There have been so many great performances in CMB's that I decided to hand pick my ten favorites. Enjoy!
Chris Hemsworth as THOR:
There are so many great performances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Thor is no exception.
Thomas Jane and Ray Stevenson as THE PUNISHER:
While their movies aren't as good as their performances, save The Punisher: Dirty Laundry and the fact that they're still guilty pleasures, these actors bring great acting to the role of The Punisher.
Jackie Earl Haley as RORSCHACH:
Amazing character, amazing actor.
Alfred Molina as DR OCTOPUS:
Definitely not the comics incarnation, but forgivable due to Molina's fantastic portrayal.
NUMBER 10: Karl Urban as JUDGE DREDD
Filmography: Dredd (2012)
Easily one of the most underrated comic book films of all time, Urban is intimidating, bad-@$$ and convincing as Joseph Dredd.
NUMBER 9: Cillian Murphy as THE SCARECROW
Filmography: The Dark Knight Trilogy
A favorite of mine from 28 Days Later, Murphy's was one of the many great performances of The Dark Knight Trilogy. Christopher Nolan can really bring out the best in his actors.
Filmography: The Spiderman Trilogy and the Ultimate Spiderman animated series
Simmons' portrayal of Jameson was SPOT ON! If Marc Webb plans on using the character in the Amazing Spiderman films, he'd be making a terrible mistake not to bring back Simmons.
NUMBER 7: Aaron Eckhart as TWO-FACE
Filmography: The Dark Knight
It's amazing how convincingly Eckhart played both a hero and a villain in the same movie.
NUMBER 6: Christopher Reeve as SUPERMAN
Filmography: Superman: The Movie, Superman II, Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, Superman III, Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
The defining Superman for an entire generation, Reeve perfectly portrayed the blue boy scout and the ideals he stands for. I love how pitch perfect Reeve's Superman was as a person.
NUMBER 5: Tom Hiddleston as LOKI
Filmography: Thor, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World
Easily the greatest villain within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hope to see him in the sequel to Thor: The Dark World.
NUMBER 4: Christian Bale as THE BATMAN
Filmography: The Dark Knight Trilogy
That godawful voice aside, Bale is our best onscreen Batman yet, though I hope to see a more comics accurate version in Batman Vs Superman.
NUMBER 3: Robert Downy Jr as IRON MAN
His amazing performance not only turned public perception of him around, but also a C-list superhero into an A-list household name. The first Iron Man film continues to be my favorite Marvel Studios film.
NUMBER 2: Jack Nicholson as THE JOKER
Filmography: Batman (1989)
The twisted comedy Nicholson brought to the Joker worked beautifully in Tim Burton's gritty universe.
NUMBER 1: Heath Ledger as THE JOKER
Filmography: The Dark Knight
Was it going to be anyone else? Surpassing Nicholson by a little bit, there is nothing I can say about Ledger's performance that hasn't already been said.
Thoughts? Let me know what you think below.