immediately, its hilarious, tragic, and just plain wonderful. I’ve at least watched this 8 times and it never get’s old, probably due to the short run time. Sorry for the extremely long writing.
Shutter Island,Price:$24.08(No Tax+Shipping=$2.99)
Info: Drama set in 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels is investigating the disappearance of a murderess who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane and is presumed to be hiding on the remote Shutter Island. This film was so interesting, and the ending was so surprising it gives you a whole new look on the film. There aren’t that much extras but the film truly makes up for it.
Predator:Ultimate Hunter Edition,Price:$8.49(Tax=$091+Shipping=$1.90)
Info: The ultimate hunter meets the ultimate adversary... in the ultimate Collector's Edition DVD! Arnold Schwarzenegger wages an all-out war against an unseen enemy, a force more powerful and deadly than any on Earth-because the Predator is not of this Earth. Revisit one of the best sci-fi films ever. This is better than the other BD that came out not so log ago. It comes packed with an Audio and Text commentary, the making of feature, an Inside The Predator feature, and more. They video looks allright, but the audio is where it shines.
Predators,Price:$19.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Robert Rodriguez presents Predators, a bold new chapter in the Predator universe. Adrien Brody stars as Royce, a mercenary who reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors mysteriously brought together on a jungle planet. But when these cold-blooded human “predators” find themselves in all-out war against a new breed of alien Predators, it’s the ultimate showdown between hunter and prey. Although it didn’t have a original idea, it gave a fresh new take on the franchise which it needed. The video and audio is amazingly good. And there is plenty of good extras: An Audio commentary with the director and Rodriguez, a motion comic prequel, a making of documentary, and a bunch of deleted scenes and alternate takes. I liked the movie and hope there is another one.
Hot Tub Time Machine,Price:$18.99(Tax=$1.95+Shipping=$2.98)
Info: Disappointed at the way their lives have turned out, four longtime friends reunite at the ski resort where they used to party and find themselves transported back to the year 1986 by a magical Jacuzzi. Adam, Lou, Nick, and Jacob have all seen better days; Adam's and Nick's love lives are in the dumps, Lou is clinging to his hard-partying past, and video-game addict Jacob can't even muster the courage to walk outside. A fun stay at the ski resort where the gang made some of their best memories seems like just the thing to cheer everyone up, but after a night of heavy drinking in the hot tub, the four friends wake up to find they're about to live through the '80s a second time. Determined not to make the same mistakes twice, Adam, Lou, Nick, and Jacob decide to take full advantage of the unique opportunity presented to them, and create the lives they've always wanted. This has got to be one of the funniest movies of the year. Its so outrageous and rude it’s hilarious. I was laughing my ass off throughout the whole movie. And if you were a child from the ‘80s you’ll appreciate the jokes. It includes an unrated version of the film, deleted scenes, and more. Also a plus is that they have Sebastian Stan, Bucky, acting like a total dumbass and a douche.
Batman:Under The Red Hood,Price:$10.99(Tax:$0.96+Free Shipping)
Info: Batman faces his ultimate challenge as the mysterious Red Hood takes Gotham City by firestorm. One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code. Killing is an option. And when the Joker falls in the balance between the two, hard truths are revealed and old wounds are reopened. This is the best DCAU film yet; everyone has praised on the quality the put towards the film and characters, the voice actors, and the animation. This is an amazing film. I wasd originally skeptical on the film since DC are being real jerks and only making films on well I guess just Batman and Supes. But this blew me away. They pushed the boundary on the PG-13, with Jason being hit constantly with a crowbar blood flying out. I had really only one problem Nightwing, he was just too comedic and I didn’t like him with short hair. The voice cast was superb though. Bruce Greenwood nailed Batman, and Ackles was perfect as an older Todd; I even cast him as a Live-Action Todd at times. And John Dimaggio surprised me as the Joker, I actually liked him as the Joker and I wouldn’t mind I he replaced Hamill as the Joker. On the BD they have two featurettes putting Both Robins in the spotlight, 4 episodes from the DCAU, and a Jonah Hex short.
Info: When Dave Lizewski – ordinary New York teenager and rabid comic-book geek – dons a green-and-yellow Internet-bought wetsuit to become the no-nonsense vigilante Kick-Ass, he soon finds an answer to his own question: because it hurts. But, over coming all the odds, the eager yet inexperienced Dave quickly becomes a phenomenon, capturing the imagination of the public. However, he’s not the only superhero out there – the fearless and highly trained father-daughter crime-fighting duo, Big Daddy and Hit-Girl, have been slowly but surely taking down the criminal empire of local mafioso Frank D’Amico. And, as Kick-Ass gets drawn into their no-holds-barred world of bullets and bloodletting with Frank’s son Chris, now reborn as Kick-Ass’s arch-nemesis Red Mist, the stage is set for a final showdown between the forces of good and evil, in which the hero will have to live up to his name. Or die trying…. Well, I originally had issues with the movie since it didn’t follow the source material that much, but I grew to Love it. The BD is great video is crisp and audio is perfect when the bullets are flying out. The extras are awesome, they have bookmarks for your favorite scenes and a commentary, and a very interesting and long documentary, also a picture-in-picture commentary. I know everyone on this site loved the film, so I have nothing else to say
Back To The Future Trilogy,Price:$38.99(Tax=$3.46+Free Shiping)
Info: Experience one of the most popular movie series of all time like never before with the Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Trilogy! Join Marty McFly, Doc Brown and a time traveling DeLorean for the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to the past, present and future, setting off a time-shattering chain reaction that disrupts the space-time continuum! From filmmakers Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, these timeless films feature all-new 25th Anniversary restorations for enhanced picture and sound plus hours of exciting bonus features. Do I really need to explain why you have to get this? Ok maybe cause these are one of the greatest films of all time, maybe cause they have loads of extras for each film, or maybe cause you’ll be lame if you don’t.
Wolverine & The X-Men:The Complete Series,Price:$28.99(Tax=$2.57+Free Shipping)
Info: Wolverine and the X-Men 3-disc set features all 26 episodes of the hit TV series. After a mysterious explosion at the Xavier mansion, and the resulting disappearances of Professor Xavier and Jean Grey, the distraught X-Men disband. But soon Wolverine, Storm, Beast and the others must join together again to not only battle the increasingly powerful Mutant Response Division, but also to prevent a catastrophic future that Xavier has warned Wolverine must never come to pass. With help from their allies, the heroic X-Men wage war against formidable foes as the present and future collide. But who will win? Discover for yourself as this extraordinary series is presented together in one complete collection like never before. I’m sad that they cancelled this great series. This was one of the best super-hero cartoons out there. They handled the characters and storylines with good care. They even put a bunch of cameos of other mutants, that made sense (not like Borigins). The animation is not bad but they could’ve done better. The voice cast was good. This includes all 26 episodes and 29 audio commentary’s.
Grindhouse:Collectors Edition,Price:$19.99(Tax+Shipping=Unknown;Total=$25.01)
Info: Together for the first time the Rodriguez/Tarantino Double Feature GRINDHOUSE is back and better than ever! These rip-roaring and adrenaline-pumping films are now featured in the original theatrical exhibition format. Loaded with over 2 hours of bonus content, including the fan favorite "Rodriguez's 10 Minute Cooking School", this 2-disc Blu-Ray will deliver a new experience like never before! We finally get these two movies together. They have loads of extras: Extended faux trailers, Planet terror audience reaction track, Planet Terror commentary, Death Proof deleted scenes and bloopers, Thanksgiving commentary, making of faux trailers, and Robert Rodriguez’s 10 min cooking school! I know AMAZING!
Iron Man 2,Price:$24.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Get the ultimate Iron Man 2experience with this special edition loaded with bonus features that take you inside the suit, plus a digital copy of the film that you can watch anywhere, anytime! Now that Tony Stark’s superhero secret is revealed to the world, he must once again suit up in order to face his most dangerous enemy yet – but not without a few new allies of his own! I don’t care what most of you guys say, this was a good movie. It wasn’t as good as the first one, I blame too much talking and not time limit, but I liked it. It expanded on the MCU and gave more depth to the characters. Don Cheadle, Scarlet Johansson, and Sam Rockwell are great additions to the cast. War Machine was a nice touch also. This BD comes with loads of extras, deleted scenes, and Illustrated origins for Fury, Widow, and War Machine, Shield Data Vault, Creating the Stark Expo, and more.
Spartacus:Blood and Sand-Season 1,Price:$34.86(Tax=$3.09+Shipping=$1.97)
Info: Betrayed by the Romans. Forced into slavery. Reborn as a Gladiator. The classic tale of the Republic’s most infamous rebel comes alive in the graphic and visceral new series Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Torn from his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where blood and death are primetime entertainment. But not all battles are fought upon the sands. Treachery, corruption, and the allure of sensual pleasures will constantly test Spartacus. To survive, he must become more than a man. More than a gladiator. He must become a legend. This is one of the greatest new series of the past year. It’s action-packed, sexy, and has a great story. The actors deliver great drama and fierceness to their characters; Andy Whitfield does an amazing Job as Spartacus. I do hope he gets better. This is a great show and I guarantee you will be hooked. I’m just worried about Season 2.
Grant Morrison:Talking With Gods(DVD),Price:$13.00(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: GRANT MORRISON: TALKING WITH GODS examines Morrison's 30-year career and the real-life events that inspired his stories. Featuring extensive interviews with Morrison himself, the film delves into his early days growing up in Scotland, the start of his career in comics, the crazy years of the '90s as his life and his comics became enmeshed, and his recent attempts to turn personal troubles and social darkness into compelling comics. The film also gives insight into his creative process, including a look into his vaunted idea notebooks. Although, sometimes I don’t like revisions he does to some characters, and I don’t like his confusing story arcs; I have to admit he is one of the most iconic and ground-breaking writer in the business. This documentary get’ his thoughts on the comics he has done and what inspired him and has interviews with many other writers and artists in the business such as: Warren Ellis, Frank Quietely, Dan DiDio, Mark Waid, Geoff Johns, and many more. This is a very thought provoking documentary and has been well received. Also please buy it, cause if you do you will be supporting the independent people who worked on this and be giving them cash so they can do a Warren Ellis one.
Superman:Secret Origin,Price:$18.66(Tax=$2.00+Shipping=$4.25)
Info: Geoff Johns and Gary Frank reunite to present an explosive story that spells out the definitive origin of Superman for the 21st century! Chronicling Clark Kent's journey from the cornfields of Smallville to the skyscrapers of Metropolis, you'll witness a whole new look at the beginnings of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Super-Heroes, Lois Lane, Metallo, Jimmy Olsen, the Parasite and more of your favorite characters from the Superman family! It's a look at the mythic past of the Man of Steel with an eye toward the future! Johns does it again, and re-invents another great character. This like GL secret origin, redos Supes origins and does it well. They reinvent parasite, do their take on Superboy and his rise to Superman. If yopu want another origin story for Supes, get this one cause it’s really good.
Crossed vol.1,Price:$16.50(No Tax+Shipping=$4.17)
Info: Imagine, for a moment, the worst crimes against humanity. Picture the cruelest affronts to decency. Conjure your darkest nightmares... and then realize it could all be so much worse. When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed. Garth Ennis has pulled out all the stops to write the most depraved and twisted book of his career, one that also may be his most poignant human drama! Crossed is Ennis' horrifically visceral exploration of the pure evil that humans are truly capable of indulging and collected here are all ten heart-stopping chapters, this gut-wrenching vision is brought to vivid (and more than a little disturbing) life by his partner in crime Jacen Burrows. Ennis strikes again with another great comic. This an interesting and original take on the zombie/outbreak genre. The art is nice and bloody gruesome at times.
And if you can,try to get "Family Values".I heard it's wicked good. Also try to get the 3D version of vol.1.
Deadpool Team-Up vol.1,Price:$15.29(Tax=$1.69+Shipping=$3.99)

Info: Stop rubbing your eyes, fanboy, they don't deceive you! Everyone's favorite Merc with a Mouth stars in a new series, hacking and wisecracking his way across the Marvel Universe with guest-stars galore! First up: when master assassin ARCADE and NIGHTMARE, Lord of the Dream Dimension, join forces to destroy Wade Wilson and THE INCREDIBLE HERCULES, they get more than they bargain for, taking on two of the MU's most irresponsible heroes! Then, watch as Deadpool meets up with the Zapata Brothers, everyone's favorite pair of Mexican wrestlers/bounty-hunters. Plus, FRANKENCASTLE! Also featuring the working-class villainy of THE HIGHWAYMAN and TWO Ghost Riders! This just too funny to pass up Deadpool, teams-up with a bunch of Marvel heroes, just too funny. Another great adventure with deadpool, I especially liked the Ghost Rider part, try doing a penance stare at the merc wih a mouth, yeah it’s exactly what you expect.
Deadpool:Merc with a Mouth-Head Trip,Price:$24.88(Tax=$2.61+Shipping=$4.90)
Info: It's the Merc with two mouths! Deadpool travels to the Savage Land to retrieve what might be the deadliest bioweapon the universe has ever seen. What is this deadly object? Well, Deadpool's employer is being a little vague about that. Let's just say when the secret is finally revealed, it's enough to throw even the Merc with two mouths for a loop...Oh hell, we can't keep a secret, it's the severed-but-still-hungry head of the Marvel Zombies: Deadpool! To save the universe, Deadpool must team up with himself to dodge Hydra operatives, dinosaurs, cavemen and zombie cavemen as he attempts to take his not-so-precious cargo back where it came from: the Marvel Zombies Universe. Check out the mis-adventures of Deadpool and Headpool, as the hilarity ensues. This collects the first 13 issues. And includes a cover gallery, which is a nice addition since each cover makes fun at a popular film.
Cowboys & Aliens, Price: $15.54(Tax=$1.67+Shipping=$3.60) from:
Info: In the Old West, settlers and Native Americans wage a bloody battle for control of the land. But when the Earth is threatened by conquerors from the stars, these sworn enemies must work together to save all humanity. Check out the book that inspired the film. I don’t think anyone on this site has even made comparisons to the book, so I suspect most of us haven’t read the book. Well read up and tell us how it is.
Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck vol.1, Price: $15.54(Tax=$1.73+Shipping=$4.25) from:
Info: Back by popular demand! Relive Don Rosa's seminal Scrooge McDuck epic from the very beginning with this special collector's edition hardcover of the Disney classic! Classic Disney comics, we get to see the rise of Scrooge McDuck and how he got all that cash. The comic got a touch up and looks better than ever. If you love Disney or Duck tales get this, and the other volumes.
Hack/Slash Omnibus vol.1, Price: $19.94(No Tax+Free Shipping) from:
At the end of every horror movie, one girl always survives... in this case, Cassie Hack not only survives, she turns the tables by hunting and destroying the horrible slashers that would do harm to the innocent! Alongside the gentle giant known as Vlad, the two cut a bloody path through those who deserve to be put down... hard! This comic is so hard to find, but it is totally worth it. This is one sexy, funny, and gruesome comic. It has on original idea and uses it well. We even see Chucky guest star in a issue. This is an awesome comic too bad the film got cancelled, or whatever happened to it.
Wilson,Price:$14.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Meet Wilson, an opinionated middle-aged loner who loves his dog and quite possibly no one else. In an ongoing quest to find human connection, he badgers friends and strangers alike into a series of one-sided conversations, punctuating his own lofty discursions with a brutally honest, self-negating sense of humour. After his father dies, Wilson, now irrevocably alone, sets out to find his ex-wife with the hope of rekindling their long-dead relationship, and discovers he has a teenage daughter, born after the marriage ended and given up for adoption. Wilson eventually forces all three to reconnect as a family a doomed mission that will surely, inevitably backfire.In his first all-new graphic novel, one of the leading cartoonists of our time, Daniel Clowes, creates a thoroughly engaging, complex and fascinating character study of the modern egotist outspoken and oblivious to the world around him.
Batwoman:Elegy,Price:$16.50(No Tax+Shipping=$4.90)
Info: A new era begins, as Batwoman is unleashed on Gotham City! Marked by the blood-red bat emblem, Kate Kane is a soldier fighting her own private war - one that began years ago and haunts her every waking moment. In this first tale, Batwoman battles a madwoman known only as Alice, inspired by Alice in Wonderland, who sees her life as a fairy tale and everyone around her as expendable extras! Batwoman must stop Alice from unleashing a toxic death cloud over all of Gotham City -- but Alice has more up her sleeve than just poison, and Batwoman's life will never ever be the same again. Also, witness the origin of Batwoman in the shocking and tragic story "Go," in which young Kate Kane and her family are kidnapped by terrorists, and Kate's life - and the lives of her family - will never be the same! I was surprised at how good this would turn out. Batwoman isn’t the character you would think of for an awesome comic series. The art is amazing and the Mad Hatter esque villain is a nice addition to this wonderful tale.
Blacksad,Price:$20.91(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Private investigator John Blacksad is up to his feline ears in mystery, digging into the backstories behind murders, child abductions, and nuclear secrets. Guarnido's sumptuously painted pages and rich cinematic style bring the world of 1950s America to vibrant life, with Canales weaving in fascinating tales of conspiracy, racial tension, and the "red scare" Communist witch hunts of the time. Guarnido reinvents anthropomorphism in these pages, and industry colleagues no less than Will Eisner, Jim Steranko, and Tim Sale are fans! Whether John Blacksad is falling for dangerous women or getting beaten to within an inch of his life, his stories are, simply put, unforgettable. This is one good series. Now just cause they have cuddly animals doesn’t mean this isn’t mature. There’s gruesome death scenes some foul language and some nudity (for the furries). Fellow user blacksad has praised this comic constantly ,and is right, this is one Amazing comic.
The Walking Dead:Compendium vol.1,Price:$$35.99(Tax=$3.19+Free Shipping)
Info: I originally put this in last years, but since the series came out I thought it would be suitable here. Collects the first 48 issues of the Walking Dead comic, see what inspired the amazing series and how much they differentiate (not that that’s bad).
Flash:Rebirth,Price:$13.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: The epic story of Barry Allen’s return from the dead to reclaim his title as The Fastest Man Alive is collected in hardcover.Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, the writer/artist team behind the blockbuster GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH and THE SINESTRO CORPS WAR, create an explosive, jaw-dropping epic that reintroduces Barry Allen, the modern–age Flash. But how will Barry Allen find his place in the twenty-first century? Geoff Johns does it again, and brings back another avorite character back from the dead. Similar to GL:Rebirth, We get to see Barry trying to maintain a normal life and becoming the Flash again.
Superman VS. Muhammad Ali-Deluxe Edition,Price:$13.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Two legendary figures meet for the first time in this spectacular adventure, as an alien race called the Scrubb demand that Earth's greatest champion battle their world's own greatest fighter. Both Superman and Muhammad Ali step forward -- and to determine who is truly Earth's greatest fighter, Superman temporarily loses his powers and faces Ali in the ring. Ultimately, the duo must work together to defeat the Scrubb, with Ali taking on their champion while Superman battles their space-armada. This has got to be one of the dumbest and weirdest Superman comic ever. But that’s the point. I take it with a tongue-in-cheek tone and was laughing my ass off in the local Barnes and Nobles. Get this, just cause.
Shazam!: The Golden Age of the World's Mightiest Mortal,Price:$22.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Shazam made his debut in Whiz Comics in 1940, and outsold his biggest competitor, Superman, by 14 million copies a month. It wasn’t long before a variety of merchandise was licensed—secret decoders, figurines, buttons, paper rockets, tin toys, puzzles, costumes—and a fan club was created to keep up with the demand. These collectibles now sell for outrageous prices on eBay or in comic book stores and conventions. Seventy years later, an unprecedented assortment of these collectibles are gathered together by award-winning writer/designer Chip Kidd and photographer Geoff Spear. Join Kidd, Spear, and the World’s Mightiest Mortal in this first, fully authorized celebration of ephemera, artwork, and rare, one-of-a-kind toys, and recapture the magic that was Shazam! Captain Marvel used to be more popular than Supes, well what happened? This quasi book chronicles Captain Marvel and,his numerous merchandise and his fall. I hope DC makes him popular again.
Dr.Horrible and Other Horrible Stories,Price:$9.99(Tax=$1.15+Shipping=$2.99)
Info: Based on the Emmy Award-winning web series Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, this collection of stories written by Zack Whedon chronicles some of the earliest adventures in the lives of archenemies Captain Hammer and Dr. Horrible. This anthology solves many unanswered questions left over from the show. For instance: What event inspired Dr. Horrible to become the world's greatest criminal mastermind? Why is Penny, the beautiful girl from the Laundromat, still single? How can you, the reader, be like blustering do-gooder Captain Hammer? And why is Horrible's sidekick, Moist, so... um... well, you'll find out! Written by one of the writers of the musical, this collection gives us more adventures from The Doctor and other supporting characters. This has the same comedy and weird charecters form the musical. And for now is the closest thing we have to a sequel.
Luthor,Price:$13.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Superman has been called many things, from the defender of truth, justice and the American way to the Big Blue Boy Scout. In LEX LUTHOR: MAN OF STEEL, he is called something he has never been called before: a threat to all humanity. Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo--the acclaimed team who brought you the best-selling JOKER--deliver a bold story in which readers get a glimpse into the mind of Superman's longtime foe. MAN OF STEEL reveals why Luthor chooses to be the proverbial thorn in the Man of Steel's side: to save humanity from an untrustworthy alien being. A re-print of Lex Luthor Man of Steel, if you loved Joker then this is no different. Originally released in ’05 DC decided to reprint this with a new name, Luthor. Similar to Joker you see the villain in his daily life but in his POV. By doing this you feel more compassion toward the character and see reason to his actions. The art is again amazing, and Brian Azzerelo is such a great writer. I hope he does this for more Villains.
Parker:The Hunter,Price:$16.49(Tax=$1.82+Shipping=$3.99)
Parker:The Outfit,Price:$15.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
The Hunter : The Hunter, the first book in the Parker series, is the story of a man who hits New York head-on like a shotgun blast to the chest. Betrayed by the woman he loved and double-crossed by his partner in crime, Parker makes his way cross-country with only one thought burning in his mind - to coldly exact his revenge and reclaim what was taken from him!
The Outfit : After he evens the score with those who betrayed him and recovers the money he was cheated out of from the syndicate, Parker is riding high, living in swank hotels and enjoying the finer things in life again. Until, that is, he's fingered by a squealer who rats him out to The Outfit for the price they put on his head... and they find out too late that if you push Parker, it better be all the way into the grave!
The Parker series have been well received, and for good reason. Darwynn Cookes art is so beautiful, and he’s using only 3 colors. The story is so compelling, and the art helps. The blue, black, and white colors give off a faux Noir B&W feel. If you’ve never read the novels, like me, or have read them and would like to see how well they adapted; get it. You won’t be sorry.
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Box Set,Price:$$42.12(Tax=$3.74+Free Shipping)
Info: Scott Pilgrim is in love, but there are complications. Having to battle his new girlfriend's evil exes was nothing he planned on, but love makes you do funny things. Follow his story in the complete Scott Pilgrim saga in this Scott Pilgrim set. This set contains all six graphic novels in one handy Box-Set with 8-bit art wrapping around. OK, I know that if you buy the books separately it’ll cost less, but this comes with an exclusive poster (pictured above). If you watched the film already, read the series that inspired it that is way better than the amazing film. Some of you might need to get used to the art, but for me I loved the art. This series awesome, and don’t worry the last book gives some closure (For now anyways), I’m still hoping for an animated series.
Brightest Day,Price:$22.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: The follow-up to the best selling comics event BLACKEST NIGHT, written by Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi!Once dead, twelve heroes and villains have been resurrected by a white light expelled deep within the center of the earth. Called a miracle by many and a sign of the apocalypse by others, the reasons behind their rebirth remain a mystery.Now, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Deadman, Jade, Osiris, Hawk, Captain Boomerang and Zoom must discover the mysterious reason behind their return and uncover the secret that binds them all in this first volume of a three part series. I have heard Brightest Dayis doing well, so well it’s making Aquaman cool again (if he ever was) . Basicacly , a start point for the series collecting some stories of the massive Brightest Day story.
Heroic Age,Price:$15.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Witness the Marvel Universe triumph over its greatest challenges ever as the Heroic Age ignites! Still lurking in the shadows are forces of evil and cosmic-level threats-but a new spirit of hope, courage and the selfl essness at theheart of heroism will rise up. The most extraordinary taleswill be told in the Heroic Age of the Marvel Universe. From the tone of the storylines, to the stunning art, the Heroic Ageushers in a dramatic new vision of the Marvel Universe. Featuring Marvel's most elite characters-including IronMan, Captain America, Thor, the Avengers and more-as they embark on bold new adventures, this volume is the perfect jumping-on point for the Heroic Age. Although, I heard some of the comics for the Heroic Age are a bit Lackluster. It doesn’t hurt to get started by reading this TPB.
Superman:Earth One,Price:$10.78(Tax=$0.96+Shipping=$1.97)
Info: J. Michael Straczynski joins forces with rising star artist Shane Davis to create this original graphic novel that gives new insight into Clark Kent’s transformation into Superman and his first year as The Man of Steel. This is the first in a new wave of original DC Universe graphic novels, featuring top writers’ and illustrators’ unique takes on DC characters. DC’s answer to the Ultimate Marvel Universe, I haven’t read this but a bunch of you guys has, with a couple of mixed reviews. Here is my two cents. Whether you hate or love what Marvel has done with the Ultimate universe, you have to agree Superman needs a do-over. Right now he is getting really dull and boring. We need a younger Supes for this generation. JMS has done a good job on Thor and other heroes, and this is no different. The art looks mesmerizing. I think Anil Rickly/Earzmundo has said it best:
Locke & Key:Welcome to Lovecraft,Price:$15.99(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them.... and home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all...! If you haven’t read this book, you should before the TV series get’s out. This is such a delightful book, I originally got this in digital comic format then upgraded to the TPB. The art is good but the writing is fantastic. What can you expect from Stephen King’s son. From the first few pages it will get you hooked.
Super Pro K.O,Price:$9.69(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Joe Somiano is late to his first match in Super Pro K.O.!, and has no clue what awaits him in the rowdy ring! A seasoned sumo wrestler, a jolly luchador, a flambouyant tag team, suspicious executives, and a drunken Heavyweight Champion all stand between him and the superstardom that is his destiny. If the huge egos, clothesline take-downs, and broken chairs across the head don't squash Joe's dreams, he may just come out on top. But if he's going to take home the champion's belt, he'll need to bring his best moves against the likes of S.P.K.O.! stars Tomahawk Slamson, Yoko No-No, Mr. Awesomeness 2, and many more in this grand slamma jamma event of a graphic novel. I saw this at the NYCC and it instantly drew me in with the flash cover art. I flipped through it and fell in love with it. It’s so weird and funny it reminds me of Ultimate Muscle. How can go wrong with wrestlers named Yoko No-No, and Mr. Awesomeness 2.
Info: CIVIL WAR? Nothing. KICK-ASS? A warmup. What if the smartest, toughest costumed bad ass in the world was totally evil? Meet Nemesis. He's systematically been destroying the lives of every police chief in Asia, and he's now set his sights on Washington, DC. Between you and me, the police don't have a chance. Do not miss the book that EVERYONE will be talking about by the creative team that made CIVIL WAR the biggest book of the decade. As of writing this is a pre-order. Get this before the movie builds up. I heard that the comic starts slow bet eventually get’s to be the total badass it claims to be. What can you expect from the book whose caption is : “What if Batman was the Joker ?”.
Chew:Omnivore Edition,Price:$23.92(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective - as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit and why. He's been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest and most bizarre cases. This gorgeous, oversized edition loaded with extras follows Tony for the first ten issues of's pick for "Best Indie Series of 2009," and MTV Splash Page's "Best New Series of 2009." Collects the New York Times' best seller "Taster's Choice," as well as the follow-up story-arc "International Flavor. I had this in last years in since then the had two new volumes, So to keep you up with this awesome series get the omnivore edition. This
X'ed Out,Price:$13.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
Info: From the creator of Black Hole: the first volume of an epic masterpiece of graphic fiction in brilliant color. Doug is having a strange night. A weird buzzing noise on the other side of the wall has woken him up, and there, across the room, next to a huge hole torn out of the bricks, sits his beloved cat, Inky. Who died years ago. But who’s nonetheless slinking out through the hole, beckoning Doug to follow. What’s going on? To say any more would spoil the freaky, Burnsian fun, especially because X’ed Out, unlike Black Hole, has not been previously serialized, and every unnervingly meticulous panel will be more tantalizing than the last . . . Drawing inspiration from such diverse influences as Hergé and William Burroughs, Charles Burns has given us a dazzling spectral fever-dream—and a comic-book masterpiece. Inspired by Tin Tin this weird take on the Shooting Star is a werd but awesome at the same time. The art is amazing, and psychedelic. And if you feel nostalgic get the original for comparison……..
Tin Tin:The Shooting Star,Price:$8.49(No Tax+Free Shipping)
And Last,but not Least......
The Nike Dunk SE DeLorean,Price:$90.00(SOLD OUT;at this time of writing)
Info: Sadly at time of writing these epic dunks are soldout. But hopefully they restock these awesome dunks in honor of the Back to the Future 25th anniversary.
Journeys Exclusive DC Comics Converse,Price:$54.99
Info:Journeys have some wicked cool Converse’s. They have a bunch of DC themed chucks such as a Joker one, Legion of Doom, and a GL one pictured above, and many more.
Clothing from Mighty Fine,Price:Ranging around $25.00
Info: Yes, that is indeed Dr. Doom riding a unicorn. Mighty Fine has always had an awesome collection of geek clothing, with their own retro/comedic take on it. They have a Rocking Dead shirt in the style of the Walking Dead, a bunch of Scott P shirts, and many other shirts. Check it Out DUDE !
Clothing from Tokidoki,Price:Ranging Around $28.00
Info: Toki Doki has some “cute” and awesome Marvel shirts. Their theme of Americanism is funny when established with these characters. You got Cap waitering for a diner. They have a bunch of cool hoodies, shirts, and hats.
Clothing from Johnny Cupcakes,Price:Ranging from $24.99 to $35.99
Info: Johnny Cupcakes has a awesome catalog of clothing for the more college themed crowd and food loving crowd. They have a bunch of cool variations of their mascot as well as some designs for Looney Tunes and some other cool shirts. You could also get a special box for free for selected customers in the shape of a bakery box and possibly a actual cupcake.
Marvel Headphones,Price:$39.99
Info: They have a bunch of headphones for a bunch of charecters. I heard that they don’t sound bad either. They are a bit pricy but they totaltly look worth it. They have a Iron Man one, a X-Men one, Hulk, Punisher, and more.
DC Comic Hoodies,Price:$39.99
Info: These Hoodies are so cool. They’re Not your typical symbol/logo hoodie. But they also include the character’s face on the side of the hood. They so far have Supes, Bats, and the Joker.
Clothing from Threadless,Price:Ranging from $5 to $50
Info: I truly LOVE this site. They have an amazing collection and all for a low price. I guarantee that you will fall in love with this site also. They have a bunch of artistic shirts and a load of geeky shirts (Dharma Ghostbusters anyone ?).
Clothing from Split Reason,Price:Ranging from $5 to $18.95
Info: Split Reason provides some awesome geek wear. Not just of the on pictured above but of such works as : Mario as a western, Egyptians pictured in street fighter form, and a T-Shirt comparing Xeno-Morphs to Zombies.
Clothing/Art Prints from Mis Nopales Art,Price:Ranging from $10 to $17
Info: Mis nopales provides an awe-inspiring art, where he infuse classic Mexican art with Star Wars. There’s some art prints also of Chewie, Han and Leia, and plenty of storm troopers.
Clothing from Candy Pulse,Price:Ranging from £4.50 to £17.49
Info: They have some cool quirky and retro clothing. Including some messed up Mickey shirts, and plenty of Star Wars shirts. These are some awesome shirts but I don’t know if this will be more expensive for people in the States since it’s in pounds. BEWARE !
Oh, and I’ll Love to hear what you suggest to get for the holidays.