SuperHeroStuff.Com has been celebrating the Avengers premier for the past couple weeks. Now we are basking in the glow of the epic movie that everyone is 'still' talking about. While we're basking a couple more exciting events have happened. One such event is the reason this website was created,Free Comic Book Day.
May 5th was Free Comic Book Day across the country and a day we look forward to all year. OK...We're a couple days late, but we'll be celebrating FCBD all week.
FCBD is celebrated every year on the first Saturday in May. This is a national promotional effort to raise the awareness of comic books and the comic book genre. This wonderful tradition began in May of 2002 with the release of the first Spiderman movie. As the years have passed it seems that a major premier of a big-screen comicbook adaptation will coincide with FCBD.
So this year FCBD seems to coincide with, um, what's the name of that movie? Oh, yeah, Avengers. Can you believe that we have MORE new Avengers stuff? No, really, it's true. Check out these shirts!
We have FCBD, Avengers, and lets add May 4th (also past, we know)to the trifecta. I know you already know what the significance of May 4th is(besides the Avengers premier), but for those of you that are wondering it was National Star Wars Day. I'll let our community board tell you why May 4th. I hope you don't have to ask (for your sake).
Is FCBD and the Avengers premier and Star Wars Day all happening this close together a coincidence? SuperHeroStuff.Com doesn’t think so and they are here to share the love.
All week, beginning May 4th, SuperHeroStuff.Com will be giving away a free comic book with every order, huge discounts on Star Wars apparel/merchandise, and offering the coolest collection of Avengers/Marvel stuff on the internet.