Last night, NBC aired the season premieres of hit comedies such as 30 Rock, The Office, and Community. At the beginning of the first episode of season 2 of Community, we see all of the main characters wake up for the first day of school. And guess what superhero pajamas Donald glover woke up in of the first day of classes: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Take a look at the pic below to see for yourself.

When I first saw this last night when I watched the episode, I thought this was hilarious. I am sure that most of the users on this site know that Donald Glover had been campaigning over the Summer for the chance to audition for the beloved role that is Peter Parker. This was of course before actor Andrew Garfield was casted for the reboot on July 1st of this year. I personally think that Donald Glover would not be a bad choice for Peter Parker, despite the whole "race issue" that comicbook fans always have. I also think that even though Andrew Garfield will be great in the role, he is too old to be a high school Spidey.
So, there you have it. Do you guys think Donald Glover would be a good Peter Parker? Also, how what are your feelings on the reference to the heavily talked about casting for the Spider-Man reboot?
Post your thoughts in the comments and thanks for reading.