TheJokerBlogs is a fan-made web series based on Nolan's Joker. The series is set after the Joker is taken to the Asylum and begins therapy sessions with a Dr.Harleen Quinzel. The series spans 19 episodes and was developed by Scott McClure and Andrew DeVary. They are now returning for Series II, a mine-series and to wish everyone Happy Holidays.
P.S. The gift is a complete series download/DVD and more but only if you donate to help fund the new series which will have a budget whereas the last one did not. Here's the link for your present
So essentially they want to give to you but only if you give to them so then they can in return make an amazing Series II. Personally I find it a little sketchy just because you don't know if all your money is going the production or if they are profiting from it which they can't because of copyright issues. However I believe that they wouldn't do that because I have nothing but respect for their work and I'm most definitely going to donate because I've been waiting so long for this DVD. Also here's a look at the new mini-series as well as the remade version of the pilot.