STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All
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STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

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dracula - 1/9/2020, 2:21 AM
Another reason to not like this trilogy.

For the next trilogy either get a director willing to stick around for a trilogy or take a que from comic book movies. Instead of telling a big 3 part story, just tell 3 stories that can stand on their own, while still continuing the lead’s character arc. Im sure there are plenty of good stories to tell with the high republic
Talontd - 1/9/2020, 4:25 AM
@dracula - Agree with everything...

Can't believe there was no over-arching plan for this trilogy, smh...
dragon316 - 1/9/2020, 5:26 AM
@dracula - you do know half stars wars stories come from non comic books it doesn’t have come from comic books they can come from normal books as well that is how half movies are made twilight, phantom of opera , Romeo Juliet, titanic
dracula - 1/9/2020, 5:43 AM
@dragon316 - i wasnt saying take inspiration directly from comic book movies. I meant more how they tend to structure their trilogies. Look at Lord of the Rings. 3 films that tell one story. Thats great. Star wars did that and it worked for the originals and prequels(some times). Look at the Dark Knight Trilogy, The Dark Knight obviously continues the journey started in Batman Begins, but you dont need to see Batman Begins to understand anything in The Dark Knight
mastakilla39 - 1/9/2020, 8:58 AM
@dracula - Agree, they should have an outline like lucas did with the prequels and OT.

TROS couldve worked if JJ didnt try so hard to put everything he wouldve done in 8 into this last film. Its pointless to introduce new characters or planets in a last part. he shouldnt be paying so much homage to the past either.

Every new SW rrilogy is supposed to be for the current or next generation, not us oldies who grew up with the OT. I feel bad for this generation becuz this new trilogy wasnt made for them.
NubaX - 1/9/2020, 9:23 AM
@dracula - like it or not yall STILL paid your money to go see this like Good litte sheep KNOWING you weren't going to like it.

That said, yeah, I agree.
rkshuttleworth - 1/9/2020, 2:33 PM
@dracula - Why because all of the original characters should miraculously survive?
dracula - 1/9/2020, 2:36 PM
@rkshuttleworth - Didn't say to bring back the original characters.
bkmeijer2 - 1/9/2020, 2:30 AM
I really hope the novel is gonna gives a lot more insights into this movie. So much was missing
Spock0Clock - 1/9/2020, 2:37 AM
I can't believe they would do this. Every Star Wars Original Trilogy character is precious and personally beloved.

RedHood92 - 1/9/2020, 3:11 AM
WakandanQueen - 1/9/2020, 3:12 AM
Ruined forever! [frick] you Disney!!
Mockingdog - 1/9/2020, 3:16 AM
As long as Wedge survived... I’m fine.
ImNoSuperMan - 1/9/2020, 3:21 AM
I noticed. I just didn’t care.
Chewtoy - 1/9/2020, 4:09 AM
I didn’t care much for the film, but is this a sad way for a tertiary character to die? In the big final battle, struck down by the main antagonist? We’re people holding out hope for a major role for this character in the future that is now scuttled?
Nebula - 1/9/2020, 5:06 AM
@Chewtoy - It's a character who has been around for all of our lives and we've got positive memories associated with him. He was essentially personally responsible for the second Death Star blowing up, and here he dies and is treated as cannon-fodder.
TexasAvenger - 1/9/2020, 8:03 AM
@Chewtoy - People are crazy man. He was a [frick]ing nobody. Lol
Chewtoy - 1/9/2020, 8:29 AM
@Nebula - I watched the original Star Wars during its original theatrical release, and was a huge fan all through the first trilogy. Nien Nunb was around for a few seconds of screen time in my life. He was fine, but I’ve never once wondered what happened to him since. I’m surprised that, if he died in this film, it was relegated to the background (In a “why bother to use him at all?” way, which I can ultimately chalk up to being an editing thing) but that’s the extent of it for me.
Nebula - 1/9/2020, 8:47 AM
@Chewtoy - He was in TFA and TLJ too. He's a character who was around for something major and did something major. Not only that, think about all the kids playing with their Star Wars toys. Nien would be amongst that. For thirty years, he's been around and notable. If he isn't then what's up with all of these articles today about his death?

Star Wars is all about minor characters. Just think about that guy running around on Cloud City with his ice cream machine — something they essentially paid homage to in The Mandalorian because The Mandalorian gets Star Wars.
SuperCat - 1/9/2020, 4:49 AM
Nightwing1015 - 1/9/2020, 4:56 AM
The moments where all the ships turned up was pretty stupid anyway. A good idea, but really stupid in practice. For starters it makes it look like an Endgame rip-off. When all hope is lost - a surprise army arrives. But here's why it works in Endgame but not TROS:

In Endgame, we actually know the army. We've seen them in 20 other films up until that point. They are comprised of fan favourite characters. In Rise of Skywalker, they are random ship designs. We don't even get to see any of the pilots. We literally know nothing about any of them so them showing up lacks any weight.

Aside from anything, as people have pointed out it doesn't really make sense in canon either. How did Lando gather such a large army so quickly? How are civillain ships a match for a fleet of Star Destroyers? Wouldn't that be like sending a small town militia against the US army? They would get obliterated. The Tantive IV for example is a diplomatic vessel. Going against a Star Destroyer would be (and apparently was) suicide. As if those ships could inflict any real damage.
Nebula - 1/9/2020, 5:00 AM
@Nightwing1015 - It's also unimpressive because they've legitimately just spammed copy/paste with ship models they had on hand. A lot of the types of ships have absolutely no business being there — like the bombers from the beginning of TLJ or Han's freighter from TFA.
Nebula - 1/9/2020, 5:02 AM
Is it me or did they just abandon the whole "real stuff, practical effects, models" with TLJ? I know they used models for space scenes in Rogue One — and that's the best looking Star Wars film there is.
Nebula - 1/9/2020, 4:58 AM
Yeah, we did. Pretty sure it happened on screen.
My reaction was something along the lines of:
Nebula - 1/9/2020, 5:04 AM
Thinking about it, it got more of a reaction out of me than when Rey "died". Maybe Kylo's too, though I did find it sad when he smiled after the awful kiss.
dragon316 - 1/9/2020, 5:26 AM
I hadn’t notice I wasn’t fan of that character no offense
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