In IM2 Nick Fury mentioned to Tony that he knew his father Howard Stark very well. Fury also shared a great deal of info regarding things Howard was working on also his dealing with the Vanko family. Before Fury departed for a mysterious 2 o’clock appointment he left Tony with a chest of things Howard wanted to pass on to him.
(*SPOILER* for those who hasn’t seen Captain America).
Near the end of Cap we see Howard Stark in a boat with a crew seemingly searching for Cap. During his expedition he locates the Cosmic Cube. We had a hint in IM2 that Howard either did research of the “Tesseract” or had it in his possession, for there were schematics and notes about the cube in the chest he left for Tony.

We know Howard along with Vanko created the arc reactor tech Tony uses to power his suits. It seems Howard never fully got the chance to use the Arc reactor tech at the tech’s full potential. Fury tells Tony his father was on to something huge that would over throw the arms race. Fury didn’t appear in Captain America as a part of SSR during WW2 (which is believed to be an early version of Shield). So when did Fury meet Howard? It had to be years later (someone correct me maybe sometime in the 60’s or 70’s?) during the time Howard got Vanko deported about the Arc reactor. Fury would be old enough in this time frame to have been around during the Cuban Missile Crisis or Vietnam in the 70’s. This explains why Fury knew so much about the situation but wasn’t around during SSR days. Howard knew something bad was going to happen for him to leave Tony with clues and Fury made sure tony was aware when the time was right. Mentioned by a few intelligent CMB members the Cube’s power that Arim Zola and Red Skull used to power Hydra vehicles and weapons look and sound extremely similar to Ironman’s repulsor beams!
Is the Arc reactor really Cosmic Cube power!??
We know the Red Skull found out late what the cube could really do, by that time he was warped to a different realm. He and Zola never got the full potential out of the cube. It seems Howard was having trouble tapping the cubes full potential as well only getting the Arc reactor out of it and leaving clues for Tony to figure out.
There are lots of pieces to this puzzle that is missing but it seems the closer we get to Avengers the picture gets a little more visible. Captain America’s film answered some questions but still leaves us to use pure logic to figure out the answers connecting dots from other build up films.
Ok all my bright peers! Sound off!!