McFarland & Pecci present the teaser trailer for The Dead Can’t Be Distracted. This visually stunning fan film is a brand new take on the Punisher inspired by the recent series by Greg Rucka. The film stars newcomer Nick Apostolides as a younger, more rugged, Castle who shares screen time with Evalena Marie (Steve Niles Remains) as Sargent Cole-Alves.
Looks pretty damned good, eh? Filmmakers Ian McFarland and Mike Pecci are aiming to release "The Dead Can't Be Distracted" later this summer. It will take inspiration from Greg Rucka's superb run - pencilled by Marco Checchetto for the most part - which was sadly cut short for Frank Castle to be made a part of the critically panned "Marvel NOW!"
Thunderbolts series. More promotional images can be found over at
Comic Book Resources.