Zone 414 is a sci-fi thriller set in a dangerous, dark colony of humanoids known as "the city of robots." Guy Pearce plays a private investigator, David Carmichael, who is hired to track down its creator's missing daughter, and it's then he teams up with Jane, a highly advanced A.I. who has all the emotions, feelings and dreams of a human being. As the story progresses, they travel through the city uncovering clues and a crime that calls into question the origins and purpose behind the city of artificial humans.
We spoke to Guy earlier this week to discuss his role in the movie (it's released in theaters, on Digital and On Demand on September 3, 2021) and took the opportunity to ask about his time in the Alien franchise. As we're sure you'll remember, Pearce played Peter Weyland in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, and while he was killed off in the former, there's room for his story to continue.
After all, Sir Ridley Scott once had plans for as many as three sequels, all of which were likely to be set in different time periods. That means Weyland's machinations could have been revisited, but has the actor heard anything about potentially returning to the franchise in the not too distant future?
"Well, I don’t know, to be honest. Again, I think with any of these...I wouldn’t have necessarily thought I’d get to do Covenant either! Who knows," Guy admits in the video above. "I’m not in regular contact with Ridley, but we do have semi-regular contact occasionally. I’m sure if there is something, he would certainly let me know. He was very generous to even put me in the films in the first place, and we’ve always talked about how pleased he was with what we came up with.
"I’m sure if there was the opportunity there, he’d go for it. There may come a point where I’m actually old enough to play Peter Weyland as the version as I am in real life as opposed to this 100-year-old, five-hour prosthetic makeup version of him," he added, teasing one of many possible scenarios for a return. "Obviously, when we did Covenant, I played the younger version of him, but of course, I would. It’d be a real honour because we know Alien from back in 1979 has left an incredible and indelible mark on people’s psyches as far as the sci-fi world. I mean, what a film. Just to be plugged into that to the degree I have has been a real honour. It was a really amazing experience."
An Alien TV series is in the works from Noah Hawley, but Scott's plans for the franchise since the Disney/Fox merger are a mystery to us right now. Hopefully, Guy will be part of any future movies, especially as the Weyland Corporation remains key to so much of what we've seen in these movies.
Check out the trailer for Zone 414 below: