Will Marvel, DC Stand Down or Hold Their Ground in 2016?

Will Marvel, DC Stand Down or Hold Their Ground in 2016?

DC and Marvel plan to release their next big summer blockbusters; will one side change their minds?

Editorial Opinion
By KevinJ42 - Mar 14, 2014 12:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Other
Source: www.hollywoodreporter.com

As I’m sure you’ve already heard, in Summer of 2016 DC and Marvel plan to go toe-to-toe at the box office on the same weekend. Marvel has a third, unnamed Captain America film in the works; DC has the much-anticipated “Batman v. Superman” (Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill), the sequel to last summer’s mega-hit “Man of Steel” (Henry Cavill). What happens at the box office will, in large part, be determined by (A) whether or not one side decides to budge and change their release date, and (B) if they don’t, whether or not fans decide to go and see only one movie or the other.

Whether Marvel or DC decide to change their release date for their respective movie may very well be a simple matter of time. It’s highly unusual for two superhero movies to be released in the same weekend. Both studios probably are going to figure out, if they haven’t already, that this would impact their ticket sales. The pressure of the “who blinks first” scenario may cause one studio to back down and move their date. On the other hand, the press that the simple announcement of the date has stirred up already at this point may be exactly what they both want; as the old saying goes, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” If the world is focused on these two studios, then they’ll both benefit big-time when the fans and the news media start to compare the two films against each other. You can’t tell if the hype was justified until after you’ve paid to see the movie, so if they stay the course and people decide to see both, DC and Marvel are going to have one incredible payday two years from now.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Captain America: The First Avenger” earned $371 million in ticket sales worldwide when it was released, as compared to $668 million for the first Superman film, “Man of Steel,” which was released in the summer of last year.

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” releases on April 4, 2014, with Chris Evans returning for the main role. This movie will be a good gauge for the success of the third installment in the “Captain America” trilogy. If the film does well on its release date, which it more than likely will, Marvel and DC may very well be in for the longest heroic stare-down we’ve ever seen.

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CherryBomb - 3/14/2014, 3:16 AM
Marvel are getting way too cocky right now. Sure they've earned the right to be smug, they're doing fantastic but they're underestimating DC/WB.

Putting Iron Man or Avengers against Batman/Superman fair enough, but unfortunately Captain America isn't a big enough property to successfully go against a film like Bat/Super, with two of the most iconic superheroes in history as well as one of the most talked about movies of recent.
Pasto - 3/14/2014, 5:23 AM
Welcome to CBM.com Kevy, keep your opinions to yourself.
Pasto - 3/14/2014, 5:25 AM
"DC and Marvel plan for the exact same date to release their next big summer blockbusters; will one side change their minds?"

I don't know if you have heard, but DC changed it's date.

CherryBomb - 3/14/2014, 6:41 AM

What? They have!? When!?! Where did you find this info!?! I must know!!
Pasto - 3/14/2014, 7:16 AM
You don't read the main page much, do you....

"Marvel: 1, DC: 0? New Report Claims That WB Are Moving BATMAN VS SUPERMAN To April"

From the title alone, guess who wrote the article...
Pasto - 3/14/2014, 7:28 AM
This is an editorial by the way. Not a feature. And, chances are more people will see it in the editorial section. The features section on this site is a ghost-town. Thats why I cringe when I have to put an article in the features section. You'll get 2, maybe 3 people to come and see your article.

And about the topic, I'd never say this on a main-page thread because I'd start a huge ass fire, but Marvel is lucky that WB moved the date of the film. If they stayed, they would've made Marvel beg for mercy.
Pasto - 3/14/2014, 7:37 AM
Let me tell you what sections blow ass on this site:
Reviews (To some extent)
And Scoops

Unless you are a power user (Those guys can make their articles go to main with the click of a button), try your damnedest to NOT use those sections.
kinghulk - 3/14/2014, 7:55 AM
cherrybomb- id like to point out that marvel announced that date for a film before BVS was pushed back so if anything Dc are being cocky. or both could just be doing this for the publicity which i think they are.
GizmoEl - 3/14/2014, 7:58 AM
I think it was definitely in poor taste for DC to push back their movie and place it on a weekend a Marvel movie is opening. Sure Batman/Superman are more popular, but it's already Marvel's weekend. I'm glad Marvel has no plans on changing the date, they have absolutely no reason to. WB/DC needs to change their date so that both movies don't take money away from each other.
Lhornbk - 3/14/2014, 7:58 AM
Ok, both the report about Capt. America 3 being the untitled movie that Marvel will release in May 2016, and the report from Brazil of all places that WB is moving it's date, are still just rumors. Neither has actually been confirmed by their respective studios (no, the Hollywood Reporter does NOT count as confirmation, they reported last summer that WB would announce a Flash film for 2016 at comic-con, which didn't happen.) So until we hear from the actual studios, don't get so worked up by this.
GizmoEl - 3/14/2014, 8:04 AM
Well, the Cap3 rumor is believable. Aren't the Russo bros aiming to shoot it in 2015? Films are generally released within a year of shooting (except BvS which will take about a year and a half). I think Cap3 is a safe bet but we'll see.
QuestionDAnswer - 3/14/2014, 8:06 AM
Move b!tch, get out the way Marvel. The Trinity is coming for your @ss!
Pasto - 3/14/2014, 8:17 AM
LMAO! You'll get an earful for that one.
Lhornbk - 3/14/2014, 8:18 AM
Oh, and once again, Marvel fanboys, trying to intimidate other studios by putting an unnamed movie on a certain date does NOT give Marvel some kind of special ownership of that date. And that is exactly what Marvel intended, to intimidate other studios into avoiding that date. That way Marvel could put up a lesser-known character like Dr. Strange and not have to worry about competition. Now it hasn't worked, and Marvel either has to hope WB blinks, blink themselves, or sacrifice some movie just to try to prove they have the cajones to stand their ground. Yes, I certainly hope one of the studios switches dates, especially if it is Capt. America, as he deserves better than to be a sacrificial lamb. But, I really hope it is Marvel that blinks, just to keep them from using intimidation tactics in the future. If they want a date, they should at least announce which movie will be in that date.
cipher - 3/14/2014, 8:21 AM
I'm just waiting for the inevitable flame wars. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, BABY!! The drinking games will be awesome.
cipher - 3/14/2014, 8:22 AM
Welcome to the site, by the way. Take it easy, man.
kinghulk - 3/14/2014, 8:25 AM
Lhornbk- they are entitled to choose that date for a film if they want just as much as WB are entitled to move BvS to that date. and both studios are entitled to remain at that date, marvel doesent have to move if they dont want and neither does WB but they would be stupid not too. i say 1 company move the release forward a week and the other back a week.
GizmoEl - 3/14/2014, 8:25 AM
How is it an intimidation tactic? Studios announce tentative release dates for many unnamed projects
QuestionDAnswer - 3/14/2014, 8:26 AM
I love this, because DC just gave Marvel the middle finger and wants to smash with Marvel. I know why DC did this. They know that an earlier release date benefits them more, especially for a comic book movie. This is going to be like The Monday Night Wars between WCW and WWF. This so exciting, I'm giggling like a little school girl. LOL, and when it comes to these types of things, it doesn't matter who had what first or who came first. What matter is who wins. DC has round 1 of the Comic Book Movie Wars in the bag for sure.
GizmoEl - 3/14/2014, 8:26 AM
It would be hilarious is AoA switched dates to that weekend as well. Hey TASM3 is out that year too right? They should all just join the party
DylansMyDog - 3/14/2014, 9:04 AM
Wow someone is trolling pretty hard lol
kong - 3/14/2014, 10:37 AM
Batman vs Superman would beat out Cap 3 just because the title. As long as they use the characters names in the title they win. The bad thing is both films would lose money since fans would be divided. I think Cap 3 should move, but since Fiege's said hey aren't it's make him seem pretty stupid if they did. I think the best thing would be letting Cao get that week to shine and then the next BvS should blow it out of the park and make everyone forget about Cap 3. Besides it wasn't confirmed that DC has moved yet. That's still a rumor. It happening is not very unlikely but still.

One thing I don't get it why do people think Marcwk wins if DC moves. Not only are they being nice to Marvel by saying "We respect you as a great studio so we'll let your movie shine", but that also means more money for them and Marvel. It's smart for them to move.

I hate all these flame wars. You don't have to like Marvel and DC both l, but we're not MarvelMovies.com or DCMovies.Com. We're ComicBookMovie.com so we should be asking one of them to move so that they can both succeed. Wanting a movie to fail is nothing any of us should do. Because
1) you're not out there making it.
2) hoping for something bad just makes you look like a negative person.
3) no matter what u say, a bad movie doesn't mean the rights revert to marvel. We had two bad F4 movies (reboot coming next year). One (in some perspectives two) bad Spider Man films, TASM 2 in two months. And two bad X-Men films, DOFP coming this year. Apocalypse coming 2016.
joshmosh - 3/14/2014, 12:47 PM
Marvel have been dominating the superheroes movie scene for the last 7 years, they are becoming too overconfident and they don't realise that two of the best known superheroes will square off on screen for the first time and JL in 2017 will be a game changer,I assure you guys.
Pedrito - 3/14/2014, 12:51 PM
How exactly will the game change in 2017 with the release of JL?
Just curious.
GizmoEl - 3/14/2014, 1:31 PM
I think it all comes down to a matter of respect. They're all in the same industry. Feige has gone on record saying that people should support all comic book movies doesn't have to be either marvel or DC. He's shown that he's respectful of what their rival is doing when he can easily be smug (justifiably so tbh). If Marvel moves the date (which was theirs to begin with), they'll again come out as the respectful company. They'd be the bigger man at this point. DC fanboys will call them weak but the fact will remain that they'll come out of it looking better. If DC backs away from the date then it'll undo the damage they created in the first place. They threw the first punch, no way they can play off as being the victim in this. They're considered the bully/aggrivator in this case and should show some respect to a company in the same industry as them. They've helped eachother make comic book movies great. Neither company should be petty.

When it comes down to it. Marvel comes off looking good with whichever choice.. DC should really work on building up their name instead of challenging the veteran.
GoldSlayer1 - 3/14/2014, 4:24 PM
I dont know if DC will move, haven't read anything that says they'll move.
but if thise 2 go head to head, BvS would dominated CA3.

Especially in the foreign market where Batman and Superman are much more recognized.

heres a look at how important the foreign market is to box office smashing movies

"proof" that most box office smashing movies require a big world wide audience, Check

$760 million in Domestic
$2,021 million Foreign (which excludes america)

The Dark Knight Rises
$448 million Domestic
$636 million Foreign

$658 Domestic
$1,528 million Foreign

$623 million Domestic
$895 million Foreign

Transformers: Dark of the moon
$352 Million Domestic
$771 Million Foreign

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2
$381 Million Domestic
$960 Foreign

LOTR: Return of the King
$377 Million Domestic
$742 Million Foreign

As you can tell, most of the Huge successful movies go huge in the foreign market.
and i can assure you Batman and superman are MUCH bigger than Captain America in the foreign market.
MightyZeus - 3/15/2014, 1:24 AM
I think they should both have a stand off. Have both studios keep there properties where they are now. I do prefer Batman vs Superman even though i'm a Marvel fan but i hope Captain America 3 and Batman vs Superman both do great at the box office.
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