With the Marvel Cinematic Universe exploring street-level superheroes across their four Netflix programs, many fans are speculating that the Punisher could show up to dispense his lethal brand of justice. After two box-office failures, the rights to Frank Castle returned to Marvel in 2013 [
along with Blade, Ghost Rider and Daredevil]. Marvel comic book fans will know that there's a rich history between Daredevil and Punisher, with Punisher representing a darker, deadlier version of what Daredevil fears he could become one day. While we've received no previous indication that the Punisher will show up on Daredevil, it would certainly be a welcome addition. However, if Frank Castle does make an appearance, he won't be played by fan-favorite Punisher actor Thomas Jane.
"I feel like I've [played a true version of the character already]. That's why I did [Dirty Laundry]. I wanted to create something that was truer to my own vision of what that [Punisher (2004)] could be. I feel like I put that out there. It was really well received. I hope that The Punisher will continue. I hope they get an idea of what it can be and how to make it successful. I hope that they use that short film as a template for how to make it truer to what that character is. I said what I wanted to say with that guy. I don't think I ever really was the perfect Frank Castle. I look at him as Italian. A guy who, I guess I'm the right age now, but I would see him as a weathered guy. My body is not quite perfect for Frank. I would see Frank as more of a square jawed, lock-jawed kind of guy. I don't know who it would be. I think you'd need an unknown to play Frank. He’s really the ideal asshole!"
Do you agree with Jane? Should the Punisher be an older, more weathered, Italian man with a square jaw? Do you think the Punisher will turn up on one of the Marvel Netflix shows or are you hoping Marvel Studios saves Frank Castle for a film appearance? Sound off in the usual spot below.
UPDATE: Apparently, a day after the interview ran over at iamRogue, Jane participated in a
reddit AMA and said that he actually would be interested in returning to the role, "with the right story". Apparently, Jane has conflicted feelings about a potential return.
Extra point: The Daredevil showrunner has already let it be known that he'd love to tackle Punisher.