COSPLAY: Mariedoll As Donna Troy, Musubi (Sekirei) & Sorceress (Dragon's Crown)
Photographer Isidro Urena snapped some great images of the always lovely, Texan cosplayer Mariedoll dressed as Donna Troy, Musubi from Sekirei and Sorceress from Dragon's Crown.
DC Comics - Donna Troy
Cosplayer: Mariedoll * Photographer: Isidro Urena
Sekirei - Musubi
Cosplayer: Mariedoll * Photographer: Isidro Urena
Dragon's Crown - Sorceress
Cosplayer: Mariedoll * Photographer: Isidro Urena........................................................................

While the Sorceress does have some offensive spells, they are not as strong as the Wizard's. Her skills lie in her ability to support others, summoning armies of undead minons by re-animating the corpses of fallen foes. The Sorceress is good for building up a small army, as well having the ability to conjure delicious food, shielding the entire group, freezing the enemies and is the only character who's MP slowly regenerates over time. In addition, she can also turn her foes into harmless frogs or into stone. She is a great asset for a successful group, especially in Infernal mode. The Sorceress' weakness is her physical defense which is the lowest of all the characters. In duels, the Sorceress can be put down very easily if you can get to her without her magic shield up. She still can freeze, stun, snare, frog, pretrify, paralyze, burn, and summon up to 4 skeletons which makes her one of the most versatile heroes of the game. - dragons-crown.wikia