Why the World War between Marvel and DC fanboys needs to stop

Why the World War between Marvel and DC fanboys needs to stop

Something that is ComicBookMovie.com users expect with every article written on this site is a war in the comments section between those who like Marvel and those who like DC. It is my goal through this article to try and get these flame wars to stop.

Editorial Opinion
By CapitanAmerika2 - Sep 04, 2013 02:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Other
Source: ComicBookMovie.com

One of the biggest phenomenon that takes place on this website, besides the reporting of news about upcoming Comic Book Movies, is that in the comments section of every article this website a war is waged between DC and Marvel fans no matter what is being discussed. It is something that is actually expected by other ComicBookMovie.com users who don't get involved in the wars themselves. I was reading Josh Wilding's article titled "The AVEN-Who?! Why a Justice League film will outshine Earth's Mightiest," and the first comment made in the comments section after the article was made by CBM.com user JoeMomma29 saying, "Let the flame wars begin!" That is when I decided enough is enough. I personally think these flame wars are stupid and a waste of my time. It is my goal through to try to, "end this war by five years and save millions," as Leonard from Big Bang Theory says, by showing petty this war really is, and why I think both DC and Marvel are great. Now just so know everyone knows my reasoning for thinking both companies are great come from my experiences as a Comic Book nerd.

1. Marvel and DC both have great characters:

For the last couple of years now I have leaned closer to Marvel because Captain America has increasingly become my favorite superhero thanks to movies like Captain America: The First Avenger and the Avengers, TV shows like Avengers Assemble and the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and comics like Captain America: First Vengeance and Captain America: Operation Rebirth. However, I would never have gotten into comics if it had not been for Batman and Superman whose animated series I watched from the beginning thus leading me to but their comics. As I dove deeper into I began to get into other characters from both universes like Spiderman, Daredevil, Green Lantern, X-men, and of course Captain America and the Avengers. And even today I won't hesitate to buy an Avengers comic while at the same time buying a Batman, Justice League, or Spiderman comic because those are characters I think are great.

2. They both have great storylines:

One of the things that I've been doing with comics lately is not reading individual issues but reading the complete storylines that Marvel and DC have produced. From Marvel my favorite storylines include Captain America: Winter Soldier, the Infinity Gauntlet storyline from the 1970s, Iron Man: Haunted, and Civil War among others. I also have read multiple DC storylines and I would have to say my all-time favorites would be Knightfall, the Death of Superman, Batman: Under the Hood, and the new 52 Justice League origin. And I'm sure that I will read storylines from both companies in the future.

3. They both have great movies:

With a few exceptions I pretty much have seen pretty much every Comic Book Movie to come out in theaters from the first Spiderman movie in 2002 to the present day, as well as a few movies on video from before. All of the movies I have watched have come from both Marvel and DC, and the only reason I've watched more Marvel movies than DC is because Marvel has made more movies. However, even though I have been deeply captivated with the gloriousness of the Marvel Cinematic Universe; I will not hesitate to say that the Dark Knight Trilogy is my favorite Batman movie series of all time, I thought Man of Steel was superb, and I am just as excited for Superman/Batman as I am for Avengers: Age of Ultron.

4. Even executives from the companies themselves think this war is unnecessary.

Shortly before the release of Iron Man 3 Marvel executive Kevin Feige addressed you individuals who continue to carry on this war: "Here's what I'll tell them...Man of Steel looks awesome. It's a great trailer. I can't wait to see the movie. It looks great. And as I've always said, if they are all good, the more the merrier. It's a bad thing for us when one of them is not well received. If we have a good movie and they have a good movie, it only helps us. So let's all calm down." In essence what I'm trying to say by quoting Feige is that the people involved at DC or Marvel who bring you the fans the movies, comics, and games you enjoy are not at each other's throats, and probably never will be. This is just a war between you fans that is entirely illegitimate, immature, and stupid; and it needs to stop so common sense can come back to this site.

5. The character from both companies would not fight over which universe they thought was better.

Beginning in earnest in 1994 with a couple of exceptions the Marvel and DC companies began to do intercompany crossovers where a hero from DC would fight or team up with heroes from Marvel. Some examples of this include Batman's fight with Hulk, Superman fighting Spiderman, Batman teaming up with the likes of Spiderman, Punisher, Daredevil, and Captain America. Then in 1996 the climax took place where DC heroes and villains fought Marvel heroes and villains. However, this fight was not because Batman though his universe was better than Cap's, or Hulk thought his universe was better than Superman's. In fact they were fighting because two brothers representing the two universes became aware of each other and challenged the other with the loser's universe being destroyed. All the heroes were fighting for is to save their respective universes. In the end, however, both universes are saved and it is shown that the characters from both universes respected each other not hated each other. So if the characters from DC and Marvel can respect each other why can't you fanboys or fangirls, who have battle lines drawn do the same?

I hope this article helps end the bloody battles that have taken place over this website. And if not well then anyone who participates in the battles has lost all of my respect.

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NovaCorpsFan - 9/4/2013, 2:16 PM
A noble, yet pointless cause.

Put this in editorials.
80sFace - 9/4/2013, 2:25 PM
Are you an ex-beauty queen? Do you also hope for world peace? An end to hunger? Potato powered cars? Everlasting life?
LEVITIKUZ - 9/4/2013, 2:30 PM
I agree.

But with great movies you should have another for both have shit movies.

I love both sides but prefer DC a bit more.
MrCBM56 - 9/4/2013, 2:47 PM
Great article.
GranGoose - 9/4/2013, 2:51 PM
I like both DC (the most) and Marvel but wars are pointless but still occur and this DC vs Marvel is harmless and entetaining to watch.
sameoldthing - 9/4/2013, 2:53 PM
The war will never end.

It's silly because I enjoy both companies characters but this battle has raged on because they are competitors.

Both DC & Marvel even take jabs at one another & it's cool as long as its all in fun.
As soon as people say hateful & damaging things it becomes nonsense.

Bearjew - 9/4/2013, 3:02 PM
Dude I want AIDs to not exist but that doesn't mean it's happen.
TelaVizion - 9/4/2013, 3:09 PM
It'll never stop... It's a part of human nature.

Havenless - 9/4/2013, 3:24 PM
NEED is a strong word. You have not convinced me with any of your points that it NEEDs to stop. NEED implies serious repercussions. Both companies will be just fine if it continues.
TheYoungMan - 9/4/2013, 3:53 PM
Lhornbk - 9/4/2013, 5:42 PM
Quite frankly, this was the best article I've read on here, probably ever. To all you who are dissing it, I'm pretty sure he realized that his cause was hopeless (just as I realize that my efforts to stop fanboy whining are equally hopeless), but quite frankly, sometimes brats need to be told that they are brats, even if it doesn't get them to change their ways.
CapitanAmerika2 - 9/4/2013, 5:44 PM
@NovaCorpsFan: I labeled the article as an editorial but those in charge of CBM.com put it on the other news page. Maybe if enough people thumbs up the article it will become an editorial.

@80sFace: I'm a dude
CapitanAmerika2 - 9/4/2013, 5:45 PM
@Lhornbk: Thank you.
marvel72 - 9/4/2013, 6:08 PM
the war will never end,its a rivalry that will go on until there is no more dc & marvel comics.it may happen one day,i hope not but that is when the war will end.

i personally like comics & movies from both companies,i sway more marvel but that is my choice.

the x-men is the reason i got into comics,so i always be a marvel fan first.
Jayzarro - 9/4/2013, 6:58 PM
My age group it breaks down to Batman animated series or X-Men cartoons in the 90's. In 15 years they'll be people base there opinion on that rather it video games, movies, or cartoon. Plus I don't hate the other side just like busting their chops.
Visualiza - 9/4/2013, 11:20 PM
It won't stop when we continue to have the likes of Josh Wilding posting ignorant flamebait on the front page.

Like it or not, this site thrives on irrational fanboys. Most of the decent folks either don't post much, just come here for the...ahem...'news', or have moved on to other sources.
marvelstudios - 9/5/2013, 6:29 AM
Why can't people enjoy both. I love the MCU and I can't wait for the DCCU to be expanded.

However, I'm one of those guys who won't give a shiit about Marvel movies/tv that aren't in the MCU and DC movies/tv that aren't in the DCCU.

superpower76 - 9/6/2013, 10:14 PM
Well. This issue really runs much deeper than "marvel vs. DC". This really comes down to individuals that are intolerant of anything they find different.

You could sit here and find a thousand reasons that would make a bystander see the light but one with a passionate stake in a particular character(s) and or company you will hit a block no matter how solid your logic is. These passionate types tend to have the blinders on because the "know" who's better and will defend it like bear defending its cubs. Do the arguments make logical since? Not necessarily but keep in mind you can't provide proof to justify a subjective preference.

There could technically be a flame war between two fans of the same character about said characters best attribute. Perhaps having a common interest for a character forms a mutual respect that allows for the differing opinion to coexist.

This isn't even mentioning the droves of people who enjoy causing trouble. That's another story.

All in all I believe the stems from our experience from birth. We are essentially crammed with information until it sticks from birth. This cramming processes goes as far as to cause pain when this information doesn't stick.

The fanboy does not distinguish his/her subjective opinion from any other type of information that can be crammed until finally retained and understood. Ultimately this causes the flame war.

Yeah. Too big of a topic for such a minor topic. Try to see the comedy in people's insanity.

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