After reading the articles from betty and the durkin knight about fanboyism I got to thinking what makes a fan boy separate from a regular fan. Then it hit me . The point where you look at yourself and go wow, I am really that excited about something so simple as a movie or a comic book. Now before people freak out, I am not being negative in the least. I know for a fact that I am a fanboy. I have been since I was six when I asked my dad to go look for Gambit because he lived in New Orleans.
Now I know for a fact that I am very much a fanboy. It took a little while but I figured it out. I have always been a fan of "Star Wars" and I have all six movies and about tweleve toy lightsabers to prove this point. So I know for a fact, I am a fanboy to "Star Wars" but for comics it took a little longer. I have about 150 comic books and "Watchmen" (which I got before the movie came out to be prepared). But I also have all graphic novel or comic book movies made except for like a few. And I have various superhero or comic book video games. Though with all that, it took me until 2008 when "The Dark Knight" came out and I talked my little brother in to dress up with me for the permiere, which we did opening night. When I walked in being the only one besides my little bro to be in costume, it hit me. Seeing 200 plus people split like the red sea and clap with thunderous applause to see me and my 16 year old brother dressed as The Joker and Two-Face. That second was when it hit me I am a fanboy and I am proud of it. I look forward to molding my son (when he gets here) into a fanboy just like me.
Now I have a question to you guys here at CBM and to you readers: what makes you say to yourself I am a fanboy? What gives you that extra kick when you see a comic, graphic novel, video game, or movie that makes you go I can't wait I want to dress up or see this in all it's capacity?
Thanks T.J. aka Dogchasingcars