POLL: 2011 ComicBookMovie User Awards!

POLL: 2011 ComicBookMovie User Awards!

Now that the finalists are in let the voting begin.

Feature Opinion
By SillySteve181191 - Aug 08, 2011 10:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

Thats it guys, voting is over

we are back. Last week I asked you to name your favorite users in several categories after reading through the comments and looking at some lovely boob pics, we have the Finalists.

The Winners of each category will be reveald August 16th

Now then lets get to the voting so we can name are winners. Good luck to all.

Thats it from me. Lets get to the voting and as always you stay classy CBM.

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95 - 8/8/2011, 10:35 PM
If Master Debater means Bigot, then Intruder :P
Choppaholic26 - 8/8/2011, 11:13 PM
I picked widow since i've seen her around here the longest.

And that picture one was no contest. Of course tea!
BooYah - 8/8/2011, 11:21 PM
Best Avatar: Grif
Best User Name: Stubbz
Best Artist: SpideyDude
Best Critic: PollMaster
Best Poll Creator: Hawkblueyes
Best Commentator: Teabag
Master-Debater: LEEE777
Favorite Troll: Intruder
Best Fan-Fic Writer: JazzyWazzy
Best Fan Caster: DDD
Best Editorial Contributor: Thorverine
Best News Article Contributor: Josh Wilding
Best First Year Member: PaulRom
The Best CBM Editor: RorMachine
Most CBM.com Addicted Member: Gusto
Most likely To Post A Picture: Teabag
Miss CBM: BoosterGirl
Phew! Hopefully I get in some of these next year. :D
Supes17 - 8/8/2011, 11:26 PM
I think Gaston should have been in the running for best avatar
bigshow2312 - 8/9/2011, 12:36 AM

I cant believe my brother and I are up there (jacobcitybros)!

SpideyDude - 8/9/2011, 3:17 AM
thought id post a link to my super hero art...

SpideyDude - 8/9/2011, 3:19 AM
pssssh and not being up for best 1st year member?
marvelguy - 8/9/2011, 7:36 AM
So few choices? Did I miss the preliminary round?
nuck82 - 8/9/2011, 7:50 AM
DaenerysTargaryen - 8/9/2011, 8:23 AM
Best Avatar: Gif
Best username: teabag
Best artist: IDK I barely check out the fan fic section :P
Best critic: Josh
Best poll creater: Pollmaker
Best commentator: Teabag
Best debator: Uhh...IDk...intruder I guess
Best troll: Grif
Best fan fic writer: IDK as I said before I barely check out the fan fic section :P
Best fan caster: Same as my response to fan fic writer :P
Best editorial contributer: IDK I can't decide :P
Best news article contibuter: Josh
Best 1st year member: Paulrom
Best CBM editor: Josh
Most CBM obsessed: gusto
Most likely to post a pic: Teabag
Miss CBM: Me....obviously
marvel72 - 8/9/2011, 8:58 AM
taboo13 is miss cbm if you ask me.
RunDTC - 8/9/2011, 10:51 AM
@SillySteve181191: this was a really good idea. you should make this an annual thing.
ThaMessenger07 - 8/9/2011, 12:20 PM
I voted for GDSGUY but it's all out of love lol
THEHAWK - 8/9/2011, 6:46 PM
I know its not a written fan fic, but here are my abridged series to help people to decide whether or not to vote for me

ROMACK - 8/10/2011, 6:30 AM
Sweet Tea!
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