VOLTRON 84 Classic Legendary Lions Set From Playmates Toys Unboxing Video

VOLTRON 84 Classic Legendary Lions Set From Playmates Toys Unboxing Video

Playmates has sent us over five awesome new figures to unbox from their highly-anticipated upcoming Voltron 84 Classic Legendary Lions collection. Check out our latest un-boxing video after the jump...

By TaylorBeames - Jan 29, 2018 03:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Other
Our friend from Playmates Toys sent us some new goodies to unbox. Below you'll get a first look at the brand new legendary lion set that contains the original five lions from the classic 1984 cartoon, Voltron.

The five lions and their pilots Keith, Allura, Pidge, Hunk, and Lance combine to form the defender of the universe! Check out the video of the five figures below and let us know what you think!

What did you think the unboxing? Sound off in the comments area below!
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ChangAlang - 1/29/2018, 3:50 PM
Damn this takes me WAY back....

I was envious (jealous) of my friend when I saw he had original toy Megatron as a pistol.
RocknRolla - 1/29/2018, 4:02 PM
@ChangAlang - this is shit. Mine was lead paint metal
ChangAlang - 1/29/2018, 4:04 PM
ChangAlang - 1/29/2018, 4:06 PM
@RocknRolla - Hahaha.. good ol’ lead painted die-cast🤤
TomSolo - 1/29/2018, 8:57 PM
@RocknRolla - AND it was metal. The thing weighed like 40 lbs!

Now they can’t even bother to make the metal parts chrome-looking? Just shit-grey. Talk about a half-assed effort. These look like garbage.
Buckster10 - 1/29/2018, 3:59 PM
The original was die-cast and awesome. This looks like cheap plastic
Pathogen - 1/29/2018, 4:21 PM
I can do a video of me slowly un-boxer-ing to Ginuwine's sultry classic, "Pony"
HeavyMetal4Life - 1/29/2018, 4:37 PM
"Playmates" Toys ;-)
NathanielExxex - 1/29/2018, 4:52 PM
I have an original die cast with all accessories in the box....waiting to unload it for my retirement.
NathanielExxex - 1/29/2018, 4:53 PM
This is some cheap swap meet looking crap. Why go through all the hype just to release a cheap plastic version. Should have just re-released the original die cast and charge a kidney for it.
TomSolo - 1/29/2018, 8:59 PM
@NathanielExxex - I bet it would have sold more than this one. If I was a collector, I would be embarrassed to have this shitty version on my shelf.

What a cheap money-grab.
NathanielExxex - 1/30/2018, 3:04 PM
@TomSolo - Exactly...this looks like some cheap toy you could get in a happy meal.
lntrn8 - 1/29/2018, 5:11 PM
everyone who's anyone knows that the Playmates and Matchbox version of Voltron are pure crap. If you can find the "Lionbot" version, which was the direct from Asia knockoff that was only sold in Asian stores . . . that version had a full array of weapons including FULLY SPRING LOADED MISSILES . . . defying the wussy US safety standards.

The Lionbot rockets could fire clear across the room and MOVE toy targets!
Raptor2442 - 1/29/2018, 6:06 PM
@lntrn8 - I got in trouble shooting my Raiden spiked fist around and got that toy confiscated haha.
Minghagz - 1/29/2018, 6:45 PM
This is just a knock off. I still have my original die cast Voltron. Maybe not in the best condition but still miles better than this crap.
HellBoyzBetter - 1/29/2018, 11:00 PM
These aren't even remotely like the originals
smoke317 - 1/30/2018, 6:08 AM
@HellBoyzBetter - My favorite toy growing up... I can still see myself playing with it and role playing a giant Ro-beast throwing an attack (ankle weight) at Voltron. Direct hit... Broke the black lions leg and I could no longer form Voltron. Still hurts my heart. 😢
Dedpool - 1/30/2018, 6:14 AM
I had one again in College! I may have to get this! But I may just get the 20th anniversary one!
NathanielExxex - 1/30/2018, 3:06 PM
I still have the motorized OG Black Lion in it's box. Another of my retirement unloads.
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